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Windsurfing New Zealand News -
December/January |
9 Pah Road, Onetangi, Waiheke Island, Auckland, New Zealand. Ph/Fax (09) 372-9422 Email: wsurfnz@nznet.gen.nz Wendy Kendall/Secretary |
From the Office
Also a big welcome to our new members:
(name, NZL number) Donna Allcock 308 J Beker Chris Dimmock 26 Maree Flannery 176 David Gould 105 Justin Hall Morag Kilpatrick 172 Peg Lockyer 174 Karen Masterston Darryl Mc Connell 771 Paul Milne 152 Lyndsay Phillip 49 Clair Renall Lloyd Ries 52 Mike Sinclair 731 William Thorpe 104 Maarten Van Rossum 818 Burkhard Vierth 148 Bryan Walford 417 C- Dave Webb |
Greetings, I hope you all enjoy our bumper xmas issue.
Activities are rolling on here at the office: I have been replying to all sorts of
requests about windsurfing from school children and university students to new members and
enquiries from tourists. The Calendar has a few more events added such as the City of
Sails series, the Volcanic Classic, the Secondary School Regatta and the Formula 42
Nationals. Thanks to those who are organising these events. I spent a week filming the
Instructors Course: 27-30 November, for the CD-ROM. There were eight Instructors - a
rather large group, with most flying through the intensive training which concentrates on
communication skills as well as sailing skills and knowledge about other aspects such as
weather and tides, sailing theory, safety and first aid. Congratulations to: Robert Cels,
Troy Stevens, Nick Herd, Vaughan Clark, Allister Swan, Gareth Griffiths, Phillip Leadley
and Donna Allcock.
Our first Progressive Coach Training Course was held down in Christchurch at the Eastcoast
Boardriding School in early October. There were four participants - some only recently
qualified WNZ Instructors, who all gave very enthusiastic feedback, and were already using
their new skills of coaching students through beach and water starts, using harnesses and
footstraps, and carve-gybing technique - with instant results. We are planning to hold one
of these courses in Auckland if we receive enough demand.
The following week Ben Corrigan held a Competence Instructors Course at the Watercooled
Windsurfing School in Dunedin. There are now six new WNZ Instructors swelling the fleets
in Dunedin - Phillip Ware, Oliver Bradshaw , John Monk, Gavin Jackson, Colin Lumb and
Andrew Maffey. They can now instruct a group of beginners about the fundamentals of
windsurfing, including wind and weather,
equipment, safety and technique. WNZ Instructors are sought after both in New
Zealand and overseas - in fact there is a job available in FIJI at present (contact the
WNZ office for details). To become a WNZ Instructor you will need to be at least 18yrs of
age, hold a First Aid Certificate, and be able to manoeuvre a longboard confidently.
Thanks to all the retailers who have really made an effort - Howard
Anderson in Invercargill, the guys down in Dunedin - Watercooled and Custom Windsurf,
Underground and Eastcoast in Christchurch, Ken Kingsbury at Rotorua Windsurfers, Southern
Sails in Picton, Tradewinds in Nelson, Zimmos in Taranaki and in Auckland: Pt Chevalier
Sailboards, The Pro Shop, WildWindSurf and recently Windsurfing South Pacific. Thanks for
your support. Please ensure that if you have information on our home page: (www.winzurf.co.nz), it is updated soon. Contact Bruce
Spedding at home: 04 475 9236, or by email: bruce@winzurf.co.nz.
Bruce will be updating the whole system soon, so our newsletters and the calendar
including Notices of Race, are able to be accessed by our members and so I can update WNZ
information on the home page regularly.
Hope everyone has a great holiday - the wind looks promising for pursuing our favourite
Wendy Kendall.
Administrator, Windsurfing NZ
Event: | 1999 Formula 42 and Raceboard Nationals |
Organisers: | Manukau Windsurfing Club |
Date: | 20 and 21 March 1999 |
Venue: | Conifer Grove Reserve |
Registration: | 0930 to 1045, Saturday 20 March |
Briefing: | 1100, Saturday 20 March |
Sponsors: | TBD |
Classes: | Formula 42, Raceboard, IMCO, Sports Divisions: (IMCO) Men, Women, Youth (F42) Masters - age 35 and over, (F42) Grandmasters - aged 45 and over |
Contact Name: | Arthur Gatland ph (09) 537-0343 |
Race Format | Course Races (M, triangle, trapezoid or similar). 3 or 4 races per day. |
Entry Fee: | $60 |
Entry requirements: | NZL number, or overseas National number |
FORMULA 42 Nationals ...
As discussed, no other Clubs seem interested in running
the F42 Nationals. Everyone is well aware that this event is missing from the calendar,
but no-one has come forward and expressed a willingness to organise this important
event. The Manukau Club and I feel that if we don't do it, no-one will.
Although we have run it recently, and we would rather see it go to a different venue, we
will lodge an application to WSNZ to run the nationals to make sure that it happens!
Provisional details are as follows:
Arthur Gatland
Anyone interested in meeting / helping a visiting
windsurfer? Hello Bruce! |
WOW had a fantastic opening night down at the Pt Chev club
rooms the other week with up to 32 women participating in activities. What a
fabulous turnout - the boys were all craning their necks trying to find out what we were
all doing in the club house - keep guessing boys!!!!!
Tuesday nights have turned out quite popular and any ladies interested are welcome
to join us for a night of fun and even a bit of tuition thrown in. We have fun
racing nights the last Tuesday in each month.
Just remember the Rangitoto relay event coming up end of November - 3 people per team (one
must be female) - did I say fancy dress??. It will be a fun day open to all levels
with spot prizes to boot - so we will see you all there. Check out the events
calendar in Aug-Oct issue for contact details.
****** Cheers SUE H
Wellington Windsurfing Association news -
The WWA got off to a somewhat shakey start this season when it looked like a committee to carry us through the next season may not be forthcoming, however after some soul searching it was resolved to not run the traditional big events (Ditch Derby and Harbour Blast) which have tended to sap the energy and enthusiasm of organisers, but to concentrate on more localised, social, less competitive and demanding - but most important FUN events. The result has been a series of simple but successful activities, including ... BBQs and swap meets at Pauatahanui and Eastbourne, ably supported by Dave McPhee and Wildwinds, course racing first Thursday of each month (from 6pm) at Seatoun.
The King of the Ditch event happened (no Queens entered, althopugh there were a couple of nominations on the day) - with new Wellingtonian Noel Shanks (Boardriders) and old Wellingtonian Roger Tweddell (North) providing shelter, sustenance and entertainment.
Typically the event, planned for the prevailing Evans Bay NW was graced later in the day by a southerly, and saw 25 sailors , many not normally seen at competitive events around Wellington, vying for the title. Wellingtonian Gary McCory narrowly (like 1 point on a recount) took the title from James Dinnis. With attitude scoring equally against technique Gary's "try everything" display won out (he had only learned to loop a few days earlier). Gary's tutors Troy Purcell and Woo (Loop Clinic) Norris came 3rd and 4th respectively. Rod Drury won the novice (non-looping) section.
The unseasonal southeasterlies have seen a concentration of sailors at Pauatahauni , one of the few sailable locations around Wellington in those conditions, especially when Kio Bay has large sewerage warning signs posted.
Coming up: 19-20 December there is a Women's Gybing Clinic arranged with Cindy Mosey coming over from Nelson. Numbers will be limited , contact Ruth Wallis 04 485 4898
Following on from the NZ Slalom Nationals a trip the Lake Clearwater is planned - 6-10 February - contact Dave at Wildwinds or Bronwyn 04 386 2550 wardb@transpower.co.nz
Monthly BBQ at Eastbourne 1st Sunday each month except January (or if no wind) 10am - 4pm approx. As with all WWA events, the rescue boat will be available, all levels welcome.
The WWA is still working towards a launching and rigging facility at Balaena Bay in Evans Bay, after efforts earlier this year were squashed by the council at the last minute. There is a feeling that windsurfing has become a victim of the WCC push to deny that Wellington is Windy because they think it's a turnoff to tourists. They should take more notice of the tourist buses which regularly stop to allow the visitors to photograph the windsurfing in Evans Bay!
As always, the WWA is looking to increase membership - so join before 23rd December and you go in the draw for a harness donated by the WWA and Wildwinds - send $25 ($40 family) with details to WWA, Box 453 Wellington.
![]() Excellent part-time job which can be done from home - excellent
opportunity for a keen windsurfer and extra income. |
You will need:
What's new online ....
There are a number of new arrivals on the net recently, including some online wind services. Dave has a windmeter at Tangimoana with local news and reports, while Rod & Co. have Windnet with windmeters at Evans Bay and Plimmerton in Wellington, and WINDNet in Christchurch have , and Lake Ellesmere, Lyttleton, Estuary and Northbeach covered.
The Tangimoana site appears to be noncommercial, Wellington gives live data on the net free (at present) but is trialling a pager system, while the Christchurch system works on an 0900 number (99c/min). Look for more sites and web cams (cameras feeding live pictures onto the net) in the future.
also on the net is the CANTERBURY WINDSURFING
The big news there was getting Barbara Kendall along for their last meeting of 98 at the Ferrymeade Tavern, obviously the local "Windsurfers Arms".
The wiNZurf site contains the guide to New Zealand, the
Windsurfing New Zealand pages, and is home to a variety of other
windsurfing clubs and businesses. Also here are the Rec@ds Recreational
Classified ads pages, and RecNZ, a database of New Zealand Recreation. Both databases are
free to use and add your own information. wiNZurf also offers free web space to
windsurfing clubs and businesses who support Windsurfing NZ. http://www.winzurf.co.nz
The 1998/1999 windsurfing event calendar is online
too, if you are reading this newsletter online click http://www.winzurf.co.nz/windsurf/nzwa/windsurfing_calendar_98__99.htm
otherwise it should be appended to this newsletter.
New Zealand Windsurfer has a new owner, and a new look - but most important it still supports WNZ - 5 issues for $34.75 or 8 for $55.00, and you go in the draw for a new surfboard. PO Box 105-207, Queen St. Auckland.
That was the headline for the press release from the Mistral Worlds at Brest for 1998 - it went on ...
Barbara KENDALL for the women and Aaron MCINTOSH for the men stand both on the higher level of the final podium. Very chauvinistically, we are very proud for Faustine MERRET (France) who finished third in the overall classification.
The sun popped his head out of the clouds, for an even better progress of the last day for the 98 Mistral World Championship held in Brest. With a 12 knots S/W wind during the first race, increasing to 20 knots for the second and last race, the 173 competitors were able to have and ultimate glance around the Brest Sailing Area.
Victory, with no doubts, for Barbara KENDALL (NZL) who arrived first for the last race, and who took with 14 points lead, in this way the crown from the head of Lee-Laï SHAN (HKG), actual World Champion.
Alessandra SENSINI, from Italy, because of a premature start, is missing the third podium step to the benefit of Faustine MERRET from France.
MEN after 11 races
Its a consecration for Aaron McINTOSH (NZL) who, for two years running, won the Mistral World Championship.
Amit INBAR from Israël (98 European Champion) and Nikos KAKLAMANAKIS from Greece (Gold medal for the 96 O.G), his more fearsome opponents, had to bow out from the Kiwi supremacy.
Bruce Kendall, Jon-Paul Tobin and Julie Worth were also well placed at the event. The following is a summary of press releases giving a feel for the way the racing progessed (I gave up on the spelling)
October 10: ... On Saturday, the 10th of october, 173 competitors (107 men and 66 women) of about 40 nations who have taken part in the Mistral World Championship 98, were in the starting blocks. The measurers made the last checks ; some of the competitors went on sailing and others took advantage of this day to relax.
The stakes are importants for the competitors and the nations.
Besides the Men and Women World Champion titles, the Mistral World Championship 98 in Brest will begin the qualifications for the nations for the Olympic Games of Sydney. The twelve first nations for men and the eight for women will be qualified for the next Olympic Games.
Among the favourites for Men World Champion Title, we can bet on the Greek Nikos KAKLAMANAKIS, who was the 96 Olympic champion, on Carlos ESPINOLA, the Argentinian who was silver medallist at Atlanta Olympic Games. We can also bet on Aaron McINTOSH, a new Zealander, who was the 97 World Champion, on Amit INBAR, an Israeli, the 97 Vice World champion and 98 European champion and on the French, Cédric LEROY. As far as the women World Champion title is concerned, we can bet on the French women competitors, Maud HERBERT, 5 times World champion, 98 European Champion, on Justine GARDAHAUT, the 97 Vice European champion, the 95 European Champion, and Faustine MERRET, who was second at 98 Sydney Olympic Regatta.
French women competitors will have to confront to Lee Laï SHAN from Hong Kong, the 97 World Champion, to the New Zealander Barbara KENDALL, the winner of the 97 Sydney Olympic Regatta, and to the Italian Alessandra SENSINI, who was bronze medallist at the 96 O.G.
October 11:...RACE 1 Women 66 listed, After a false departure, all the competitors dashed themselves around 12H00.A.M, to come first ; first battle and very first race for 1998 Mistral Mistral World Championship in Brest. As soon as the competition started, the favourites were there ! Barbara KENDALL from New Zealand, winner of pré-olympique selection Week in September 98, was first on the departure line, and it has been impossible for any other competitor to pass her before the arrival. Maud HERBERT 5 times World Champion 91, 92, 94, 95 et 96 arrived second at very a short distance from the new-zealander . The 1997 World Champion and 96 Olympic Gold Medal, Lee Laï SHAN from Hongkong came third, in front of Faustine MERRET from France who arrived second for the pre-olympic selection Week last September.
RACE 2 Women 66 listed, Nearly the same pattern as the first race. The decreasing wind was not an obstacle for Barbara KENDALL who finished first again. In second arrived Lee Laï SHAN from Hongkong, and the american Lanee BUTLER, came third.
MEN If it was possible to run together for the women, it has been a little different for the men ; the important number of competitors listed, forced the organisators to separate them in two different groups GROUP A and GROUP B. The first round ( from Sunday October the 11th until Wednesday, October the 14th) will take only fifty per cent of all the competitors in each group up to the second round (from Thursday, October the 15th until Saturday, October 17th ). The fifty per cent eliminated will then, run on the Silver Fleet, and all the others on the Gold Fleet.
RACE 1 GROUP A MEN 54 listed: Prezmek MIARCZYNSKI from Poland was the winner for the first race in the group A, in front of the 1997 world champion Aaron Mc INTOSH from New Zealand. The french Stephane JAOUEN, finished third.
RACE 1 GROUP B MEN 53 listed.: In the group B, the french Alexandre GUYADER, arrived first in front of the Israeli Inbar AMIT, 98 European Champion and 97 World Vice Champion. Nikos KAKLAMANAKIS, 96 Olympic Champion, from Greece, finished third.
RACE 2 GROUP A MEN 54 listed: Prezmek MIARCZYNSKI from Poland, finished again first in front of Joao RODRIGUES, from Portugal 3d in 97 World Championship. Laurent CALI from French finished third.
RACE 2 GROUP B MEN 53 listed: Mingdong LI from China was the best in this race in front of the greek olympic champion KAKLAMANAKIS and Arun HOMRARUEN from Thaïland.
October 12:
WOMEN: Monday October 12th, 66 women were on the starting post to run two races for the 98 Mistral Worldchampionship in Brest. The french coach thierry FRANCOIS believes that the competition will be very hard until the end. Probably, regularity will make the difference. Barbara KENDALL (NZ), Lee-Laî SHAN (HKG), Chujun ZHANG (China) are among the more consistent competitors (in spite of the fact that Barbara finished 16 for the 4th race. You never know. !).Faustine MERRET from France is also very consistent in her results, may be a little less than the three first one, but well wait and see, the game is far from being finished yet .
RACE 3 Women 66 listed: Barbara KENDALL the new-zelander, first at the overall results on Sunday, was the leader during most of the race, but finished third after Justine GARDAHAUT (vice champion for the 97 European Championship) who arrived first and the 96 Olympic Champion, Lee Laï SHAN from Hongkong who arrived second.
RACE 4 Women 66 listed.: China was the lead country during this race. Probably, because of the light wind and their small size, the two chineese, Chujun ZHANG and Ying HUANG finished respectively at the first and the second place. The american Lanee BUTLER arrived third just in front of Faustine MERRET from France.
RACE 3 GROUP A MEN 54 listed: The New Zealander Bruce KENDALL was the winner of the third race, in front of the young French Stéphane JAOUEN (from BREST) who is doing a very promising start for the 98 Mistral World Championship. Chris SIEBER from Austria finished third. The 96 Olympic Champion Nikos KAKALAMANAKIS finished 8th, and the actual World Champion Aaron McInTOSH from New Zealand finished 7th.
RACE 3 GROUP B MEN - 53 listed: Miroslaw MALEK arrived first in front of the 98 European champion Amit INBAR from Israel and Joao RODRIGUES from Portugal, second at the 98 European Championship and third at the 97 World Championship. Nicola BEUDOU was the first at the french team, at the 5th place .
RACE 4 GROUP A MEN 54 listed: The 96 Olympic champion Nikos KAKLAMANAKIS from Greece, winned his first race for the 98 World Championship, in front of Chris SIEBER from Austria who arrived second and Frédéric DUTHIL from France who finished third.
RACE 4 GROUP B MEN 53 listed: Jon Paul TOBIn from New zealand arrived first in front of Eduardo GARCIA from Argentina, second and Nicolas HUGUET from France, third.
October 15:
WOMEN: Very good day for Maud HERBERT from France, who finished second and first of the two races this Tuesday ! The slightly increasing wind today seems to be a favourable factor for Maud HERBERTs good classement and for Alessandra SENSINI, actual European Champion, from Italy who arrived first at the first race today. In the overall classification the four competitors into the lead : Barbara KENDALL (NZL), Lee-Laï SHAN (HKG), ,Chujun ZHANG (CHN) and Faustine MERRET (FRA) are slightly in advance in front of the others, but none of them can pretend, yet, to reach the 98 World Champion Title : anything can happen during the second round ..All the competitors deserved the short break of Wednesday and they will, may be, do some sightseeing around Brest, or more probably use this day to relaxe psychologically and physically, to be in a good shape for the second round of Thursday, October the 15th.
RACE 5 Women 66 listed: Alessandra SENSINI, Italy, bronze medal at the 96 Olympic Game in Atlanta, arrived first at a short head in front of Maud HERBERT (France), five times World Champion, second, and Barbara KENDALL (New-Zealand), 92 Olympic Champion, third. Lee-Laï SHAN from (HKG), 96 gold Medal at Atlanta, arrived 6.Th.
RACE 6 Women 66 listed.: Maud HERBERT (France) was the leader during all this race and finished first, in front of Barbara KENDALL (NZ), second, and Jessica CRISP (Australia), third. It was not a very good race for Lee-Laï SHAN (HKG) who finished at the 8th place (her worsth position since the beginning of the competition ! ).
MEN: Because of the very important number of the competitors registred for the men contest, during the 98 Mistral World Championship, the organisators had to separate them into two differents groups. After a short break on Wednesday, the 54 windsurfers at the lead will, then, compete into the gold fleet (all their points cumulated during the previous day of the competition will, of course, remains). All the others, will compete into the silver fleet and their qualification will start from 54th down to 107th, for the 98 World Championship. Aaron Mc INTOSH (NZL) was the great leader today : he finished first for the two races. But he discreetly whispered to us : " were only at he half way mark, and the titled is not on my head yet ; Nikos KAKLAMANAKIS is still there with a lot of fire and all the others competitors are doing their very best ! ". But without any doubt, Aaron as well, has got a lot of fire .and ambitions !
RACE 5 GROUP A MEN 54 listed: Aaron MCINTOSH (NZL) arrived first a short head before Nicolas HUGUET from France who finished second and Galvan MARCOS (ARG), third.
RACE 5 GROUP B MEN - 53 listed: Chris SIEBER from Austria was the best tactician in this race and finished first in front of Joao RODRIGUES (Portugal) second, and Przemek MIARCZYNSKI from Poland),third.
RACE 6 GROUP A MEN 54 listed: Aaron Mc INTOSH World Champion in title is again leader in front of Amit INBAR (Israël) 97 vice-world Champion, 98 European champion, who finished second and Nikos KAKLAMANAKIS (Greece), 96 gold medal in Atlanta who arrived third.
RACE 6 GROUP B MEN 53 listed: Dominic TIDEY (USA) arrived first, at a very short distance, in front of Laurent CALI (France) who finished second and Carlos ESPIONOLA (Argentina), silver medal in Atlanta, third.
October 16
The Winning Podium start to stand out on the Horizon .
The weather forecast proved to be right today : the South /West wind 25 Knots, have sweeped across the 1998 World Mistral Championship races area all day. Tomorrow will be the last day of the competition and it was very important today to organise at least three races for the men and for the women. The very good wind conditions made it possible.
MEN - First day for the final in the men contest : the 54 first competitors in the overall classification fighted harshly on the water, and the game is far from being over yet ! At the end of the day, MCINTOSH come first with 14 points lead, in front of INBAR (ISR), 1998 European champion, but the Greek KAKLAMANKIS is not very far, well decided to grap the opportunity to take the 1998 title to the actual champion.
WOMEN At last some wind ! Exclaimed together Alessandra SENSINI from Italy and Maud HERBERT from France. The two breeze specialist shared the two frist places with a tiny advantage for the french girl ; very much at her ease in this wind condition. Maud, catch up in this manner, at the 5th place in the overall classificatiion, and then, will be may be able, if the wind remains the same tomorrow, to stand on the podium. But Barbara KENDALL is as well, at her ease in this type of wind and shes still the first with 12 points lead, in front of Lee Lai SHAN the actual champion. At the end of the day, SENSINI finish 3rd, that has created a gap with Faustine MERRET who can probably, pretend with difficulty to stand on the podium yet, because of some tacticals mistakes. Tomorrow, only two races will, most certainly, be organised, to give a last chance to the 5 first competitors to fight for a few more points... (this was the last release before the final results ...)
Broadreach - Newsletter of Windsurfing New Zealand - December 98 - January 99 |
Mistral Worlds ... Final Placings - Women Rgs Noms Points Rangs aux manches 1 KENDALL Barbara 29.00 1 1 3 16 3 2 3 2 10 3 1 NOUVELLE-ZELAND 2 SHAN Lee lai 45.00 3 2 2 6 6 7 9 5 6 1 7 HONG-KONG 3 MERRET Faustine 59.00 4 8 6 4 4 6 5 17 13 5 4 FRANCE 4 SENSINI Alessandra 60.00 6 9 14 18 1 4 1 3 2 BFR 2 ITALIE 5 CRISP JESSICA 68.00 5 13 8 10 10 3 2 6 11 7 6 AUSTRALIE 6 HERBERT Maud 78.00 2 16 31 26 2 1 4 1 1 22 3 FRANCE 7 GARDAHAUT Justine 86.00 11 21 1 8 16 13 13 7 7 2 8 FRANCE 8 ZHANG Chujun 89.00 6 4 4 1 8 5 32 37 4 10 15 CHINE 9 HUANG Ying 106.00 18 11 10 2 5 8 8 14 31 12 18 CHINE 10 NUVOLONE Sandrine 135.00 8 6 12 11 9 11 10 DSQ 26 33 9 FRANCE |
Mistral Worlds ... Final Placings - Men
Rgs Noms Points Rangs aux manches 1 MCINTOSH Aaron 38.00 2 16 7 5 1 1 4 2 3 6 7 NOUVELLE ZELAND 2 INBAR Amit 64.00 2 7 2 13 BFR 2 5 7 1 8 17 ISRAEL 3 RODRIGUES Joao 67.00 14 2 3 10 2 6 10 8 20 1 11 PORTUGAL 4 KAKLAMANAKIS Nikolas 73.00 3 2 8 1 12 3 11 1 27 34 5 GRECE 5 ESPINOLA Carlos 79.00 4 9 10 4 12 3 7 11 17 2 32 ARGENTINE 6 SIEBER Chris 86.00 13 16 3 2 1 11 3 10 14 46 13 AUTRICHE 7 KENDALL Bruce 92.00 9 13 1 6 14 16 27 4 4 3 22 NOUVELLE ZELAND 8 MIARCZYNSKI Przemek 93.00 1 1 12 24 3 9 24 3 7 19 14 POLOGNE 9 HUGUET Nicolas 96.00 33 8 9 3 2 7 13 12 11 27 4 FRANCE 10 GALVAN Marcos 98.00 12 15 4 13 3 15 16 6 9 11 10 ARGENTINE 11 TOBIN Jon-Paul 109.00 35 31 18 1 11 4 14 13 2 12 3 NOUVELLE ZELAND
Scott Fenton may
not have been as successful on the tour this year as he perhaps hoped, but as this account
shows, he's still very much up there ...
Scott Fenton wins the first Indoor Extreme Jump contest
Via IFCA...
The 1998 Paris Delichoc Technowave, 10th October
Stade de France, Paris
Scott Fenton wins the first Indoor Extreme Jump contest
An entirely new concept in indoor windsurfing was debuted in Paris this
weekend. The indoor windsurfing discipline which was first performed in Frances
capital city nearly 10 years ago took an entirely new format as the racing discipline was
discarded to be replaced by a custom made ramp, pool, fans accompanied by of some of the
worlds top Techno DJs.
The location for the extreme jump was incredible, the sense of national pride surrounding
the brand new Stade de France, location of Frances historic World Cup Soccer victory
is immense. The worlds top windsurfers arrived in this magical venue to perform for
the crowds. World number 3* Scott Fenton, Americas Matt Pritchard, Wildman Robert
Teriitehau, Showman Eric Thieme, Multiple World Champion Nathalie LeLievre, French
national champion Antoine Albeau and many more teamed with Sash, Mousse T, DJ Fred and
Arnold T to create a highly charged mix of jump action and dance music. Eric Thieme,
famous for his outrageous wetsuits again thrilled the crowd, arriving on-stage dressed in
a wetsuit version of the French national soccer strip ! A special mention should go to
Italys Matteo Bof, better known by windsurfers as I33, Matteo has a rapidly
developing music career with Italian band Bof. Matteo played live before his
largest ever audience, nearly 20,000 fans in the half-time interval.
The pool was a completely new concept, sailors launched into the water, directly from the
DJs booth to begin a 70m run-up in a specially designed pool, just 10m wide. As
sailors hit the indoor jump ramp, they moved up into the wind from 6 especially raised
fans, designed to keep sailors powered up through the jump, allowing increased
rotation and a whole new realm of possibilities before sailors land in a deepened 20 x 20m
splash pool.
field of 12 top windsurfers took part in the first half of the show, as each sailor had 3
qualification jumps to make the top 6 for the show final. The new format and jump ramp
made for incredible performances as sailors performed huge forwards, table tops and
spectacular back loops. French stars Antoine Albeau and Thierry Belbeoch fond
themselves inspired by the huge crowd and atmosphere in the national stadium and both
sailors excelled. Albeau, who is not known for his indoor jump results put on an
incredible performance landing back-loops cleanly to qualify for the final 6 in the second
half of the show.
However, the show would belong to three sailors, Kiwi Scott Fenton and American Matt
Pritchard and Stephane Etienne. The crowd took an immediate liking to the bright blue
mo-hawked New-Zealander who revelled in the electric atmosphere and took nearly 10 minutes
to return to the pits after each jump, spending time signing autographs and greeting the
thousands of super-enthusiastic fans. Fenton, Pritchard and Etienne enthralled the crowd
with truly extreme jumping. The top three could not decide the contest winner
until the very last jump. Matt Pritchards final jump sent the crowd wild as he
became only the second ever sailor to perform an indoor push loop, a move only
ever performed successfully by his great friend and rival, Scott Fenton. Pritchards
performed the rotation perfectly but was unable to land with the precision he would have
liked and missed out on victory by just a few points. Leaving Fenton to take the victory
with Pritchard and Etienne as runner-up.The overwhelming impression of the show was
a complete success, the artists who played found themselves amazed by the
super-enthusiastic crowd who spent almost the entire show on their feet, cheering waving,
or performing mexican waves !
The Extreme jump concept has proved itself as a fantastic new concept and format for the
indoor windsurf discipline ... watch out for the new show at a european capitol near you
soon !!
®SSM Freesports unless credited as SSM/ Dan Atkins
1998 PWA World
Rankings - Summary Following the conclusion of the 1998 World Tour the PWA has produced the following World Rankings:
PWA Race Ranking (Men) PWA Wave Ranking (Women)
The 1998 Freestyle season began on
Neuseidler See, near Vienna, Austria. Matt Pritchard, US-93 had the honour of winning the
first ever PWA Freestyle event, finishing ahead of H-24 Peter Volwater and E-11 Bjorn
Dunkerbeck. Dunkerbeck, the PWA Overall World Champion showed his versatility at the
second Freestyle event of 1998 at Fuerteventura, taking a clear victory. This win by
Dunkerbeck secured the first ever PWA Freestyle World Title meaning that he has now held
every PWA World Title except for indoor ! Matt Pritchard, US-93 has had an incredible year
also finishing on the podium in every discipline except speed this year. Matt Pritchard
took second position in the Freestyle world ranking, trailing Bjorn Dunkerbeck by just a
few points, and sliding in ahead of N-44 Vidar Jensen. |
Broadreach - Newsletter of Windsurfing New Zealand - December 98 - January 99 |
Contact Windsurfing NZ or Proteus Sports Ltd. (852) 2854 1713, fax (852) 2854 1026 or email proteus@asiaonline.net |
![]() Note: Current NZL Sail numbers are required by all entrants - these can be obtained by becoming affiliated to Windsurfing NZ (contact the secretary, 11 York Street, Opawa, Christchurch,Auckland, Ph/Fax (09) 372-9422, wsurfnz@nznet.gen.nz) |
Also new in NZ is the American Windsurfer, a
somewhat different publication from the usual windsurf mags, more expensive but a
larger, glossy "coffee table" format that is also more likely to catch the
interest of the non sailor with it's photo essays and in depth articles. Check your local
shop or contact Graeme Wilson, 97a Cook St, Howick, Auckland. grahamew@ihug.co.nz
from Rigby Cooke Lawyers:
Over the past few months, WNZ has been receiving very interesting articles
about recent law issues affecting sport - both administratively and in the workplace. Here
follows some of the more relevent excerpts:
INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY: With the commercialisation of sport, it is
becoming increasinly important for sport to properly use its Intellectual property as this
can form the basisi of successful commercial merchandising and branding programs.
Intellectual property now includes what used to be
"industrial property" patents, industrial designs, trade marks, service marks
and trade and busines names, and also rights in artistic or literary creations such as
First identify these properties: logos, mascots, names of events, written programmes,
equipment and confidential information. Then determine if these could be developed
further. A marketing and merchandising strategy should then be developed to maximise
protection of Intellectual Property as it is an asset which sports can offer sponsors and
increase the value of
potential sponsorhips for sport.
For a complete article, contact WNZ.
Recently a decision was handed down by the Supreme Court of New South
Wales Court of Appeal which has the potential to expand the law of negligence in respect
to duties owed by sports administrators. The finding was that a sports administrator could
owe a duty of care to persons within the sport in respect of the laws or rules of the
sport. A duty of care is not negated merely because participation in the sport is
This includes event organisors, windsurfing clubs and schools - make sure you have a risk
management procedure in place - knowing that you are satisfying your legal, moral and
ethical duties by providing safe and effective sporting services will also increase your
satisfaction and peace
of mind.
The Hillary Commission has reviewed the criteria for allocation of funds
under the Community Sport Fund. Key Policy Decisions are:
Clubs can apply and should contact their Community Sport Fund
Administrator at their nearest City or district council for an application form - soon!
(An article from the Counties Manukau sports Foundation newsletter)
A Sporting Club is guaranteed success if it is vital, business-like, professional and
efficient and has a sense of urgency at all levels. Many clubs aspire to this and those
that come close stand out and win on all fronts. One of the essential skills in managing a
sporting club is the ability to define the best path to wherever you decide to go and to
get those that matter behind you.
The local sporting club is often the base of community social interaction and is the
natural gathering place for the armies of volunteers that so willingly give their time to
make a contribution to the community and to derive real enjoyment out of it. Organised
clubs and groups are fundamental to the fabric of our society in the development of our
youngsters into contributing, responsible members of the community.
by John Ryan, from the Ministry of Sport and Recreation, West Aussie.
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FUNBOARD INSTRUCTION NEW ZEALAND A variety of instruction packages from FINZTASTER - 1 hour introduction, through to CLINICS and even 3 days in the WAVES at Taranaki: James Dinnis - Wave and Slalom Guru, and Ben Corrigan - NZ's most experienced trainer... |
Contact details Point Chevalier 09 815 8585, 025 272 7664 Bucklands Beach 09 570 5121, 025 227 3373 Taranaki 06 752 7274, 021 665 263 |
![]() Albany Timber Distributors Penninsula Small Boat Classic - approx 12 nautical miles, open to sailboards $10 entry Sat 26 December. Manly All Comers Christmas Regatta - 27/28 December - open to sailboards, $25 senior, $15 junior |