About the Windsurfing New Zealand
The WNZ is a non-profit organisation set up to promote,
organise and represent windsurfing at a national level. It was formed in 1980 as the NZ
Boardsailing Association which was an Auckland based committee with individual members. In
1990, it reformed with the assistance of the Hillary Commission, to become the NZ
Windsurfing Association comprising of a national committee with regional clubs, retailers
and individual members.
One of the WNZ's main functions is to provide a communication network for the windsurfing
community. Information is gathered from around the country and from overseas, and
distributed through newsletters and magazines. The National Racing Calendar, rules, and
the National Register of sail numbers are also organised by the WNZ.
The WNZ promotes windsurfing to the general public, encourages a national standard of
safety and skill at windsurfing schools and runs courses for new instructors. It has
lobbied for windsurfers rights in environmental and access issues, and given support to
our international competitors.
In future, the WNZ hopes to continue to increase it's services and publicity and improve
the efficiency of it's present functions.
The main aim of the NZWSC is to prevent/reduce the
number of drownings in New Zealand. To achieve this, they co-ordinate educational
programmes which provide water safety information to the public, and provide for funding
and support to its Member Organisations involved in water safety activities.
In 1949 the NZWSC was first formed as the 'Prevent Drowning' committee through concerns of
the National Council for Lifesaving and Swimming. Then in 1953, it became a working party
under the Department of Health and Department of Internal Affairs. In 1956 it became known
as the National Water Safety Committee until 1971 when it was changed to what it is today.
There are now 52 volunteer liaison branches throughout the country, 15 Member
Organisations and 7 Associate Member Organisations. As a Member, the N.Z. Windsurfing
Association has had much support from the NZWSC, including funding to introduce the new
Instruction Scheme in 1990.
A steady decrease in the number of drownings over the last several years points to the
success of the NZWSC which the WNZ hopes will continue in the future.