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Itinerary for 2000 April 26th - May 1st New ZealandMay 2nd May 9th Sydney May 10th May 12th New Zealand May13th May 29th Cadiz, Spain Europeans Championships May 30th June 15th Athens training with the Aussies June 16th June 26th Kiel, Germany Kiel Week competition June 29th July 4th New Zealand July 5th July 10th Sydney July 10th July 24th Los Angeles North Americans July 25th August 6th New Zealand August 7th October 2nd Sydney 16th 2nd Oct 2000 Olympics |
European Championships - May 2000 Well this competition gave me a fright, I didnt really expect to pull off the title but it seemed that everything went my way. We have just finished the Europeans in Cadiz the South of Spain. Aaron, Shayne and I all got there a week early. Jon Paul joined us a few days later. We had an excellent week training and testing equipment. I decided the day before we had to measure in that all my stuff wasnt cutting the pace, so I went out and bought a new sail and mast, sailed on that combo for about an hour and took a gamble, measured it in and it seemed to pay off. I had really, really good speed and plenty of height, this kind of speed makes you look like youre a real good sailor and a tactical genius, a bit like team NZ in a way. Hee Hee. We had amazing conditions 3 days of 6 to 12 knots a lay day, then 3 days of my favorite conditions, 12 to 16 knots and rolling seas, sparkling water, warm and sunny. The kind of sailing you dream about. I think this is why things went so well, I was in heaven. We were also staying in a great place right on the beach, which was close to the racing. It is interesting to prove again that being comfortable and happy in your environment puts you in a great head space which is also so important for performance. The only thing missing was our masseuse to help the bodies along. Especially now after its finished the ole body is TIRED. I am also finally seeing some improvements from all that blood sweat and tears of fitness training, oxygen training and all the witchy pooh potions (natural stuff) showing real benefits, which is incredibly satisfying. Actually it is very exciting!! Aaron also thrived in the perfect conditions and won the mens event. JP ended up 9th. Shayne suffered in the light at the beginning of the competition so he ended up in the silver fleet and placed 18th in that. This regatta was the final qualifying event for a lot of countries. Now all the sailors who will be at the Olympics are chosen so we can now take a good look at the competition. Probably right now they are all taking a good look at us. Hee hee. Shayne and I fly to Athens tomorrow and train there for a couple of weeks with the Aussies and Nikkos the current gold medallist and world champion. We will be sailing in the area the Olympics will be in 2004, which should be interesting. We then fly to the north of Germany on the 19th of June for our last European event - Kiel Week most the other Olympic kiwi sailors will be there which will be great. Needless to say we are all feeling very proud of ourselves for about 5 mins, till the next wake up call but its good while it lasts. Hope its not too nippy at home Barbara and Shayne I would have to say this was one of the best regattas I have done, even more successful than the worlds. |
21/MAY/2000 well I am being very cheeky cause I
will be sending this in the IMCO office free. You can't get connected anywhere else so
rory let me play in his office. |
.25 April 2000Happy Easter
Hope everyone had a great Easter. The weather here in Sydney was great. We had four days of clear blue skies, crisp autumn mornings and the water still really warm. This all made for great sailing here over the last couple of weeks. We have just finished competing in Sail Sydney. This is usually a big regatta for all Olympic Classes but only the Mistrals had a full fleet here. All the yacht classes are no already in Europe beginning their Olympic build-ups. We were only missing a couple of countries in this regatta England, German, Switzerland and Holland. All the big guns were here though. This regatta was the last trial for the French girls and for the Argentina boys so there were nerves flying. We had eight races over the last four days with a real mix of conditions, 3 real, real and I mean real light races where you were seeing your reflection in the water a few times. Two windy races and 3 medium races. It was great we had a real mix of conditions. I started off a little rusty as I havent raced internationally since the worlds so it took a while to warm up into it. But I finished with a bit of a bang actually two bangs by winning the last 2 races which put me one point in front of Jessica Crisp ( the Aussie) for first place. San san from Hong Kong came in 3rd. We all had good races and bad races consistency is the key and this was proved in the men. Lars Kleppich from Aussie won the men again for the 5th regatta in a row on Sydney harbour!!!!! He didnt even win a race!!!!!! But won by a good 10 points from the French guy. Aaron sailed a great regatta to come in 3rd. Aaron won the most races but had a couple of deep ones too. Jon Paul Tobin finished 9th and Shayne finished 19th. Grant Beck our coach was with us this comp and he made a big difference with weather observations. Sydney is such a tricky, shifty place to sail and having Grant out there really helped in making calls on where to place yourself during the race.
February, 2000 Hi Everyone Just thought I'd fill you all in on the last month and whats happening over the next little while. February was a little quieter than last year, as far as racing goes, but full on with training off the water. I competed in Sail Auckland at the beginning of February. This regatta usually attracts lots of overseas sailors, but this year the World Champs in Argentina were being held so there were no overseas sailors. Aaron Macintosh and Bruce Kendall were absent as well. So the depth of talent was a little thin. Never the less I still had plenty of competition, racing Jon Paul Tobin and my darling husband, Shayne. We all had some great battles but the boys got me, as the regatta was a windy one. It was encouraging to see is that all our youth sailors are getting way, way better and there were even a few young girls competing which is looking good for the future of our sport. They are pretty lucky, our youths, as they get to sail with the best in the world all the time which gives them a good bench mark to measure themselves on. After Sail Auckland I started doing some altitude training. The awesome thing is I didn't have to go up a mountain. The Oxygen Center has just been set up in Takapuna. All I had to do was put on a mask for an hour each day over 2 weeks and breathe this depleted Oxygen, the theory being: If you starve yourself of Oxygen, when you get into normal air your lungs perform alot more efficiently. By the end of the 2 weeks I was at about 22000 feet which just above base camp 2 on Everest. During this time I was also meeting with David Slyfield, who does our physical training, 3 times a week and he was thrashing me aerobically and strength wise. Those 2 weeks were awesome I really felt like I made a big improvement in my base fitness. The Oxygens full benefits are meant to come into effect about 2 weeks later - which hopefully happens the day our Olympic Trials start - this Saturday!!!! I have already noticed the benefits while I was training mainly finding my recovery was faster. Apparently the Aussie swimmers sleep in a chamber at night which simulates being at altitude, maybe thats one of the reasons they are dominating swimming at the moment. Time will tell. During this time there was also the New Zealand Sportsperson of the Year, Decade and Century. A big thankyou to all those that sent congratulatory notes it was really appreciated. Of course I thought I should have won all three awards but then again I am biased HA HA. Maybe one day I might win the overall but when you are up against super human rowers who are twice your size !!!!! I am still really, really happy to have been nominated for the award 5 times over the last 8 years and win it 3. This last week Shayne and I have spent training in Sydney. Like I have said before every hour on that harbor counts. It is amazing how much you learn and relearn about it everytime. We sailed with the top Aussie male sailor there who has yet to be beaten in a regatta on the harbour. It was great to learn so much off him and every now and then give him a run for his money. So this Saturday the big one starts THE OLYMPIC TRIALS. This will decide the official yachting team for the Olympics. In the mens it will a radical race with all 3 of them capable of winning. For me it is a slightly different story as no other girl has met the standard so my place in the team is 99% even so I still want to go out there and keep those boys honest!!!!. After the trials I have about 2 weeks at home before heading off to Assume on the 5th of April. We will be there for about 3 to 4 weeks. Then it will be off to Europe about the 10th of May, then the States and back to Aussie. Thats the rough plan anyway. So thanks again for your support and I hope things are going well in 2000. Regards Barbara Kendall Itinerary 20006th 17th January Sail Melbourne 27th 2nd February NZ Race Nationals, Christchurch 4th 8th February Sail Auckland 11th 18th March NZ Olympic TrialsAfter this event I will know if I have officially qualified for the team following is my proposed itinerary. 1st 30th April Sydney 15th May Europe May, June Europe July USA Aug, Sep Sydney 16th 2nd Oct 2000 OlympicsWell thats a brief run down on what we have been up to and what we are planning for 2000. I hope that everyone has a successful 2000 and look forward to meeting with everyone at some time. Best Regards Barbara and Shayne. |
January 4, 2000 Happy New Year After all this New Millennium hype our New Years has got to be one of the worst yet in fact it was so bad it was hilarious. Bruce, Shayne and I saw the new year in, hiding behind a public toilet, dressed in our full wet weather gear, sheltering from the driving rain trying to see the fireworks from the sky tower which was covered in rain cloud. Fortunately we were hanging out with some very entertaining people who made the whole dampening thing amusing. Following is a brief summary of last year and an itinerary for next year The start of 1999 was probably my most memorable as I got my first "green room" surfing, a full barrel over the top of my head and out the other side at Te Arai point up North. After I had an incredibly sore throat from screaming in excitement or maybe fright. It was a great way to start a great year. My first race in 1999 at the beginning of January was in Singapore and Malaysia. I race short boards at one event and Mistral at another I had never been in this neck of the woods before so it was all adventure. The best part was blowing my $500 prize money shopping in Singapore before I came home. Shayne spent this time in Melbourne doing a qualifying race so he could compete in the Worlds later on in the year in Noumea. At the end of January we went down to Christchurch for the Race Nationals. Lyttelton Harbor turned on strong winds and we were able to have 11 races and 1 round of slalom in 5 days. This event had one of the largest amount of entries for a long time over 100 competitors. Shayne got 4th, he was pretty happy as nowadays he races the Mistral Olympic board more than shortboards. I placed 13th in the mens and won the womens Two days after Christchurch we competed in Sail Auckland a big Mistral event. We were both sleep sailing in the event, exhausted from the week before racing. Thank goodness it was windy, hook in and hold on our favorite kind of sailing. Somewhere in the middle of that regatta Shayne and I had our 6th wedding anniversary, time flies. We spent the most of February, March, and April travelling round NZ to all the competitions. The most memorable was in Whakatane, round White Island race, Unfortunately there wasnt much wind so we had to sail 4 hours around Whale Island instead. The next day we took a boat out to the island. It was too dangerous too land as she was blowing heaps of hot ash into the sky. It looked like a nuclear boom site, nothing alive. Most of my spare time at the beginning of the year was taken up doing my Hillary Commission thing in Secondary Schools around the country. I lecture round 30 specially chosen sporty kids for 4 hours, on dreaming, goal setting and dealing with setbacks. Its great I get to meet with a lot of NZs up and coming future heros and hopefully give them some good tips on life. There has been really good feed back, and the good thing is I get to talk for as long as I want! I also had the chance of a lifetime with a charity called Books n homes. This charity gifts books to primary schools in all the poor areas. The kids get to keep the books and therefore are encouraged to read. I got the chance to give the books out in all the schools in the far North. We flew from school to school by helicopter. I had forgotten how beautiful NZ is. I wont even attempt to describe it, only that it was truly awesome. This year I raced as a master in some of the events. Isnt that a scary thought, I am a master at the tender age of 32 the real scary thing is I have been a master now for 2 years. Men arent masters till 35. Shayne has one year to go till we go head to head in the same division. HA HA. Our Europe circuit started in Holland half way through May and it was warm unbelievable, usually we have thermals on and cursing Europe while we are standing around in hail and rain. This year we even got to have barbecues with bikinis on! From Holland we went to Sicily for the always crazy Windsurf world festival. After Sicily it was onto Los Angeles where we had a training camp. Grant Beck (our coach) flew up and we did some serious hours tuning and testing. Afterwards Shayne and I drove up the California Coast to San Francisco for the North American Champs. We got home the end of July for 5 weeks before heading off to Sydney in August for six weeks. We did two events in Sydney the first the Australian Nationals and then the Pre Olympics. After every event you realise how important it is to spend more time there. Sydney is a tricky place to sail and you are never quite prepared to what she is going to throw at you next. We have got ourselves set up in Sydney with an apartment and a car so going over there is now very easy. We were home for about 10 days before we had to take off to Noumea for the World Champs. Club Med put the NZ windsurfing team up for free for the whole 6 weeks. We got to do excellent training without having to worry about food, sleeping or suppyling our own entertainment. It was fantastic. My family came up for the week just before the worlds. They were a great distraction for that week of tapering. The Worlds went amazing. I think for the first time in my life I finally feel like I have peaked for a competition, I dont think I could have sailed much better, everything went right. I didnt have to sail the last race and ended up winning by approx. 40 points. Always there is a team of people behind you and for me Shayne is as always an amazing support. He always helps me first even though he is competing as well. Another secret weapon is our masseuse Janice McLennan nicknamed the brain surgeon if it wasnt for her I wouldnt have made it physically and mentally. Not to forget Grant Beck and the other lads, Bruce Aaron and JP without each other none of us would have been as fast. After the worlds I didnt realise how burnt out I was till we did a race in Sydney just before Christmas. I was in ga ga land and cant remember what happened or how I sailed myself backward through the fleet. There is such a fine line between peaking and burn out which is going to be the biggest challenge leading up to Sydney trying to get that line right. Who ever does will win! At the moment there are 5 of us that have that potential so it is going to be an interesting year. This year wouldnt have been possible without the help of my sponsors. Summary of Results Barbara Shayne 1st Singapore Open 7th Sail Melbourne 1st Malaysia Slalom 1st Formula 42 Nationals 1st NZ Race Nationals 4th 1st Sail Auckland 9th 1st White island Race 1st Olympicsail 5th 1st Sail Sydney, Sydney 12th 1st Mistral Nationals 2nd 2nd Spa Regatta, Holland 75th 1st Windsurf World Festival, Italy 21st 1st North American Championships, San Francisco 7th 1st Australian Mistral Nationals, Sydney 14th 1st Pre Olympics event, Sydney 1st World Championships, New Caledonia 42nd 5th Sydney Harbour Regatta, Sydney 24th New Zealand Sportswoman of the Year New Zealand Sailor of the Year Manukau Sports Person of the Year.Itinerary 2000 6th 17th January Sail Melbourne 27th 2nd February NZ Race Nationals, Christchurch 4th 8th February Sail Auckland 11th 18th March NZ Olympic TrialsAfter this event I will know if I have officially qualified for the team following is my proposed itinerary. 1st 30th April Sydney 15th May Europe May, June Europe July USA Aug, Sep Sydney 16th 2nd Oct 2000 OlympicsWell thats a brief run down on what we have been up to and what we are planning for 2000. I hope that everyone has a successful 2000 and look forward to meeting with everyone at some time. Best Regards Barbara and Shayne.
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Subject: two in a row.
The other kiwi boy struggled a bit towards the end
of the regatta also. Jon Paul Tobin came out the top with a 5th, Aaron Macintosh was
10th and big bruvver was 17th.
This was probably the largest fleet
of women I have ever raced in and one of the highest standards - the class is
definintely getting tougher and tougher especially as we get closer to the Olympics. Shayne and I are staying another week here to do a
marathon race around one of the island in the North. It is a stunning island with
amazing sailing so it was an opportunity not to be missed. We will be back the 17th of December - home for
chrissy then back to Aussie early January. |
November 1999 Barbara is currently competing in the MISTRAL
1999 WORLD CHAMPIONSHIPS 10-20.11.99 Numea, New Caledonia |
September 28 1999 MISTRAL women (11 races, 2 discards) We had a real variety of conditions and they moved
us around on the three courses that are on the harbour, so things were changing all the
time which made for real challenging racing. It was very easy to miss one shift and
lose your lead which happened to me quite alot, but that what makes it fun also when
you are trying to catch The mens fleet has a bit more depth which
shows in some of the up and down results one mistake and you lose 5 places, consistancy is
the key on the harbour. |
September 1999 Following are the final and official results of the
Australian Mistral Nationals held on Sydney harbour 6th - 10th September 1999. |
August 25 '99 Hi all |
North American Champs San Francisco Day 1 We started today 3 races and it was pretty windy
with a 6 knot current flooding in. Huge up winds and really short downwinds really good
fun racing especially trying to get around the top mark. then whoaaaaaa mumma the bottom
mark sneaks up on you real fast. Jp is winning with a 4th , 1st , 1st aaron next with a
3rd, 2nd ,2nd lars is next with a 1st, 4th and 9thish and then Bruce shayne is 5th then
Kenjo, Peter, and somebody else I won all 3 from jessica then Lanee and the POL 43 then
carol ann I finally think I have got those downwinds a littlle now YIPEEEEEE the ole long
harness lines works a treat I reckon More later The guys had one light race in the morning when I
say light it was still 10 knots to 12knots then they had 2 really windy races 25 knots at
the bottom and 20 at the top. PLUS JP is smoking he had a 4th then 2 - 1sts he is sooooo
fast compared to evertyone. He looks so comfortable sailing up wind. Just stands there and
grunts . Everyone else seems to waiver when the gusts hit them . Its great spectating from
the beach as its pays to het the shore going up wind and so sailors are tacking right on
the beach.
July 1999 Hi all Shayne and I have now been 5 weeks in the States training. This is a long time just to be training without a competition - we are really, really ready to race now. The first three weeks we spent in Long Beach with the rest of the team - Aaron Macinosh, Jon Paul Tobin and Bruce. Grant Beck flew over for this time and phewy, did we work hard. Long Beach is great for training as the wind blows very steady and pretty much, from the same direction everyday. We were able to test alot of equipment and try alot of differen't techniques. While you are training life becomes very simple, all we got to do for those 3 weeks was eat, sleep, sail and watch the odd movie. No energy left for tourist things like Disney Land which was a little unfortunate. After Grant left we took 3 days off and I pretty much slept those days. I sailed for about another 4 days and then we all went our differen't ways untill all meeting up here in San Francisco. Shayne and I flew to Hood River, Oregon for four days, staying with some friends up there in the mountains - it was a great place to get away from the sea and windsurfing and go bush for a few days. Here we did some mast bending tests on a special machine a friend of ours has developed. Now for the Olympics we take our own equipment so alot more time is spent
testing equipment to find differences. Even though the equipment is mean't to
be one design there are differences as it is near impossible to make 2 things
exactly the same. It was great to get more of an idea on what different masts are
doing so when we sail with them you can analyse the why's and wherefore's. This is the place for strong wind training. The wind
hasn't dropped below 15 knots and most days she's blowing a stiff 25. The St Francis
yacht club is hosting the event here -The North American Championships. The yacht
club has the best facilities with sauna's and steam rooms in both the men and
women's bathrooms along with towels, shampoo and conditioner in each
shower. So at the end of the day when you are tired, wet and cold, things
don't seem so bad as you emerse yourself into the clubs luxuries. We have 2 competitons in Sydney:
Thats about all thats happened in the last 5 weeks.
It is scarey how time has flown we are half way through July and the
Olympics is just around the corner. I feel much better prepared
than ever already which is so much less stressy. |
Hi Everyone I was really stoked to get 2nd considering how little sailing I had done - the main aim of the regatta for me was to see if my body would hold together and it did so to come 2nd was even more of a bonus. Alessandra Sensini who won the bronze medal was 3rd. It is amazing to see how we three are really still dominating the top places. For me it was great to see so many new faces at this
regatta, especially girls, there were 58 of us which is really promising and the level of
competition is increasing especially now that many countries are having their trials for
the Olympics in the next year everyone seems to have stepped another gear of intensity. Shayne like always had awesome results in the wind
and bad ones when it was light!! From Holland we flew to Palermo in Sicily which is the boot part of Italy. Here we competed in the Windsurf World Festival. This is a fun type regatta with course racing, a long distance and a night race. It was so nice to be in the warm again and we were able to race with no wetsuits here which was a bonus and always brings a smile to my face. The Italian organisation is always pretty chaotic and this year was no exception none of the English speaking participants knew what was going on at any time we just stuck really close to the Italians and when they went on the water so did we!!!! We had great racing with some really funky winds in
one race we had wind from 25 knots right down to 2 knots from another direction - the race
was never over till you crossed that finish line. |
November to February
1999 Being named Sports Woman of the year on Friday the 5th of March finished off an awesome year for me. This year was a tough year for the judges and as usual there is always something controversial. I personally think Grant Beck our coach should have received coach of the year. Producing 2 world champions is pretty amazing. It's been four months since my last newsletter and as always things have been action packed and out of control in this time for the Bright/Kendall family. Shayne and I spent most of November down in Taranaki wave sailing. Three days after getting back from the worlds in France we boarded Shayne's parents family bus and headed south for the New Zealand Wave Sailing Nationals. Unfortunately I got a tummy bug and couldn't compete but Shayne sailed awesomely in the light wind, big wave conditions to win the wave sailing national title for 2 years running. About 10 days after the Wave Nationals we were back down to Taranaki for the Sirocco Expression Session. This is a slightly different competition format instead of man on man sailing like the nationals; everyone sails for the 4 days and everyone votes on who should win. Great style of competition as you get to sail heaps. I won the women's and Shayne placed 3rd in the men's. Just before Christmas we headed over the ditch to Sydney for a Mistral regatta. Every regatta we can do on the Sydney harbor is really important for the Olympics. Both of us hadn't done much Mistral sailing before this and it took the first couple of days to tune in. Being close to Christmas and just before the Sydney to Hobart race there were hundreds of boats and ferries on the Harbor. It was chaos. In one of the races, Shayne got taken out by a slow moving ferry, he happened to be winning at the time, fortunately no damage was done. The French team had been training in the harbor for the last week and was right in tune. Faustine Merrit (who place 3rd in the world Championships) won the regatta with Maud Herbert 2nd, I was third. Shayne was the 2nd kiwi. We both had a couple of weeks holiday before I flew to Singapore to compete in the Tudor Watch Mistral race and then to Malaysia for a short boarding event. I had a very successful time at both competitions and got to check out a couple of countries I had never been to before. In Singapore the winds were extremely light and I caught a bit of the flu so wasn't able to pump as hard as I would have liked and finished 2nd behind the top Chinese girl. By the time I got to Malaysia the flu was gone, the wind came in and I had a great time renewing my short board skills. I hadn't raced short boards since 1994. It was pleasing to see that I hadn't lost those skills and I kept the boys honest by placing 5th in the open men's and winning the women. Shayne spent this time in Melbourne competing in a qualification regatta for the Worlds. He had caught the same flew, but didn't have so much luck getting rid of it. When he flew to Melbourne his ears didn't equalize coming down. He had to go on antibiotics to clear them. A day before he flew home they popped clear. Sailing with out hearing is really hard, fortunately he did what he set out to do and he qualified for the Worlds. February was incredible. We love La Nina. I don't think we have ever raced so much 3 competitions and 31 races in 28 days - really full on! It started with the Racing Nationals in Christchurch (short boards). Christchurch really turned it on. We had incredible winds every day, which seemed to be a pattern for all our racing that month. There were 75 competitors from all around New Zealand. The men and women raced together. After five days of intense racing my body was stuffed. Short board racing uses more legs and mine felt like jelly meat! I kept the kiwi boys on their toes though and placed 13th in the men and won the woman. It was classic getting comments from some of the guys " it was great having you racing Barb when you were around me it made me try harder ". Shayne sailed awesomely and placed 4th behind 3 much bigger guys who had been training all year. Two days after the Race Nationals we were straight into Sail Auckland. We had the biggest fleet of Mistral Sailors in New Zealand ever. 80 men and women from Italy, Austria, Tahiti, Noumea, France, Hong Kong, Korea, Japan, Cook Islands, Fiji, Australia, USA, Germany. Lee Lai San my archival from Hong Kong was here and we had the usual ding dong battle. This time I came out on top in the slightly windier conditions to win. Shayne had a tougher battle in the men's fleet; just getting off the start line was a mission. He placed 14th out of 60 men. The next weekend we all drove down to Whakatane to sail in a marathon race around White Island. Unfortunately, but thank goodness cause it is a long way, there wasn't enough wind to do the marathon so we sailed around Whale Island instead, this still took 4 and a half hours. Finally this month was another Mistral event, Olympicsail, off Eastern beach. This was an important regatta, as it was the pre Olympic trials for Sydney this year. We had another incredibly windy regatta; I have forgotten what it is to sail in light winds. In the stronger winds I have a hard job keeping up with the boys and had to settle for a 13th overall in the regatta and comfortably winning the women's. The last day when the winds moderated and went all fluky and shifty I got a 4th. Which boosted my overall placing. Shayne sailed really well to place 9th. The men and women raced together so we were having the battle inside the battle to beat each other. Shayne won! Summary of Results Barbara Kendall 1st women Sirocco Expression Session Taranaki 3rd women Sail Sydney Sydney 2nd women Singapore Mistral Race Singapore 1st women and 5th overall Mana Mana Slalom Race Malaysia 1st women and 13th overall Race Nationals Christchurch 1st women Sail Auckland Auckland 1st women and 6th overall Whale Island Race Whakatane 1st women and 13th overall Olympicsail Auckland Shayne Bright 1st Overall New Zealand Wave Sailing National Champion 3rd Overall Sirocco Expression Session Taranaki 18th - 5th Kiwi Oceanic Championships Melbourne 4th Overall Race Nationals Christchurch 14th - 5th Kiwi Sail Auckland Auckland 9th - 4th Kiwi Whale Island Race Whakatane 9th - 4th Kiwi Olympicsail Auckland
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