WWA Windsurf News
April 1999
Sadly its got to that time of year when the days are getting too short for after work sailing. Not that theres been much wind during the week lately anyway
Theres still some great weekend sailing though, although the last week seems to indicate a long cold winter on the way (not that cold will stop us sailing Im sure ).
A lot of Wellingtonians spent Easter weekend in Taranaki (many after stopping for a sail at Plimmy on the way) - some to sail in the Wave Nationals (see Garys report of that event). The usual no-wind Easter pattern was broken with a couple days good sailing and some fantastic weather in both Taranaki and Wellington.
Recent Events
Weve held some really successful events in the last couple of months I hope youve managed to get along to one or two of them.
Nick did a fantastic job organising the Slalom Champs which was held at Eastbourne in March. There was a excellent turnout of sailors of all levels, and the format of the races made it fun for everyone. BIG thanks to Nick for all his hard work.
This event ended up being held a week late due to no wind the previous weekend That day also turned out well however, with some innovative thinking resulting in an afternoon of "wakeboarding" behind the rescue boat.
Dave McPhee, Slalom Champs at Eastbourne
Dean Dougan the only known picture of him without a cap
The Wednesday night at Mollys turned into a huge night (can we please not do that on a work night again???), with very few people escaping having very sore heads the next day. Apparently, given those who were there, this should have been no surprise, with Dave "Mr Sambuca" McPhee in good form. One person was overheard explaining non-attendance with "those guys just dont know how to have a quiet one" It was a good opportunity to meet up with people you only ever see at the beach and see a whole other side of them in many cases! See you at the next one!
From the sublime .. to the ridiculous
The final "first-Sunday of the month" events at Eastbourne for this season is this weekend. This will be the last newsletter this season.
The AGM in early October will be the start of the new WWA season - an opportunity to talk about what people want from the association and what they are willing to put in. There seems to be loads of ideas floating around for fun events In the meantime enjoy the sailing for as long as you can, then enjoy some great winter stuff skiing, boarding, leaving the country, hibernating, or whatever it is you do.
Thanks to Gary, for the report on Wave Nationsals, Bruce for the national/international news, and to Christian Scheule, Veronica (and the mystery person using my camera at Mollys) for the event photos.
Till next time
Wellingtonians Clean-up At Wave Nationals
By Gary McCorry
Yes, Wellingtonions took no prisoners when making a clean sweep of the major spot prizes in the National Wave Sailing Championships held at Taranaki over Easter. The grin could not be wiped from Matt Le Poivedins face after taking the new Carbon Art wave board and Mark, the Swiss guy from Whitby, was also well stoked in taking home a new North Rave wave sail.
The actual contest was not so successful for the team. We will always struggle in light port tack conditions and that is what prevailed for the first round held at Weld Rd. The locals sail in these conditions frequently and are difficult to beat. Wave riding only was scored and the man on man heats lasted 10 minutes. Woo, Clayton, Mark, Markus and Matt went out early in the round in this unfamiliar low wind, wrong tack environment, Karl Mygind sailing well to progress a little further. Trent Pedersen from Auckland was taking the waves apart in the early heats and was unlucky not to make the final. An indication of how wussy the wind was came in the first round final. It was a lonely affair for local Oli McIntosh as he sailed around the entire time watching another local, Jono Heath, go through the rinse cycle in the shore break just trying to get out! Meanwhile Matt had gone to Waitara about 20 minutes away and was lapping up the powered up 5.0 conditions ..
No competition the next day however the crew still managed a fun sail at Waitara just north of New Plymouth. This appears to be a favoured spot for the locals in W or SW winds. The gentle reef break and flat inner lagoon set-up is ideal for novices introduction to side shore wave sailing.
The losers round of this double elimination contest kicked off in mast high waves and 5.3 conditions at Kina Rd on Easter Monday. A lot of the Wellington team had packed up the toys and headed home by this stage. Pete Hesslegrave progressed through the heats and kicked ass in the finals to take the title. Overall, the Wellington crew enjoyed the all round surfing, windsurfing, mountain biking, beach stuff, golfing experience that Taranaki offered, Matt and Mark especially so.
Pete Hesslegrave, Taranaki
Oli McIntosh, Taranaki
Jono Heath, Taranaki
Gary McCorry, Wellington
Zimmo, Taranaki
"Wakeboarding" at Eastbourne
Wellington Slalom Champs Results
Dave Holt
Clayton Dougan
Dave McPhee
Dean Dougan
Gary McCorry
Nick Hunn
Gerrard Smith
Pete Glover
John Duncan
Womans Division
Bronwyn Ward
Ruth Wallis
Veronica Wheeler
Special Mentions:
It has been requested that special mention be made of the following sailors:
Andrew Shaw for an excellent effort
Nessy, as the only bloke to get cleaned up by ALL the girls
All the non-gybers for giving it a go
Veronica, Slalom Champs at Eastbourne
No wind at the 1st Slalom Champs the girls on the 8.3s.
Treasurers Report
# Current Cash reserves stand at $3,600.
# We have 96 paid up members.
# New (financial) season begins 1st October (so bring along your $25 single/$40 family for 1999/00 season to the AGM on Tues 5th October).
# Expenditure throughout the 98/99 season was on food for BBQs at Eastbourne, and the purchase of a new BBQ. Some money will be spent over the winter on maintenance for the boat which has had considerable use this season.
The aim of the Wellington Windsurfing Association is to actively promote
sailing events and clinics in the interests of members."
WWA Contacts (1998/99)
Co-ordinator: Dave McPhee 384 1010
Secretaries: Lydia Heard (380 8124) and
Ruth Wallis (387 8510)Newsletter: Bronwyn Ward (386 2550)
and Veronica Wheeler (476 3051)
Treasurer: Rod Drury (021 457 012)
Council: Bob Zuur (04-292 7500) and
Nick Hunn (479 3589)
For Sale
Multisail 6.6/5.8/5.0 Delta - $300 ph Bruce 4759236 email Error! Bookmark not defined.
NZ and Overseas News
Sail Numbers: "KZ" letters are now officially extinct. "NZL" is required for NZ sailors to use internationally. In NZ, just the number is acceptable, but if you intend competing internationally add NZL to your sail number.
Awlcraft Marine Paint Sailor of the Year Awards is being held on 29 May 1999. Barbara Kendall and Aaron McIntosh are both finalists for the main award. Barbara won the Sports Woman of the Year award recently.
Scott Fenton, Kevin and Matt Pritchard, and Phil McGain, and sail designer Barry Spanier have moved from Neil Pryde to Gaastra.
Nik Baker has quit from Gaastra sails after 2 years figure-heading the brand. Rumours on where he may move to abound, with North a strong contender, being a part of the same group of companies as Mistral, Baker's board sponsor.
NEW Videos
Contact Veronica (476 3051) for details.
Whats on
2nd May (Sunday): 1st Sunday of month BBQ. This is always a great day, and this one will be the last for the season.
Location: Eastbourne
Contact: Dave 384 1010
5th October (Wednesday): 1999/00 AGM. Come along and have your say/volunteer your services for the new season.
Location: tba
Contact: Committee Members.