WWA Windsurf News
January 1999NEXT EVENT
Sunday 31st January from 11am
Kio Bay side of Evans Bay
all levels welcome
rescue boat on hand!
BBQ, fun racing
Of Interest:
The Maritime Safety Authority have issued a preliminary report on recreational safety and are asking for feedback - implicit in this are issues on safety equipment (mandatory) and restricted use areas, both of which could impact windsurfing. Bruce has offered to get some copies for the shops - it will soon be online via http://www.govt..nz
What has this man seen to bring such joy to his face???? (Dean at Eastbourne, Dec 1998). Photos by Mark Johnstone.
Newsletters are now only going out to paid up members. Please remind others that subs are due. Forms are available from Wild Winds and Boardriders.
The winner of the membership draw for a new harness is Paul Cooper.
For sale: Multisale Delta3 6.6/5.8/5.0 (3 sails in 1) $300 Apogee 3.7 wave in good condition $200 Bruce 4759236 email bruce@winzurf.co.nz
Its great to see so many sailors out on (or in) the water this month; The long weekend has seen lots of sailors at Pauatahanui, and Kio Bay has been particularly busy in the evenings with all those Southerlies - great for the visibility of windsurfing with lots of 9-to-5ers stopping to watch on their way home.
It looks like being a bit quieter in February with a lot of the guys heading to Christchurch for Nationals in the early part of the month, or to Lake Clearwater a bit later. Good Luck to everyone whos racing.
Theres a few events going on over the next few weeks. The calendar in this newsletter goes out to the start of April. Come down to Evans Bay for a BBQ and maybe some fun racing this Sunday from 11am. Theres a beginner-intermediate rigging clinic at Pauatahanui in February, and the regular 1st Sundays at Eastbourne continue in March, with the usual BBQ and some relay racing. The Wellington Slalom Champs are being held at Eastbourne in March. There will be racing for ALL levels, and trophies to be won for Open and Womens divisions. Come and HAVE A GO!
Apparently it was pretty quiet (not to mention windless) in Wellington over the Christmas break Ruth and I went "on tour" to Lake Clearwater for a week of lots of sailing, eating, drinking etc., joined briefly by several other Wellingtonian sailors (including some we had never met in Wellington!). If youve not made a sailing trip to the South Island lakes yet, maybe this should be the year?!
Hope to see you out this Sunday at Kio!
Recent Events
Weve had some pretty successful events over the last two months events.
A womens (plus Todd as honorary female for the weekend) gybing clinic was run by Cindy Mosey in December, at Whiteraia Park (opposite Plimmerton beach). Everyone got that step or two closer to staying dry and had a good time.
1st Sunday at Eastbourne in December was another good sailing day and pretty chilled out. A few quick races were held in which the contest was really all about who could make it around the course and back up to the mark Thanks to Mark J for the photos.
Congratulations to Clayton Dougan for his exceptional performance in an Open international downwind slalom competition held at Mana Mana (off Singapore) last month. All the kiwis finished in the top 10, with Clayton 4th after Roberto Hoffman. Barbara Kendall was 6th, Shane Miller of Auckland 7th, and Cindy Mosey 9th. There was 55 entries from all around the globe
Congratulations on non-windsurfing matters!
Congratulations to Sonya and Pinty on the birth of their daughter this month.
Remember we still have some Instructional videos that members can borrow. Contact Veronica (476 3051) for details.
Internet Site: As always, check out the website for quarter-hourly wind readings at Evans Bay and Plimmerton, weather forecasts, and gear to buy or sell. www.windnet.co.nz
Sail Numbers A few people have asked me about getting sail numbers. You need to contact Windsurfing NZ (ph/fax 09 372 9422 or email wsurfnz@nznet.gen.nz ) for these.
BEWARE the underwear police!
It has been brought to our attention (not to mention any names here) that windsurfers have been seen wearing "discoloured and holey" underwear. Be aware that Big Brother is watching!
Whats on
31st Jan (Sunday): Kio Bay Day
All welcome to come along for a BBQ etc. Rescue boat on hand. 11am onwards.
Location: Kio Bay side of Evans Bay
Contact: Bronwyn 386 2550, or Lydia 380 8124
13-14 Feb Warren Francis Instructional Clinic. Contact: Wild Winds 384 1010
20 Feb (Saturday): Rigging Clinic for Beginner to Intermediate level. There will be experienced windsurfers (Dean and Clayton Dougan) to help you rig your gear better. 10am onwards.
Location: Pauatahanui.
Contact: Veronica 476 3051
7 March (Sunday): Eastbourne BBQ and relay races (emphasis on FUN). 11am onwards.
Contact: Dave McPhee 384 1010
21st March: Wgtn Slalom Champs.
Figure of Eight course, Racing for all levels. Registration 12.30pm.
Location: Eastbourne, down by rugby club rms.
Contact: Nick Hunn 479 3589.
31st March (Wednesday): Night on the town, starting at Mollys 7-7.30pm.
4th April (Sunday): 1st Sunday of month BBQ. This is the Easter weekend but its still on!
Location: Eastbourne
Contact: Dave 384 1010
Wave Contest: Dean is still keen to hold this event wind/waves permitting at Plimmerton/Lyall Bay. This will just happen when it does. Peer evaluation. Contact: Dean Dougan. Ph 234 8072
Clayton rounds the mark first (Eastbourne, Dec 1998)
Subscriptions The 1998/99 membership subscription is $25 single/$40 family. Please pay promptly (WWA PO Box 453, Wellington). Payments before 23rd Dec will automatically go in a draw to win a harness (donated by WWA and Wild Winds).
Your subs are now due. Please check that the details we have for you below are correct. Forms are also available from Wild Winds and Boardriders, please pass this onto non-members. Name Address Home Phone/Fax Work Phone/Fax Web Site Questions (please tick) q I would like to receive other Windsurf Related Mailings q I would like my name passed onto the NZ Windsurfing Association (strength in numbers) |
WWA Contacts (1998/99)
Co-ordinator: Dave McPhee 384 1010
Secretaries: Lydia Heard (380 8124) and
Ruth Wallis (387 8510)
Newsletter: Bronwyn Ward (386 2550)
and Veronica Wheeler (476 3051)
Treasurer: Rod Drury (021 457 012)
Council: Bob Zuur (04-292 7500) and
Nick Hunn (479 3589)