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*Tauranga/Mt Maunganui
Tauranga is well populated with a busy shipping harbour and an
abundance of fruit and vegetable orchards on the outskirts of the
town. Just a few minutes away on the new overbridge is Mount
Maunganui - a popular holiday spot with access to both harbour
and ocean sailing. Take a walk around or up the mountain, or soak
in hot pools at the foot of the Mount.
Dial-a-forecast: 0900 999 70 / 0900
499 04
Info Centre: The Strand, Tauranga.
Ph 07 578 8103. Salisbury Ave, Mt Maunganui. Ph 07 575 5099.
Local Shop: Assault Windsurf'n'Surf Shop. 24
Pacific Ave, Mt Maunganui. Ph 07 575 7831
Access: There are a few different access points to
the harbour.
- 1 from Fergusson Park or Kylim Park west of the town
- tidal
- 2 from the park near downtown Tauranga, called Speed
Creek - best place for low tide and SW conditions.
- 3 Pilot Bay, at the Mt Maunganui end.
All have toilets, and good picnic, rigging and parking
Suits: Slalom (best from Tauranga side),
longboard. Beginners......
Wind: Warm 10 - 15 knot seabreezes come in
from N,NE. NW blows hard off the mountains and SW blows hard
down channel.
Water: Flat - large chop (especially out by
harbour entrance).
Watch: River traffic by marina. Stingrays
over sand bar. Big ships coming in and out of harbour.
Current can get real strong out at harbour entrance.
Hire School: Available at Pilot Bay from the
above shop.
In Detail: Most sailing is done in the
harbour although cross-onshore wave sailing is sometimes
possible (surf is eithier too small or too large). Not
generally a high wind location but there's usually a breeze
- Ferguson Park. Ferguson Park on the
Matua Peninsula, great sailing at high tide on a SW
to NW, channel on the far side produces a good wind
- Kulum Park. Just south of Fergsuon
Park, Kulum Park is a good learners spot in strong
wind conditions. High tide is best to avoid carrying
- Marina "Speed Creek".
Works best in a SW at low tide, good speed runs next
to exposed sand bar. Remember right of way rules when
encountering boaties using ramp. The Marina suits
most wind directions and conditions except
southerlies, but watch the current!
- Dive Crescent. Sometimes good in
east or SE storms, high tide preferred, pose value
sailing under bridge!
- Welcome Bay Maungatapu, Rotary Park and Tye
Park are good for learning short board
sailing a couple of hours either side of high tide.
Rotary Park is best in a SW, W or NE. Good grass
rigging areas.
- Pilot Bay. Between Mt. Maunganui and
the port is the most popular location. Sailable on
any tide but high preferred. Hire boards and
instruction available. Westerlies variable, SW are
more consistent and windswell is good for jumping. Assault shop is
nearby. Site of most of the local racing and the National Course Slaloms.
- Bowentown Entrance. Just north of
Katikati is the Bowentown entrance to Tauranga
Harbour, best conditions are SW and incoming tide.
Access: All the way down the coast from Mt Maunganui
runs this sandy ocean beach, curving slightly. Parking areas
and toilets at several spots. Best access by Mount Maunganui
Suits: Slalom, Wavesailing.
Wind: N,NW is Ok, cross onshore, slalom. SW
= cross shore.
Water: N,NW wind brings small mushy waves
better for slalom. SW wind with ocean swell gives best
wavesailing conditions
Watch: Mean rips and beach breaks.
In Detail: Coastal sailing can be anywhere
from the main beach at Mt Maunganui eastwards.
- Tay Street. Best in a NW, N or SE.
Sandbank can give good waveriding conditions.
- Papamoa (Taylor Reserve). More
consistent in a S and SW, as well as NW, N and SE.
Watch the shorebreak!
- Maketu. Great sideshore conditions
in SW (especially after a northerly has produced
swells. Approx 40 mins drive from Mt Maketu, popular
with some Rotorua and
Whakatane sailors. Rocks at Eastern end of beach.
- Matata/ Thornton. Similar to Papamoa
- Ohope. Also similar to Papamoa but
flatter, more forgiving surf break.
- Ohiwa Harbour (Ohope). Good learning
and slalom conditions in W to SW winds at high tide.
Speed channel on Ohiwa side at low tide. Camping,
surfcasting, shellfish. Harbour or coastal sailing
from campsite.
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