Right of Way Rules and Safety
Collision regulations and by-laws
It is advisable to avoid busy
waterways and shipping lanes, but if it is unavoidable, be
considerate and keep up windsurfing's good image. Sailboards are
still governed by rules for sailing vessels and it is an offence
not to observe these:
- A vessel must restrict its
speed to 5 knots if
- within 200 metres of a public
- within 30 metres of persons
in the water
- within 30 metres of all other
- All vessels over 500 tons in
harbour limits have right of way
- Overtaking vessels give way
- Head on - each vessel shall
alter it's course to starboard (ie. to the right)
- Windward vessel gives way
International Yacht Racing Rules
- A sailboard coming in to the
beach/ramp shall keep clear of a sailboard leaving it.
- A sailboard on port-tack
(left hand closest to mast) shall keep clear of a
starboard-tack sailboard (right hand closest to mast).
- An overtaking sailboard shall
keep clear of the overtaken sailboard.
- Except when gybing around a
mark, a sailboard that is tacking or gybing(changing
course) shall keep clear of a sailboard on a tack.
- When both sailboards are
tacking or gybing at the same time, the one on the port
hand side shall keep clear.
Wave Sailing Rules
- A sailboard picking up a wave
first has right of way.
- When two sailboards catch a
wave at the same time, the one closest to the peak has
right of way.
Beach Courtesy
- It is advisable to set up
your rig, launch and return in an area which is well
clear of other beach users.
- Slow right down when
returning so as not to alarm people who are unfamiliar
with the manoeuvrability of boards.
- Always be courteous or you
may give windsurfing a bad image.
- Know your limitations.
Beginners should learn in flat water and light onshore
breezes, and always check the weather report before
venturing out on long journeys. An ability to swim is
- Sailing with others is
advisable, or tell someone where you have gone and when
you are likely to return.
- Make sure you are adequately
protected from:
- - hypothermia with a wet/dry
suit, gloves and hat,
- - muscle injury by warming up
before sailing,
- - head injuries by wearing a
helmet in windy conditions,
- - the sun by wearing good
sunglasses and waterproof suntan lotion.
4 Check your equipment for signs
of wear and tear, carry a towline.
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