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*Golden Bay 
Take highway 60 from Nelson, past Motueka and over the Takaka
Hill to Golden Bay, a "steep little climb"
(understatement), checking out the Ngarua caves on the way, go
through the town itself and out to the coast. While its possible
to go for the day its best to make a weekend or more, with camps
at Pakawau, Tukurua and Pohara. Collingwood has a camp but no
nearby sailing. Pohara and Pattons Rock also have motels across
from the sailing. Pakawau is the most central and least popular
for no sailors because of the wind! Other activities include
tramping aplenty; the Abel Tasman National Park and the Heaphy
Track are nearby, small surf, Pupu Springs (see and swim to
believe), and a few small eateries and a theatre (Takaka). This
area is also heavily populated by alternative lifestylers and
artists so its very colourful.
Dial-a-forecast: 0900 999 01 / 0900
499 08
Info Centre: Nelson. Ph 03 573 6855.
Local Shop: ?
All these locations have good access, are examples of why
Golden Bay has its name and get lots of wind from westerlies
to north easterlies. When its really blowing at high tide and
dumpy try Rangitahea, offshore sand shoals make it work. This
beach and Patons Rock get the best blows. Pohara and Tata are
the last to get the wind but at low tide with the wind
filling in have the best chop. Pohara has a wind hole at the
eastern end, best spot is 500 m west of the camp ground. Tata
is the only place with a predominantly starboard jump, while
Pohara and Tata are best for long boards, and adventures into
the Abel Tasman Park are possible with plenty of beaches and
Access: From Collingwood, carry
along the road which runs to the end of the Farewell Spit.
Suits: Slalom, speed. Beginners....
Wind: W is best. N = cross offshore.
Water: Flat. Best at low tide.
Watch: Your gear is reliable - next stop = Taranaki!
In Detail: This is the speed sailing
location, N and NW winds give a 4km long speed course, launch
at the motor camp (right on the beach). E and SE (when they
happen) work too, and beginners can sail here as well.
Westerlies are good too, but make sure there's a rescuer
around (offshore!).
3 Whanganui Inlet
The inlet picks up the SW to NW and is sailable 2.5 hours
each side of high tide with excellent chop. Numerous beaches
on the NE side heading down to Puturau. Don't get caught by
the tide, and stay away from the mouth (7 knots current).
4 Putarau
The Putarau River mouth, S to SW provide cross to cross-on to
give conditions that are usually 1/2 to mast high, excellent
jumping and riding. Putarau has the best waves on a big day
with easy launching, although very low tides the beach break
closes out.
5 Anatori
12 km south of Putarau, the Anatori River mouth is better
avoided at high tides but as the tide drops a lagoon appears
which makes launching easier and gives an inside break for
the cautious. Best on smaller days, tends to close out on
bigger days (head north).
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