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Yes, this issue is a wee bit late, but better late than never! Blame it on the good sailing, swimming and surfing weather..........
The NZWA has organised two INSTRUCTORS COURSES since the last newsletter and there is another coming up on the 16-20 March 1995, again at Pt Chevalier as this has proven the best venue to learn at. Course details are enclosed. Courses are proving extremely popular, and have been very successful as you will read in the course reports later in this issue. Congratulations to all those who have passed and are now NZWA Instructors. There is also growing interest in the South Island, and we hope to hold a couple of courses down there in the near future.
Following the NZWA's success in gaining dispensation for windsurfers from the Auckland Lifejacket Bylaw, we have developed a leaflet outlining safety and tips for beginners for distribution at windsurfing shops and popular windsurfing locations. The Auckland Regional Council is funding the leaflet, and the guys at the NZ Windsurfer Magazine are helping us out with the layout and printing of the leaflet.
Speaking of the NZ WINDSURFING MAGAZINE, the next issue is out real soon - keep an eye out at your local dealer - or phone Tim or Sam at 09 576 7920 for your copy/subscription.
- Application form for next years calendar is enclosed with this issue.
- The event went pretty well as far as results go, but unfortunately were a disaster for the WWA financially. Prizes had to be cancelled to help cover the loss. Conditions were fair, and results were: (the Aucklanders took the results away with them as well as a $1500 radio, we got the radio back fortunately but the results are still in Auckland somewhere so the WWA couldn't supply them to the NZWA-Bruce)
- On the 7th January, 25 competitors turned up for perfect conditions - an 8 knot northerly which increased to 15 - 18 knots. This event usually attracts a much larger fleet, as it is a fun event and usually has excellent prizes sponsored by the local Assault Windsurf Shop. Everyone used longboards, and Mark Erikson sailed well to take out first place, followed by Shayne Bright, Glenn Bright, Daniel Cleaver, Barbara Kendall, Arthur Gatland, then a few minutes to the rest of the fleet.
in the Lyttleton Harbour in Christchurch - the NZWA has copies of the notice of race available.
at Gulf Harbour, just north of Auckland - all the top Olympic hopefuls will be there - should make great viewing for spectators.
in Invercargill.
Quite a large Kiwi contingent recently flew to Australia for a couple of Mistral events including this one which ran from the 16 - 20 January. On the first day three races were held on the new Olympic course in a freshening south sea breeze. Nikos Kalamanakis from Greece won all three races in the men's division. Aaron came second and Michele Quintin came third. Natasha Sturges won all three races in the women's division. Another five course races were held over the next three days in light to medium breezes and from light swell to heavy chop. Fantastic racing against the worlds best. Results: 1 Nikos Kalamanakis, 2 Aaron McIntosh, 3 Bruce Kendall.
The Xmas Party was unfortunately cancelled due to lack of interest The Bic Sport Champs attracted 26 competitors and consisted of 6 rounds of 3 heats. Some great racing on Saturday, but less attended on Sunday and lack of wind resulted in an early finish. Overall winner was Adrian Roper and Luke Wigglesworth second. Members have agreed that a new motor for the club patrol boat would be better than a second hand one. They have been offered $600 off a Suzuki 25 hp longshaft, so are going for it! The Drag Racing Event mistakenly was scheduled for the same day as the Wine Trail - guess which event won through...( Cantabrian Wine must be really good!) The club has been having a problem with non-members who are competing in their events. From now on, those who compete in more than two events must join the club, or be refused from entering. (see Pt Chev. news) The December Issue of Tacks and Gybes held some interesting articles including this one about carrying your equipment:
The first issue of their newsletter since October has hit the streets of Taupo and is compulsory reading for every Taupo windsurfer. There has been excellent sailing to be had in Taupo over the summer, and morale is high, as indicated by the large turnout at their recent AGM. Kevin Koorey remains secretary and newsletter editor, and Mike Watkins remains treasurer. Thursday nights are club nights, including sausies and beer etc. however, some members are beginning to wonder whether they should swap the club's most used piece of equipment - the BBQ, for a model which doesn't go out when the wind blows.
The new shop called ' Vertigo ' is now open and looking real good, and the already established Zimmos's now offers an excellent gear hire and instruction service. The famous Downwinder race from the Port in New Plymouth to East End is coming up on the 25/26 Feb. Also coming up - Dale Muller's training clinic, on the 29 February.
Teams racing continues after the highly successful event at Huntly, although fleets have been quite small, there has been great viewing for spectators out at Conifer Grove. The reciprocal membership with the Pt Chevalier YC and the Mistral Owner's Association has been withdrawn. It just wasn't working out evenly, and attracted too many non-paying non-club member competitors.
A note from the club about non- paying competitors, as this seems to be an issue with several other clubs at present also. Race Organisors are sick and tired of windsurfers who do not pay entry fees/are non-members - it is unfair for those who do support the club and race-days. From now on, the Pt Chev. club will be using the patrol boat to get their message through - some of these troublemakers won't leave even when they have been asked nicely and obstructing their path seems to be the only way!!! So be warned! The entry fee is nominal - so pay up or go and race somewhere else.
Their 'Take the Plunge" campaign has been very successful. They received 10,000 enrolments, not counting those who will enrol on the day. The event offers ten half hour lessons from January 16 - 27 for as little as $1 a lesson for children. It is being held at 130 pools throughout the country and involves around 600 volunteer swimming instructors trained in KiwiSwim. The NZWA is applying for funding from the NZWSC for the introduction of the National Scheme for Windsurfing Schools which will ensure all schools meet a standard level of safety.
Next Council Meeting on the 24 - 25 March at the Royal New Zealand Yacht Squadron.
are now available. The NZWA has copies available - just phone the office.
You may have heard about the recent introduction of Sports Betting in NZ. The NZSA has been researching this issue by contacting all the sports organisations around the country. Their findings were: * That there was equal feeling as to whether Sport Betting should be introduced or not, * That generally, Sports Betting would have a negative effect on sports by producing an untrue result, and could create corruption, * That, if Sports Betting was introduced, the sports organisations should have input into the way it was run, The NZSA felt that there was not enough time to research the introduction of Sports Betting thoroughly, and will be keeping a close eye on the way that it develops.
The IYRU has issued a new rule for windsurfers regarding drink containers: " A drinking container may be worn or carried by a competitor. Any container shall be capable of carrying 1 litre of fluid and shall not weigh more than 1.5kg when full and weighed in accordance with appendix A4: Weighing of Wet Clothing." If one makes a pocket to hold the container, ensure it is free draining (with a hole in the bottom).
Unfortunately, the magazine has suspended publication. This was a joint effort with IBSA, IMCO and IFCA. It required the support of the manufacturers with advertising, but it was never attractive enough for advertisers. We hope it will be launched again in the not too distant future, in another format.
This is to clarify some of the recent gear changes in the IMCO Class (also applies to Youth division) The NZ Rules now conform to the International rules in all aspects expet one - the mast. In NZ only the IMCO two piece carbon mast is allowed. The Changes effect the following items: Only Mistral booms are now permissible. Mistral have designed a new boom which is now available in NZ and retails for $450 (previously any boom was allowed). The exclusion to Rule 10.1 in the NZ Mistral One Design Class rules has been dropped ie. only IMCO bungee cord is allowed. Only IMCO footstraps are now permissible. All sails must now be IMCO Sails. There is a maximum of 2 sails for men and 3 for women.