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By now seasonal sailors should have joined the 'hard core
brain-dead boardheads' who sail all year around in anyplace,
south of Auckland, and now is definitely a good time to reassess
your gear situation, update/mend perished pieces or purchase a
new set. Your local retailer can certainly help you out according
to your budget and sailing level - even if it is just to purchase
the latest NZ Windsurfer Magazine for some inspiring reading over
the holidays. So let's hope Santa will be bringing lots of wind
for the summer 'cos there are heaps of great fun events lined
SIRROCCO EXPRESSION SESSION (report from the Taranaki Windsurfing Club Newsletter)
Held over Labour Weekend, this year's event attracted a good crowd with 69 entries in all. While the wind didn't really come to the party, the atmosphere was great
Day 1 no wind, no sailing ....Day 2 a light Sou-wester saw some sailing at Weld Rd. Those with the skills were still able to perform in the waves. Spot prize-giving held at Butlers Reef was a success with plenty of give-aways, beer, rums, and a good supper. The ultimate spot-prize (a Sirrocco wave-board) stayed local, going to an up'n'coming wave shredder.....Day 3 despite looking promising early on, the wind remained light again, but this did no prevent a top display of wave-riding. TV3 were on hand to capture good footage for a 3 + 1/2 minute slot on Mobil Sport (screened Fri 27th October)....... Day 4 No wind. Prize-giving held at Vertigo (windsurfing shop). Congratulations to Dale for his 9th straight victory and for picking up the Blennerhasset Trophy, and to Jill for winning the women's section. 2nd Terry Vernon, 3rd Mike Stewart, 4th Robert Sand, 5th Paul Barron
6th Mike Norrish, 7th Neil Piebenga, 8th Dorry
Andrews, 9th Trent Pedersen, 10th+1st Master Dave
DITCH DERBY (report from the Wellington Windsurfing Assn Newsletter)
This event was also well attended including lots of
out-of-towners, mostly from Taranaki and Auckland including big
names like Jared Scollay, Dale Muller, James Dinnis, Elvis
Presley(?!), Jill Wallace..... With an excellent forecast for
strong Northerlies it looked as if the event would be a flier
this year...and it was, and it wasn't, and it was.....In true
Ditch Derby tradition, the conditions were very gusty, and very
difficult, probably the most challenging ditch derby so far.
Saturday morning dawned with light rain and no wind......but as
the day developed so did the wind. All rigged their biggest for
the first race, but the wind saw them coming, and most got
slammed. The second race saw most sailors rig down a size
or two, and many chose a smaller board. Whilst that made getting
to the line easy, as the start sequence began, right on cue the
wind dropped away and left everyone grovelling around three buoys
before having a 30minute swim for home. But the wind waited until
the third race of the day for it's meanest trick. Most
sailors had their 6.0's up and as they prepared for the start,
some noticed steam coming off the water near Ngaraunga gorge.
Only it wasn't steam. It was wind. Some huge gusts came thru the
mouth of Evans Bay and it was a great opportunity to see some of
the big names of NZ eat it big time(the no-names had been eating
it all day...) Some gusts got up to 40knots and the race was,
mercifully, cancelled. Sunday came and went without the arrival
of the predicted southerlies, so no further racing...... The highlight
of the event was the arrival of the Queen and Prince
Phillip......whilst everyone was preparing their gear, a large
number of Police motorcycles came around the bend to Balaena Bay.
They took up strategic positions around the road and were soon
followed by a bunch of black cars that contained mean-looking
guys with short haircuts in suits. Then appeared a larger than
life Black roller. The Queen and Prince Phillip were sitting in
the back. Phil noticed the author of this report waving (Brian
Scrimshaw) and beckoned to the Queen and they both waved back -
full vigorous arm-swings not those half hand-lifts often shown by
comedians......or so Brian says....
A WORKING PARTY MEETING for the National Standards for Windsurfing Schools Scheme.
Present were: Paul Tuck (Master Instructor), Ken Kingsbury(Head of Instruction Committee/long time Windsurfing School Operator and Instructor, and inventor of the Kingsbury Simulator...) Mark Killip (NZWA Treasurer and co-ordinator of the Industry Marketing Arm), Geoff Hardy (NZWA President), and Wendy Kendall.
Business: The draft copy of the "Handbook for
Windsurfing School Operators" was read and amended, and the
final copy OK'd for production. Wendy will be circulating letters
to all windsurfing schools apon production - hopefully before
Christmas. A time/place schedule was set for Paul to visit
existing schools, introduce the standards, and assess schools
which were ready.
Unfortunately, the Christchurch Instructors Course has been
cancelled since only one person applied, and the Dunedin course
has been postponed until later in the season since we need only
one more person to do the course. The Rotorua course had maximum
number of eight enrolments. A report will be available in the
next issue since the course finishes today. There are still a few
places left on the only remaining course for the season - the
Pt Chevalier course from 21 - 25 January 1996. Hurry with
your application forms now.
Entry forms are available from the NZWA Office for the following events:
KALAMA CLASSIC - 27 - 28 December, Lake Aviemore. This is a new addition to the calendar and should be a great warm up for the Southern Lakes Series. Organised by Hamish Bayley of Christchurch and supported by the company he has started with Dave Kalama of Hawaii "Kalama Clothing" for a windsurfers lifestyle.
SOUTHERN LAKES SERIES - This series always provides top fun events in idyllic settings....
29 - 30 December, Lake Dunstan Open
2, 3, 4 January, Queenstown Windsurf Classic
6 - 7 January, Lake Hawea
Follow the Southern Lakes Series gradually south until you hit Dunedin for the most prestigious slalom event of the season.
ASSAULT COASTAL CLASSIC - 13 - 14 January 1996, Mt Maunganui. F42 Class.
PULTRON 2000 WINDSURFING CLASSIC, 27 - 29 January 1996, Kaiti Beach, Gisborne.
Check out the wave/slalom sailing at Gisborne. Always a fun place, pray for wind (bring your surfboard in case...)
Expected to attract the creme-de-la-creme of Olympic hopefuls from all corners of the globe as part of the world tour. An IYRU ranking event not to be missed by spectators also.
FOSTERS BUTLERS REEF WAVE NATIONALS - 3 - 6 February 1996, Taranaki.
For those competitors who aren't into the Olympics - most do one or the other but seldom both seriously.....just an hour or so drive from Taupo you could check out both events in the same day....
Brierley Investments is behind the organisation of a
potentially annual event for Wellington - the Wind Festival, with
the WWA Harbour Blaast as one of the main events. WildWinds
Extreme/Bic is also behind this event amounting to $5000 in prize
money plus spot prizes etc.!!!!!All you have to do is be able to
sail downwind.
PBA RULE BOOKS no not........= PWA
RULE BOOKS (see article later
on...) We apologise to those who have been waiting for
ages, but the office in Hawaii seems to have closed down, and we
had to track down the new office in London (lucky for IFCA
newsletters or it would have been difficult to find). They
returned our fax saying that the new edition is in final stages
of preparation. New Rules should be available in the new year. So
once again it is a waiting game. We will contact them again in
early February 1996....watch this space!
NEW ZEALAND - There are only a few copies left. We
aim to update them next winter with the help of the NZ Windsurfer
Mag team.
Windline is back!!! After a temporary holiday, the service has been re-wired with assistance from The Wellington Wind Festival and Wildwinds. ph 388 8813 - and its still free!
WWA has returned to the supportive ranks of those clubs who automatically affiliate every member to the NZWA as a way of encouraging membership - afterall, it is only $5 and NZWA news is included in WWA newsletters.
A new windsurfing gear outlet has grown in the capital - Gordon's
Outdoor Equipment. It has taken over the shoe shop and the
Chinese restaurant next door, and will order any equipment
wanted. The store also stocks clothing and accessories for
outdoor lifestylers including 'Kalama Clothing'.
The new club boat has been christened with signwriting.
The club is considering affiliating to the NZ Yachting Federation direct to gain benefits such as
* access to courses for protest committees and race officer training
* receiving all information issued by the NZYF (minutes of meetings, notices of race etc.) (the NZWA publishes windsurfing relevant information in newsletters)
* communication with local yacht clubs
* entry for members to NZYF organised events such as youth trials and Olympic trials.
*voting rights with the NZYF (windsurfing clubs affiliated to the NZWA do not have voting right with the NZYF)
- please note that the NZWA does have voting rights with the NZYF and if there are any issues which member clubs feel strongly about, the NZWA is able to voice those to the NZYF.
Members would have to pay $12.95 each for the affiliation fee and it would be compulsory.
Barbara Kendall-Bright gave an entertaining speech at the October members meeting, and in November meeting videos of Robby Naish were shown.
The annual Estuary Clean-up day was attended by the dedicated and fortunately, there was much less sharp foreign objects (last year resulted in 2 trailer loads of rubbish, nearly all broken glass!)
Fireworks and windsurfing displays at the Mt Pleasant Yacht
Club heralded November 5th. But, did they let them off the board
whilst sailing......
The AGM had a good attendance - plenty of people with lots of enthusiasm. There is now a new line up of the committee: President - Greg Dentith, Secretary - Jane Grimmer, Treasurer - Peter Huitema, Editor - Carl Townsend, NZWA Rep.- Dale Muller.
The new newsletter makes entertaining reading - plenty of humour along with relevant news, event results and gear for sale....
East End Beach Sand Renourishment scheme: The club (as
an interested party) has been invited to make submissions on
plans to pipe dredged sand from a moored dredge onto the beach -
the pipe outlet will be immediately to the east of the Te-Henui
Stream. A summary was attached in the newsletter and members will
be examining the pros and cons of this operation - it will almost
certainly have some impact on their windsurfing.
Excerpts from the Tackers Times:
"Windwise, 1995 is not going down in history as a windsurfers year - even the met office agrees." (maybe this year?) "Look out for one of the top events of the year: From the 2 - 6 February, Australasian and Continental Mistral Champs. The Olympic year should attract a impressive international fleet which will be made doubly exciting with the 'Thunder on the Lake' boat race on the same weekend." (but who will get their perfect conditions? motor-heads or board heads, still or windy? One year, there was no wind in the morning for the boats and wind in the afternoon for the boards....ideal..)
Not to be confused with Windline, on phone in Wellington, Windline, the shop in Taupo has closed down. However, Richard Batchelor will still be supplying gear for the locals on demand.
The Annual Challenger Trophy is in need of a speed run
champion. The run is from Wharewaka Pt across Taupo Yacht Club,
around the Channel Marker and back. The Record was set in 1989 by
Richard Batchelor for at 12'40" but any time under 15
minutes is fast.
Snorkeling and scuba drownings are up to 15 already - way high
and diving season is only just beginning. If you are into diving
make sure you are well aware of the 'rules' and dive with a
Their annual financial statement was received plus minutes from the latest Council Meeting in October where Roger Tweddel submitted a report on the introduction of the one design intermediate class being introduced to Yacht Clubs around the country.
Olympic Training is being held at Murray's Bay Sailing Club, in Auckland on Wednesday evenings and Saturday Mornings.
And on the 11 - 15 December a live-in training week at Whangaparoa is being held for the teams.
from the 4 - 9 April 1996 at the Lyttleton Harbour,
The following page of information is supplied from the International Funboard Cup Association newsletter:
Reliable and accurate hand held windspeed meters (anemometers) are very important in marginal conditions. The future happy life of many a race officer depends upon them and their proper use The British Windsurfing Association has been using three Plastimo Windy meters during the last two seasons. They have performed very well. The body of the meter is easy to hold and read, with a night light if you want some midnight madness. The cost is around $130 and includes a spare cup. Plastimo is a large French company which distributes throughout Europe and elsewhere. Fax +44 1703 266 328 for the name of your countries distributor.
IFCA has a comprehensive list of the E-mail addresses of windsurfing associations around the world and will soon be sending their newsletter via the internet. IFCA web site is: http://www.vmark.co.uk/~dwc/windsur/ifca
IFCA Shaun Whatling, acting Secretary of the PWA (ex PBA) joined with Steven Schrier, Honorary Secretary of IFCA, to announce at the 1995 IYRU Conference in Hamburg that the two organisations recognised their common roots and ideals for developing high wind speed windsurf racing....funboarding.. and would therefore work together in future to promote the sport. Specific plans are being worked out right now. In a first move, a common set of right of way rules have been agreed for 1996.
RIGHT OF WAY RULES. The IYRU Boardsailng committee has approved the IFCA/PWA right of way rules. These are a redrafted form of the 1995 rules. There are no changes in principle.
FIN BUYER BEWARE! While walking around ISPO, an interesting
conversation was overheard. A trade customer asked what was the
difference between two ranges of fins, identical in shape but
different in colour. The answer was...... nothing but the price.
The prettier colour was the high priced 'pro range' which implied
better performance, but actually performed exactly the same as
the low priced range. This is called by some, a marketing
strategy. Others call it a rip off!
There has been a big shake up in the organisation, Christian Herles resigned after a total 'disagreement' with the board. Chairman, Phil McGain took over control, with assistance from outside companies led by Cliff Webb and Stuart Sawyer. The opportunity was take at ISPO to discuss with the manufacturers the future direction the PBA will take. O'Neil and Simmer are keen to assist. Now that the total debts of the PBA have been discovered, it is almost certain that the old association will have to be wound up and new one formed The new name will probably become the PWA. The International Funboard Cup Association is having talks with the PWA while this item is being written. The current address is
PBA, C- Unit 21, Chelsea, London, SW10 0QJ, England. Tel:+44 171 376 7659, Fax:+44 171 376 4708.
Transatlantic Windsurf Race '97 Plans are underway for
this mega 2200 mile event, with the US navy supplying the back up
boat. Apparently the PBA is getting involved. The finalists will
be selected from qualifying races.
A well known figure in Windsurfing, Rainer Ramelberger, a top
executive of Mistral, has bowed out of the company. Mistral has
stood for quality design and production now for a long time and
it was a shame that the production of racing boards had switched
out of Germany. This policy has now been reversed.
Mike Evans has now handed over the chief executives job to Norwegian, Arve Sundheim. This is the first time in memory that the job has not gone to an Englishman. A fresh approach might be not such a bad thing.
In the new year the IYRU becomes the INTERNATIONAL SAILING
The following are excerpts from their bi-monthly magazine:
Membership is up 45% due to an aggressive campaign targeted at increasing awareness of USWA through the windsurfing community. There are now 4460 members and they have set a target of 6000 members by 1997.
There is a photo of Barbara (Kendall) and Shayne Bright in the Nov/Dec issue as part of the 1995 USWA Championship winners held at the gorge in October.
Carol York is the Windsurfer of the Year as most valued
contributor to windsurfing in 1995 for volunteering countless
hours of her effort into the sport.