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The summer racing season is now coming to a close, and it's
time to plan for winter events/racing series. The NZWA AGM is
coming up on Saturday 22nd June at the Pt Chevalier Sailing Club
and we will be looking at the last year, assessing results from
the Marketing Arm, making improvements and setting goals for the
new year.
Paul Tuck has now visited most of the schools around the country. Reports have been written for each school regarding state of equipment, operating procedures, and the nature of the location. The results of his journey are interesting. There is a total of 24 schools currently operating. Nine schools applied to become NZWA Certified. Five have been successful, and another three only have to produce a couple of items to gain qualification. About three schools were operating in very dangerous circumstances with no rescue boat and no clear sailing area and sometimes in an unsuitable location. Those who send beginners out with no lesson are also putting their customers at risk. Some of the schools operate very infrequently due to the nature of their region - ie. climate and tourist population, and it is not viable for them to have a fully equipped school. However, the most important aspect that resulted, was the Instructor's ability to enthuse his customers, and pass on sound technique and knowledge about associated aspects of windsurfing including weather and safety skills. This has the potential to have the greatest spin-off not only for the beginner and the school itself, but for the windsurfing community as a whole.
Congratulations to the Rotorua Windsurf School at Hannah's Bay
for becoming the first NZWA Certified Windsurfing School. Look
out for the 1500cm high x 800cm wide flag! Hopefully, those
schools which are nearly up to the standard will be able to
attain certification before the next season in order to make use
of the funding provided for this project by the NZ Water Safety
Application forms for next seasons calendar are enclosed. We
will also be circulating application forms to all previous events
organisers including windsurfing clubs and retailers over the
next month so we can begin to compile next seasons calendar. The
first draft should then be ready for presenting to the AGM. Those
who get their events in first will most likely have first choice
for their dates. National and important annual events will also
have priority. Late applications will have to fit in around the
confirmed dates.
We will also be setting dates for instructors courses on the
first draft of the calendar. There will most likely be three or
four courses - in Rotorua, Auckland and most probably, in
Dunedin. Send in your name and address if you wish to be sent
more details about instructors courses/have your name listed to
receive course application forms.
Notice of AGM and delegates nomination form enclosed for
clubs/committee members.
Did you know there are more than 80,000 recreational craft owned by Aucklanders?
Is the sport of windsurfing growing? World Wide it's static, but the Windsurfers of old are now getting their families into it, which will fuel the next growth. Most of the major companies are coming out with kids' boards and rigs. F2 for example have adapted the Orbit 124 litres into a kids package. In New Zealand, windsurfing is now more than 20 years old and there are more and more families windsurfing at all levels.
New Team Sailor for Windscene is Carl Baker.
Carl will be seen either giving advice at one of their
Auckland outlets, or going off out on the harbour.
Sports betting will be legalised from July 1996. The Totalisator Agency Board (TAB) has secured the rights to operate totaliser and fixed-odds betting options on national and international sports events held in New Zealand. Sport betting will commence with the Bledislow Cup rugby game between NZ and Australia in Wellington on 6 July. Punters on sports events will be able to place a minimum bet (anticipated to be $5) at any of the TAB's 500 outlets, or by telephone or in some instances at terminals at a venue. Event planners must receive permission from a national sports body before the TAB is permitted to offer the betting service on an event. Once an event has been accepted by the TAB, the national body receives a commission (5%) of the profit on any betting on the competition. The TAB is currently dealing with seven major NZ sports codes, rugby, rugby league, soccer, bowls, tennis, golf and motor sport, to try and establish a contract with each national body. Netball NZ and the Olympic and Commonwealth games Association have already made a decision not to be involved with sports betting. Betting in the UK is on an 'open slather' basis with agents accepting bets on an 'anything and anywhere' basis. There is no commission paid to national bodies and no controls over what sports events people can bet on. Over NZ$1billion is currently wagered each year on NZ horse and dog racing. Betting on the new sports events is estimated to attract between NZ$30-$50 million. Yet is the 5% commission paid to a national body and the chance for some punters to gain a small reward worth it? A number of people have already spoken against the need to introduce sports betting, and casinos for that matter, into NZ due to the social problems they can generate. The professional era brings a hard business-like approach with pre-determined results for all parties concerned. Costs go up for sponsors. Entrants and spectators demand better rewards, facilities and entertainment. If we have to accept sports betting and casinos, without the chance for public debate on their introduction, we have to accept that our unique position and stature in the world will change. Hopefully we can retain our internationally famed event organisation success and friendly hospitable reputation in the new professional and "worldly" lifestyle in NZ.
A new video-producing company called Pure Image Productions, located in Hawaii, has recently produced a windsurfing video call "Out of the Blue" which features many of the world's top ranked sailors. Some releases scheduled for the near future are "African Heat" with awesome footage shot in Africa combining the modern and
the ancient, and a surf entry Instruction video on the forward loop! For more details contact either the NZWA office, fax the company direct on 808 879 0151 or phone them on 808 879 6926.
Hillary Commission Funding Allocations for 1995. On the basis of $1.30 per head of population, a total of $4,693,110 was distributed by the Hillary Commission to 74 local Authorities. $2,557,359 was added to this figure, making the total amount available for distribution $7,250,469. These additional funds are the result of loans revolving, funds carried forward from 1993/1994, and some local authorities contributing their own funds.
Total allocated via loans $5,263,665
Total cost of projects $30,425,328
Unsuccessful applications $12,034,629
Total funding applied for $42,459,957
Number of clubs/organisations funded 4536
Number of projects supported 6018
Portion of total cost of projects funded 17%
Total allocated to sports 79.2%
Total allocated to fitness/leisure 20.8%
Total allocated to Youth organisations 13%
Total allocated to other organisations 7%
A Human Resource Management manual
has been compiled using research by the Hillary Commission as a practical tool to help manage people. It covers three areas of human resource management - job analysis, recruitment and selection, and managing staff performance. If clubs (or other members) would like to read this manual, please phone the NZWA office.
Are you interested in a sporting career?
Then there are several courses available at present:
Pacific Coaching and Sport Diploma - at the Manawatu Polytechnic. Two Years,
Coaching New Zealand Tutor Training programme - Weekend workshop
The Leading Edge - for women interested in learning leadership skills in sport. Weekend workshop.
Phone the NZWA office for application forms.
Small Boat Accident
Reporting is now required by the Maritime Safety
Authority of NZ for every accident, incident, or mishap involving
serious harm. The NZ Yachting Federation (now Yachting New
Zealand) is compiling guidelines so that it isn't necessary for
small collisions say between PClass sailing dinghies during a
race to file a lengthy report. The object of the new reporting
requirement is so the MSA can use the results to improve safety
at sea. Forms available from MSA offices around the country or
from the NZWA office.
(Compliments of the Manukau Windsurfing Club)
drew a huge fleet of overseas competitors, with sailors from about 20 other countries. They were all keen to race against our top sailors, particularly in this Olympic year. The International Classes event at Kohi in February was virtually a mini-Olympics. 17 overseas sailors stayed for the International Teams event at Huntly, which once again proved to be the most enjoyable event of the year, with great course racing, exciting 2 person teams racing, and a great Saturday night with a welcome on to the Marae, a Hangi and social, sleeping in the meeting house, breakfast on Sunday morning, then back to the venue. Everyone, especially the overseas visitors, really enjoyed this aspect of the event. The teams racing was the most exciting racing spectacle we have seen with the men's final in particular very close, and had the spectators yelling a cheering from the shore. In the end Bruce Kendall and Aaron McIntosh beat Franc David, and Michel Quentin (France) by 2 -1 in the final. Results:
1 - Bruce and Aaron
2 - Franc and Michel
3 - Lars Kleppich (Aust.) and Fred Duthil (Franc)
4 - Mike Gebhardt (USA) and Amit Inbar (Israel)
5 - Alf Emperato (USA) and Jeff Olsen (USA)
6 - Frederick Palm (Swed) and Olav Davis (Norw)
7 - Patrik Pollak (Slovakia) and Paul Gardasiewicz
8 - Jon Paul Tobin (NZ) and Andrew Blewett (NZ)
9 - Paul Page (NZ) and Neal Hooper (NZ)
10- Ashley Noonan (USA) and Ryan Pausina (NZ)
1 - Lisa Neuberger (Virgin Isl.) and Jayne Benedict
2 - Lanee Butler (USA) and Dorota Staszewska
3 - Julie Worth (NZ) and mixed team mates! (NZ)
Conditions matched perfectly those expected in Savannah later this year - light and variable with a sloppy sea. Aaron narrowly beat Bruce, and Barbara won selection for the women. Numerous drifts of seaweed added a dimension of luck to the result also. Bruce shall be going to the Olympics as the team support and training partner. It should be enjoyable experiencing the Olympics without the strain of having to compete. Bruce also announced his retirement from competing. However, this will not mean you will not see him out on the water anymore. Already he has competed over in Israel in the Mistral Worlds, and intends to do some of the major events here in NZ next season - more for fun and promotion of the sport than for ambition. Congratulations to Bruce for being such a great ambassador for both the sport, and for NZ over the last 15 years.
No lack of wind for this event! Saturday increased from 15 -
25 knots. Squalls over 30! The frequent lulls 'lulled' some into
taking out 8.5m sails in the first race - bad choice, big battles
and many starters did not finish. Sunday dropped to 15 or so
squalls up to 20, lulls down to 10 providing tactical challenges.
Shayne Bright came out on top due to radical risks, Terry Vernon
2nd, and Jon Paul Tobin 3rd. Total competitors = 36, virtually
the same as last year.
COMING EVENTS Don't miss the last event of the season:
* MISTRAL NATIONALS 26 - 28 April.
Noticeboards containing club information are to be positioned at East Coast and the Estuary Sailboard Centre.
Canterbury Champs - two excellent days of racing first at Lyttleton and second on the Estuary. 4 course races on Saturday and 7 Slalom races on Sunday. Placings were Adrian Roper, Bruce Campbell, Phil Harrhy. Prizes were tee-shirts and shorts from Seventh Wave.
The Windsurf Park is now finished, all they are waiting for is the grass to grow - too much use perhaps?
Warren Francis Training Clinic. Waitangi weekend was
too windy for the average standard of participants. The small
numbers may also have been due to late publicity and the cost.
Suggested that a one day clinic may be more successful.
Pressure is being put on the local council to have dye tests done to ascertain movement of effluent from Bromley.
Affiliation to Yachting New Zealand (ex the NZ Yachting Federation) is being discussed at the coming AGM.
Weekend and After-Work races have been held over the last couple of months with up to thirty competitors.
Received its new title and image recently at an official launch at the Maritime Museum in Auckland. A new logo has also been introduced.
is now being offered to those aiming to compete overseas. APPLICATIONS FORMS are available from the NZWA office.
Roger Tweddel recently represented the NZWA at the last Council meeting. As well as presenting a report on NZWA achievements over the last few months, Roger answered questions from councillors about ways of attracting windsurfers into IYRU recognised boardsailing classes. He also updated the council on the pilot programme at Murrays Bay which is hoped will be taken on to other clubs next season.
to be held on Sunday 9 June at the Maritime Museum in
Some of the achievements of this organisation in it's first year are:
almost all unit standards for the NZ Qualifications Authority have been written and registered for sport, fitness and outdoor recreation and community recreation
major research conducted into the scope and size of sport, fitness and recreation
they have set up a 4000 strong database of all the industries and organisations
new staff employed by SFRITO bringing the total to four, soon to be seven
1996 is going to be another very important year for SFRITO. Some targets:
to sign up 1000 recognised trainees across sport, fitness and recreation under the new National Qualifications
Contacting all sports and fitness organisations to determine full and part time employees and volunteers to gather information about organisational training needs.
to get workplace training underway, operating on user-pays system following the completion of the pilot schemes
For more details or a copy of the newsletter, phone the NZWA
A Fishy Story from the WWW.
150 pounder hauled in by windsurfer.
Paia - Every fish story comes with some sort of prop. Royce Reid's gig was a windsurf rig. Reid had been fishing off his windsurfer for about five months when he set out off Paia two weeks ago. He had been fishing for about five minutes that day when he hooked a 150 pound Pacific Blue Marlin. Off his windsurfing board. With a 50 pound test line. With "a little dinky rod." and he's got pictures to prove it.
"I was reading this windsurfing magazine that said the world record is about a 25 pounder," Reid said "People out here catch 50 to 60 pounders -- ono, mahi, aku -- all the time. But this was the big prize -- a marlin. My friend at Island Fishing Supply said this was the place to go for big fish", said Reid, who flies corporate charter tours for Paragon Air and has lived on Maui for five years. "Actually I know some guys had hooked them, but never brought them in . The guys who have been doing this for years can't believe it."
Reid said he had caught a 50 pounder before, but never anything like the monster he boated this time "Marlin are kind of dangerous" he said, "This one jumped at least 15 times all the way out of the water. It was a full-on show." And his rod can only be called a lucky piece. "I got it for my sixth birthday, it's tiny, not even a real rod."
Reid, who hails from New Zealand was with his Australian friend Jason Polokow, one of the world's best competitive windsurfers, but also one of the world's biggest characters. " Never go deep sea fishing with him, he's crazy, " Reid said of his buddy. "Jason kind of sat there and watched and made sure no one died".
After hooking the fish, it took just one hour to land it. The
pair sailed to Baldwin Beach Park and then took the prize to
Mama's Fish House, where it weighed in at precisely 150 pounds,
or 10 pounds less than the 5 foot 10, 26 year old Reid tips the
scales at.
The IYRU World Youth Sailing Championship has become
the most important date on the young sailors racing calendar and
provides an excellent opportunity for the competitors to
experience international competition. Many sailors competing in
the Youth Worlds go on to become some of the world's finest
sailors. We know all about past youth champions Russell Coutts
and Chris Dickson, but if we look to the recent youth champions
we are already seeing some outstanding talent on the Olympic
circuit. Robert Schiedt (BRA) who won the single handed
discipline in 1991 now tops the Laser Rankings, Ben Ainslie
(GBR), last year's gold medallist, has been selected to represent
Great Britain in Savannah and is the youngest member ever on a
British Olympic Sailing Team. The 1996 IYRU World Youth Sailing
Championship will take place from 8 - 18 July 1996 at the New
York Yacht Club, Newport, Rhode Island. Considered by many as the
'mini-Olympics', the Championship has grown considerably since
the inaugural event in 1971. The 1996 Championship is expected to
attract even more teams than last year, which saw 167 competitors
from 39 countries.