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November 1996


Moves towards Yachting New Zealand

A meeting has finally been arranged for Friday 15 November (see agenda later) at Yachting NZ for Executive members of the NZWA and those within YNZ who are involved with the Olympic aspect - which includes of course - boardsailing. Fortunately, we now have Barbara Kendall as our spokesperson, mover and shaker who is employed by YNZ to promote the olympic aspect of windsurfing, more commonly known as boardsailing - within yachting circles. What the meeting will be aiming for will be to clarify the roles of both YNZ and the NZWA. We shall be looking at the direction of both organisations, and how we can assist each other in those directions. We hope to hold meetings like this on a monthly basis to improve communication for all 'bodies', and ensure we are continuing in the right direction, and are not doubling up on work. An agenda is enclosed with this newsletter for executives, clubs and associated organisations.

Instructors Courses Reminder

Close off date for enrolling for courses this side of the new year is NOW! Post your form today.

Windows 95

The office is keeping up to speed with the purchase of the latest windows programme which will allow form letters to be printed using information from our Access Database.

National Standards for Windsurfing Schools

Letters of encouragement have recently been sent to the 25 windsurfing schools (that we know of!) around the country to complete necessary requirements for becoming NZWA certified. This is the last season they will have the benefit of NZ Water Safety Council funding, and after that, the charge will be cost covering ie. up to a couple hundred dollars. Five schools are certified alread, five have only a few items to complete, 10 are aiming to become certified by the end of the season, and five schools are not active enough to warrant the extra cost of bringing their schools up to standard (ie. purchasing a motor boat). 95% are in full support of the standards, since everything seems to be going that way today (ie. NZ Qualifications Authority has recently standardised all skills and knowledge into levels and groups = 'unit standards'). The NZWA's standards are in line with what the NZQA are doing since our Instruction committee helped write the NZQA windsurfing units.

Also sent out to all schools were questionnaires so we can start building up our database with annual statistics on such things as how many boards the school has, how many people pass through their school, what % are in what age range, what % are male/female, and what the strike rate is.

We also compiled 'Notes for Beginners" that instructors/operators can hand out to their students before they take their first lesson including information such as names of the different components of a rig and board, other terms associated with sailing/windsurfing, points of sailing, basic safety and right of way rules.

Annual Accounts Booklet

Enclosed with this issue, is our annual accounts booklet, a couple of months late, but we have good excuses such as many other priorities, and a slow or also very over-committed auditor. Anyway, better late than never. Inside the booklet you will find such information as:

Minutes of the 1995 and 1996 Annual General Meeting,

Annual Accounts

List of contact addresses and numbers for committee members, clubs, instructors and associated organisations.

Unfortunately, there were four instructors who qualified last season who were not loaded into the system (perhaps because they were too elusive) and therefore their names are not on the list in our booklet. However, any lists which are circulated from today will include them. Their names and addresses follow:

Bruce Spedding the new NZWA magazine editor!!!! (contact addresses etc in this issue!)

Brian Scrimshaw: (ex. Wellingtonian) 22 Gillespie Street, North East Valley, Dunedin, 03 473 9757

Jason Ward: address unavailable at present.

Donald Stewart: Paradise Valley, RD.2, Rotorua, 07 348 9010






The NZWA has created an identity which is uniquely windsurfing, we have our own constitution, own audited accounts, own working systems, office, fax, etc.etc. We are registered as a non-profit making organisation.

Our fundamental function is to promote, organise and represent windsurfing at a national level. Our main aim is to foster and grow the sport and recreation of windsurfing in NZ. Below are ways we do this:


Compile and distributes windsurfing information to windsurfing schools, public schools and on request.

Ensures windsurfing schools meet a national level of safety and

Trains new windsurfing Instructors to an international level of skill,


Ensures access and enjoyment for windsurfers is not restricted by laws or pollution

Provides information on where to sail and how to improve technique


Organises and promotes the National Racing Calendar

Introduces rules and recommendations to improve the quality of racing

Provides information on race organisation, and racing skills

Assists our international competitors by providing them information about international events and organisaitons, and promoting their achievements to the public/media on demand.

The NZWA also:

* Provides a communication network between members, clubs, shops, the media, sponsors, national authorities and other National and International Windsurfing Associations

* supports and encourages windsurfing clubs by providing information/personal support

* organises the national register of sail numbers


Our committee has plenty of innovative ideas and has steadily achieved our objectives despite limited resources and a decline in membership over the last few years. Because membership is perhaps only 5% (500) of the total number of active windsurfers(25,000), our funds have been limited and we remain a small organisation and therefore are unable to have much impact or credibility for potential sponsors, and current funding organisations (eg. Hillary Commission). Also, we will never be 'big' enough to cater to the needs of our Olympic Elite, for much funds and administration is necessary at this level.



1. Roles of the NZWA and Yachting NZ (particularly in regard to the Olympic windsurfing class)

2. Direction of the NZWA and Yachting NZ " " " " " " "

3. Shortfalls of the NZWA and Yachting NZ " " " " " " "

4. Ways in which the NZWA and Yachting NZ can combine resources and support the other to economise on administration and better achieve their objectives.



Saturday 22/9/96 1ST Round Estuary Champs incl. BBQ

Saturday 26/10/96 Boot Sale, Windsurf Park

Wednesday 2/10/96 members meeting, New gear for the coming season, Windline

Saturday 11/11/96 Estuary Cleanup, BBQ and Round 2 of the Estuary Champs.


Sirocco Wave-Sailing Competition 7/8/9 November (too late!)

Wind Talker a great success - Installed in June, up to the minute coastal wind information Ph (06) 761 8234.Subs to remain at $45 with a visitors membership (out of town) at $25


City of Sails Series re-introduced, supported by Air NZ, major spot prizes. Dates 1 Dec, 15 Dec. 26 Jan. 16 Feb. 9 Mar. Fun class, Sports Class, F42, IMCO.

No 1997 International Teams event but NZ Teams Racing 8/9 Feb.

AGM Tuesday 26 November at 7.30 (Gatland Residence, 48 Walpole Ave., Manurewa)


Windline back up and running, (04) 388-8813 (contact WildWinds for pin number).

Harbour Blast is on! Ditch Derby delayed until January 97, Open day Pauatahanui 1 Dec. Summer series (slalom) first weekend of each month, Rigging clinic at WildWinds 21 November and 24 November. New inflatable needs a trailer! Next meeting at WildWinds 6pm Wed. 20 Nov.

AARON MACINTOSH CLINIC - Paremata Boating Club, Wellington ( report by Matthew Wood?)

Course report

Last weekend (5th and 6th Oct) The Aaron Macintosh coaching clinic went ahead. We encountered 15 to 25 knot winds for the duration of the weekend which provided the opportunity to receive expert tuition in a situation where those on the course really needed it. In particular those with limited sailboarding experience benefited immensely from this very timely dose of top class instruction and big dose of enthusiasm. Aaron's style of teaching fined particularly well with the reasonably diverse level of sailors we had on the course. For the very new to sailboarding Aaron was able to offer the correct techniques at the right time in their development to insure their speedy progression to become competitive racers. For those already with some racing experience this was the opportunity to ask the questions that only someone of Aaron's ability can answer as well as receive some

good refinements that once again are best offered by someone of Aaron's ability.

Course participants

Scope of course

During the weekend we covered topics such as rigging, sailtune, equipment set-up, posture, sailing technique, racing technique, board handling and goal setting and achieving.

Other benefits

Having someone of Aaron's repute in our area has been fantastic. Getting someone of this calibre to the areas were people are sailing is essential. It's money well spent, it lifts the profile of the class we sail which encourages more young people in to the sport and set on sailing at a level that should please Yachting New Zealand.


For the participants, members of the boating club and members of the windsurfing fraternity this weekend was a focal point and much talked about. The weekend has provided some direction and cohesion to what is a new group of largely inexperienced sailboarders.

In the short to medium term you will see a greatly enhanced level of youth participation especially at the trials. In the long term I believe the current group of sailboarders and their level of enthusiasm will ensure an increase in the amount of people sailing the Mistral IMCO in our area. Now a fleet has been established the door for developments in areas such as the Bombora one designs and the development of more world class sailors has been opened. Aaron's coaching clinic has played a vital roll in continuing on the progress already started.

I can't over state the value of having someone of Aaron's ability visiting the clubs and passing on his vast experience and technical ability. Everyone thought he was great especially when he got on a board and gave us some demos.

Financially we had a low tem out to the Saturday night do and the $40 or so of door takings went to Aaron as agreed. We managed to raise enough money to cover most of our expenses but could not get funding for the $100 shortfall per first 10 participants. So as we had nine people on the course $900 is what Aaron is owed which I understand Aaron will make arrangement to obtain from Yachting New Zealand this week.

Thank you to Yachting New Zealand again for it's support of this most important coaching weekend the benefits of which I am sure will be visible. Also included is the address's and phone numbers of the participants and others likely to race sailboarders in the near future.



At the November ISAF World Conference, IFCA presented a set of rules based on a combination of PWA and ISAF

rules. These were approved and IFCA has been given permission to publish the rules. For the very first time in windsurfing history, an internationally approved book of windsurfing rules will be published and circulated to all national authorities world wide. We hope this will create a greater understanding of what our association and the PWA are trying to achieve. The right of way rules, created by the PWA and improved with the help of IFCA, are now extremely simple and short. They reflect the needs of our sport which concentrates on high skill, good equipment and good luck, rather than an endevour to exploit rules to achieve a victory which has become a large part of yachting.

The rule book will be published in the New Year.


At last, the date has been announced. 1st - 18th September. There will certainly be a great deal of media coverage for this mind bogling conception. The 'Committee Boat' will be a high speed 160 ft US Naval craft, plus a 200 foot

mothership, accommodating a fleet of RIB's and a helicopter, which will escort and be home for the racers on this epic voyage. Teams of two windsurfers will race alternately during the day. At night, they will sleep aboard the mothership which will maintain position so that in the morning the racers start from the same point at which they stopped. Contact Fax: +44 171 924 6617

Slalom at the 2004 Olympics?

Windsurfing related news from the 1996 ISAF World Conference, November 2 - 8, Brighton, England

Windsurfing Committee - main items include proposals from IMCO that the IMCO One-Design be used for the 2000 Olympic Regatta and that competitors be permitted to bring their own equipment, a review of the work of the Development Strategy Working Party, a proposal that a second windsurfing discipline be considered for the 2004 Olympic Regatta and a proposal to introduce a development programme for junior windsurfing.

The 1996 Annual Meeting of the International Sailing Federation (ISAF) was strongly focused on maximising the huge opportunities for sailing at the Olympic Games. Classes for Sydney 2000 were defined with the 49-er as the new class, epitomising sailing at its most modern and exciting. The ISAF also approved the concept of a Women's Match Racing and even an Ice Sailing medal in the future.

Following today's vote, the Women's Match Racing Medal is a real possibility for the Sydney Olympic Games in 2000 and will be put to the IOC on 15 November 1996 for approval. Decisions on the boat to be used will be finalised at the ISAF Mid-Year meeting in May 1997. Tomas Holc (POL) acknowledged that "ice sailing is an important new form of sailing, and its development may allow participation in future Winter Olympic Games."

The Olympic Classes for Sydney 2000 are:

1. Men's Boards Mistral

2. Women's Boards Mistral

3. Single-handed Women Europe

4. Single-handed Men Finn

5. Double-handed Women 470

6. Double-handed Men 470

7. Open Single-handed Dinghy Laser

8. Dinghy Open High Performance 49-er

9. Multihull Open Tornado

10. Fleet/Match Race Keelboat Soling

This selection leaves out the oldest Olympic class, the Star. First introduced for the 1932 Games, the Star has many loyal admirers, including the current ISAF President, Paul Henderson, who campaigned the boat in the 1968 Games. After the Council's vote, Henderson commented "I have no doubt that we now have a blend of classes which encourages young sailors, both men and women, of all weights and aptitudes, to aspire to participate in the Olympic Regatta. Personally, I am disappointed for the world's Star sailors, I have immense respect for class but I am sure it will come back with greater impetus in the future."

All the chosen Olympic classes will have a test run at the 1999 Combined Olympic Class World Championship in Melbourne with the exception of the Tornado, who have yet to reschedule their planned World Championship in Spain.

The Disabled Sailing Committee made recommendations for the boats to be used in the 2000 Paralympics. The Sonar will be used for the three person keelboat and International 2.4mr for the single handed class. Modifications were also made to the Disabled Classification system to allow more severely handicapped sailors to compete fairly.

The world of sailing will have new racing rules, effective from 1 April 1997, following approval of the draft rules by Council this morning. Only one class, the 11 Metre One Design, was granted international status this year with evidence that the required number of boats and countries were actively racing and enjoyed the support of appropriate class rules.

The world's top sailors were recognised at the ISAF Conference with presentations to Lai-Shan Lee, HGK, (1996 women's gold board medallist) and Jochen Schumann (GER) (three times Olympic Gold medal winner). Russell Coutts (NZL) takes the Omega Award for the top ranked skipper.

Change will also affect the Federation itself next year, whose base will move from London to Southampton. Paul Henderson was pleased with the momentum, attendance and decisions of the 1996 Conference commenting "It has been a tough week, we have made some major decisions on Olympic issues and I have been pleased with the support of the Committee Chairman in ensuring an open and fair debate on all issues. I am confident that we have looked after the world's sailors and looked at most jurisdictions."


Recommendations from the Windsurfing Committee meeting held on Monday 4 October, to be considered by the Council.

Item 8 - Development Strategy Working Party

The Committee noted the minutes of the Working Party and welcomed the amount of work that was already being done. There was increasing co-operation between the manufacturers, Class Associations and National Authorities. Initiatives such as the ISAF World Windsurfing Championships in Perth, in which all classes would be involved, were a very positive example of this. It was clear that to ensure continued development, professional management was now necessary.


The ISAF should employ a Windsurfing Manager to ensure the proper and consistent development of the sport.


The International Classes noted with concern that an Olympic Jury had allowed a competitor to use 'Camel Backs' (drink containers of approx 1.5kg attached to upper body) at the Olympics. Whilst it was clear that competitors in Savannah needed to be able to drink plenty of fluids, the International Classes were concerned that the proposed ban on weight jackets water could be effectively circumvented by putting a straw in a water bottle (in a weight jacket) and calling it a camelback.


The Racing Rules should deal with and clarify the situation regarding 'Camel Backs'.

Lai Shan Lee was voted top woman sailor for 1996, in case you wondered what it takes to beat Barbara on the day, check out this bio from the ISAF web site, where much of the above information was obtained

Name: Lai Shan LEE

Residence: Hong Kong

Age: 26

Date of Birth: 5th September 1970

Reason for Nomination:Gold Medal win in the Women's Boards at the 1996 Olympic Regatta. This is the first ever win for Hong Kong in any Olympic Sport and the first Olympic medal in sailing.

Age started sailing: 12

Age started racing: 13

First boat sailed: Mistral

First boat raced: Mistral

First event competed in: Cheung Chau Open, Hong Kong

First event won: Cheung Chau Open, Hong Kong

Personal principle achievments:

•Gold Medallist in 1996 Olympic Games

•1994, 1995 and 1996 Star of Elite Athletes Award, Hong Kong

•1993, 1994 and 1996 ISAF World Sailing Ranking List

•1993 Mistral World Championship, 1

•1993 and 1994 European Mistral Championship, 1

•1991, 1993, 1994, 1995 and 1996 Elite Athletes Award, Hong Kong

•1990 and 1994 Asian Games, 2

Aspiration: To win a gold medal in 1998 Asian Games, and complete my Sports Administration Degree at the University of Canberra, Australia. Afterwards, to contribute to the development of sailing and windsurfing in Hong Kong and Asia.

Briefly state what sailing means to you:

Sailing has trained me to be patient, to strive hard in my work, and to conquer. Through the years of my training, sailing helped me to learn that everything can be achieved through dedication and commitment. I am a more determined girl than I was fourteen years ago. Sailing is my motivation and it has helped me to set goals all throughout my life. Briefly state what being nominated for the World Sailor of the Year Award means to you:

The World Sailor of the Year Award is the most prestigious award for sailors on this planet. Being nominated for this award is a major achievement in my career and a glorifying moment in my sailing history. It encourages me to be devoted and dedicated in contributing to the development of sailing in Hong Kong an Asia.

If vote as the ISAF/Sperry Top-Sider World Sailor of the Year, briefly state what this will mean to you:

This is like a dream come true. I have won Champion titles in Europe, Asia, World Championships and the Olympics. Being voted as World Sailor of the Year will mean that I really am one of the best sailors in the world, and it will encourage me in my ambition to start a career in the development of sailing.

Principle past performances in the past five years:

•1995 Mistral World Championships, Haifa, ISR, 2

•1995 Mistral World Championships, Port Elizabeth, RSA, 3

•1995 Pre-Olympic Regatta, Savannah, USA, 2

•1994 Mistral European Championship, Heraklion, GRE, 1

•1994 IYRU Boardsailing Championship, Gimili, CAN, 4

•1993 Mistral World Championship, Kasiwazaki, JPN, 1

•1993 Mistral European Championship, BEL, 1

•1992 Lechner European Championship. Asker, NOR, 6

Olympic History:

•1996 Olympic Regatta, Womens Boards discipline (IMCO One Design), USA, 1

•1992 Olympic Regatta, Womens Boards discipline (Lechner), ESP, 11

Human Interest:

LEE speaks Cantonese and English...attends the University of Canberra reading Sports Administration.

Although as of 1st July 1997 Hong Kong returns to China, a special sports agreement will enable Hong Kong to retain its own special sports identity as Hong Kong China, and therefore defend its Gold Medal at the 2000 Olympics.




The Australian Yachting Federation's 'National Windsurfing Scheme' is moving ahead with more courses for Instructors being run in the forthcoming season. Last summer saw the first run of reaccreditation courses being held in each State and over150 Instructors were either introduced into the Scheme or re-qualified from an old Instructors qualification. Unfortunately, any Instructors who do no re-accredit this season will lapse altogether. This is necessary because of the great amount of change introduced with the new Scheme structure and logbook…

The new Logbook Training Scheme caters for both long & short board sailors as the level 3 Certificate (stronger winds) can be completed on either type of board and the Level 4 Certificate has been split Into Advanced Longboards & Advanced Shortboards. Also a new level of Basic Skills Instructor makes it easier for competent sailors (not absolute hot shots) to achieve an Instructors Certificate that enables them to be Insured and to teach unsupervised. Those who wish to go further can aim for the level of Senior Instructor. This change has made the Scheme more fair and accessible for all windsurters.

A number of Centres around Australia have decided to push Windsurfing for juniors again and with this has begun the development of a number of juniior fleets. There is now a plan in place for a National Secondary Schools Windsurfing Teams Racing Event similar to the Epiglass event sailed in Puffin Pacers. The success of a national event is dependent, as with the dinghies, on a strong local structure where students pay to go windsurfing on a regular (school sport) basis at a club which owns a fleet of like boards, has qualified coaches, and hopefully some sponsorship. Once a structure has begun to emerge the AYF will be approaching potential national sponsors to assist in the areas of running a national title and covering travel costs for teams etc. A national working party has been set up with representatives from each state.

FUNDRAISING, something extra for those event days when it might not happen! Active Amusements (09) 846 8568 hire out inflatable bouncers (you know, those castle thingies), horizontal bungee, gladiator challenge etc. Could be just the thing for on the beach in case the wind dies.

THE HILLARY COMMISSION has published it’s national funding results, makes interesting reading:

Around $8 million was allocated to a total of 5,600 clubs and organisations for 5,800 projects with a total membership of 2,8 million people (I guess some belong to more than one club!). 55,000 people attended coach/volunteer training courses, $4 million went to sports activities, fitness & leisure got $1.2 million.

The NZWA received about $4000 this year, up on previous years. NOTE that local clubs can apply for funding, the WWA has successfully been funded to the tune of more than $1000 some times, we have also had several instructors trained using H.C. funding, give it a try!

The New Zealand internet windsurfing guide has just taken on a new look, if you’ve got internet access check it out at http://www.winzurf.co.nz., if you haven’t then go check out the internet kiosks at the Wellington City Council offices, library etc. New features include N Z Windsurfer magazine on line with full articles and contents pages. One particularly popular feature is on-line classified ads, if you want to sell some gear or are looking to upgrade you can do it here for free, either on-line or contact:Bruce 56 Pembroke Road, Northland, Wellington, ph (04) 4759236 fax (04) 4756135,

email Bruce@winzurf.co.nz.

The complete guide to windsurfing locations around N.Z are here too as well as the windsurfing events calendar, local and national news - on-line shopping and registration for events will be available soon.

Non-profit organisations such as windsurfing clubs can have their own pages and ads created and maintained free, and also any windsurfing school which is qualified to NZWA standards.

Please supply all material where possible in electronic format (disk or email) to save re-typing (this goes for this newsletter too!). Good quality text and pictures can be scanned if necessary. Club newsletters, event announcements and results etc. all welcome. Information posted here is available immediately, you don’t have to wait for the next mailout

Advertising space, commercial pages and on-line sales are also available (it costs money and time to maintain this site)

In association with Barbara Kendall, Yachting New Zealand is pleased to announce a series of Coaching Programmes and Opportunities for Prospective Windsurfers.

The key aim of the program is to get as many kids as possible into Windsurfing both for the fun of it and because the activity can offer competitive opportunities for both men and women after the initial learning stages.

The program is structured into three levels:

Level One

A. Learn to Windsurf course: one to two hours.

B. Learn to Race: A six week course with selected Yacht Clubs on the Bombora Board

(Junior and Learner Board).

Aim: To learn how to windsurf and be introduced to racing.


Level Two

Yachting New Zealand Academy Coaching Programmes and Racing on the Bombora and

Mistral One Design (Youth and Olympic Board).

Aim: To race at a medium to high level in New Zealand aiming towards the Youth


Selection Trials and Australasian events.


Level Three

Yachting New Zealand Academy Elite coaching programmes for International Competition

on the Mistral One Design.

Aim: To represent New Zealand at the annual ISAF World Youth Sailing

Championships II 8 years and under male and female disciplines).

Aim Compete at Australasian and World Championships

Aim: Represent New Zealand at the Olympics.

……….………….. SIX Week Learn to Race with Yacht Clubs ……………………….

For people who want to get proficient at racing. Main aim to teach participants to race around a course.


Bucklands Beach Yacht Club

Murrays Bay Sailing Club

Kohimarama Yacht Club

Bucklands Beach

Murrays Bay

Kohi Beach

Murray Binning

Julie Worth

Barry Thom

(09) 534 7825

(09) 483 2128

(09) 529 1031

After completion of these courses, participants will be encouraged to get their own Mistral One Design or Bombora Board and race regularly at a Club.

At present Bucklands Beach Yacht Club has a regular fleet of level two youths training and racing. There is coaching on Saturday mornings and racing every afternoon.

Murrays Bay Sailing Club has regular level two and three training on Wednesdays and Saturdays.

For more information contact:

Bucklands Beach Yacht Club, Murray Binning(09) 534 7825

Murrays Bay Sailing Club, Julie Worth (09) 483 2128

Level Two

Scheduled Youth Academy Coaching with Barbara Kendall in Auckland:

November 23rd, Youth Day, Bucklands Beach Yacht Club

Coaching in tile morning and racing with the club in the afternoon. Any kind of Longboard

January 31st - Feb, 2nd Youth Sail, Bucklands Beach Yacht Club

Coaching for 3 days. Preferably Bombora or Mistral One Design

April 15 - 17, Youth Sail, Napier Sailing Club

Coaching before tile Youth Trials. Must have a Mistral One Design

Level Two and Three

Scheduled Races Barbara will be attending to Coach/Race

City of Sails Pt Chev December lst

City of Sails Manukau December lsth

City of Sails Manukau January 26th

City of Sails Kohimarama February 16th

City of Sails Takapuna March 9th

Sail Auckland Kohimarama February 7-13th

N. Island Charnps, Murrays Bay February 20-23rd

Olympicsail, Murrays Bay March 14-17th

Mistral Nationals, BBYC April 5 - 6th TBC

Youth Trials, Napier April 21st - 26th

For more information phone in the first instance Barbara Kendall (09) 534 6838 or (021) 656 104 or Yachting New Zealand (09) 303 2360 or Fax (09) 373-5897



Entry forms for the AUSTRALIAN MISTRAL CHAMPIONSHIPS, 7th - 11th January 1997, Lake Illawarra. IMCO International Calendar, SAIL DOWNUNDER - the combined effort by NZ and Australia for the Olympic classes running up to the 2000 Olympics,

SOUTHERN LAKES WINDSURFING CLUB have confirmed the following dates for the Southern Lakes Series, 1996-1997




3,4,5 January

8,9 January

11,12 January

Contact: Polly Buchanan, Sec. Southern Lakes Windsurfing Club, ph 03 4422815, ph/fax wk 03 4428580


Exercises provided by S. McDonal , reprinted from the West Australian Boardsailing Assn. Newsletter



Wide spread push-ups


Wide grip chin-ups


Abdominal crunches

Narrow " push-ups

Calf raises

Narrow "chin.ups

Reverse crunches

Back extensions




5 .15





10 - 25

20 - 50

10 - 15


(Develops strength in the pectorals. triceps and anterior deltoid Performed off feet for advanced and off knees for intermediate)

(Strengthens thighs. Stand with feet wider than shoulder width apart and turned out. Bend one knee over the foot while keeping the other leg straight. )

(Develops upper back, trapezius and arms. Pull the body up to a bar till back of neck touches it. Feet should be crossed so the legs aren't used for momentum. Slowly lower.)

(Develops thighs. Stand with feet wider than shoulder width, feet slightly out turned and

arms above the head. bend the knees and then straighten. Angle no less than 100°)

(Works rectus abdominus. be on your back with the hips well flexed and the heels on the

floor next to the buttocks. Arms across chest. Trunk curls up to 45°. Emphasis abs)

(Concentrates more on the biceps. Should be performed off the knees by everybody.)

(Works the calves. Stand on a block with the heels extended over the back, raise the body

on the toes as far as possible. Return to the starting position.)

(Concentrates more an serratus as well as latisimus dorsi.)

(Works the inferior portion of the abdominals Lie on back and bring the knees toward the chest)

(Strengthens the post vertebral muscles of the lower back Lie face down ,elbows bent

and hands near face. Lift upper body off floor while keeping hips and feet in contact with the floor. Lower the chest back down in a controlled manner.