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note: the contents have been edit to remove most graphics, copyrighted material and information duplicated elsewhere
Well the message from Wendy this time was pretty brief
MERRY CHRISTMAS TO EVERYONE. Have a good holiday, 'see' you in February for the Feb/Mar issue.
Those present: Mike Brown (YNZ manager ), Barbara Kendall (YNZ recruitment), Geoff Hardy (NZWA President), Mark Killip (NZWA Treasurer), Wendy Kendall (NZWA secretary), Roger Tweddel (NZWA Race Committee), Mike Cross (Mistral Owners Association president).
Discussion: Followed the set agenda basically, and roles of both organisations were clarified and agreed on
in respect of current resources and capabilities.
* To foster Olympic Class Windsurfing; | * To foster all classes and types of windsurfing; ie: |
- entry/beginner | |
- intermediate class | |
- advanced including international competitors | |
(Wave/Slalom/Funboard =PWA, Olympic=IMCO) | |
* Target areas: | *Target areas: |
- Through Yacht Clubs | - Through Windsurfing Clubs and schools |
- Through Youth training programmes | - Through training NZWA Instructors |
- Through Olympic training programmes | - Through organising the National Race Calendar |
- Through setting rules and classes for National | |
Championships - Through maintaining the National Sail register for Windsurfers. |
Basically, you will see that, because the IMCO is an Olympic Yachting Class, recruitment (mainly through Yacht Clubs) and elite training will be taken care of by Yachting New Zealand. The NZWA will tend to all other aspects of windsurfing.
* Lack of funding/sponsorship/membership | * Lack of funding/sponsorship/membership |
* Membership Drives - can be supported by both organisations. | * Having the NZWA office at YNZ premises as resources are stretched already, and |
* Monthly meetings will give a chance to brainstorm for fundraising ideas for both organisations | the current office is functioning well on Waiheke Island. |
* Certain publications will include relevant information from the other organisation | * Combining the two organisations - the NZWA has its own identity which is important as there are so |
* YNZ will be supporting the NZWA by promoting | many facets of the sport which need catering to - |
NZL Sail numbers for all windsurfing class Yacht | YNZ is already very large and is seen as sailing |
Club members. | specific. |
Monthly meetings were considered a great idea and will continue. On the agenda for the next meeting is:
*Accounts revue for last year and set budget for rest of this year
* Fundraising/membership drive to raise enough revenue to meet budget
NZWA Instructors courses/YNZ training programmes - integrating these - also with Coaching NZ.
NEXT NZWA/YNZ MEETING - Friday 13th December.
Saturday 26/11/96 Boot sale was succesful but no wind for champs
Thursday 31/11/96 : Women in Action Night, promotion of windsurfing included videos and gear display by Kim, about 60 attended. Reported that about 100 women have attended EastCoasts promotional lessons!
Wednesday 6/11/96: Members meeting - social and enjoyable.
15-17/11/96 Lake Clearwater Show Weekend Camp: Good turnout in spite of variable weather, warm Friday, snow Saturday. Nathan Secker was fast, Aaron Smith loopy. Winds up to 30 knots.
23-24/11/96 S.I.Cup 10 am Skippers meeting East Coast., 23/11/96 Windsurfing Introduction at Mt P.Y.C., 23/11/96 Cup/Club Dinner at Ferrymead Tavern (busy day!), 30/11/96 Harbout Blast, 4/11/96 Members meeting
Training Day at Charteris Bay Feb 2nd. Rescue boat to go to Lake Coleridge for 3 weeks after Christmas.
TARANAKI WINDSURFING CLUB - Wind Talker - Ph (06) 761 8234.
Sirocco Expression Session '96
This years event was blessed with enough wind to see sailing on all 3 days. Entries at 57 were down a little on last year, but still a good number.
Thursday Westerly winds cranked in to give everyone a blast at Oakura beach
Friday Westerly winds cranked in to give everyone a blast at Oakura beach Wave-sailing at Weld Road. Although the wind didn't build to the strength predicted, most sailors clocked up at least a few solid hours on the water.
Saturday Only light winds filled in, meaning just the top echelon of sailors ventured out to ride some good waves at Pungarehu.
Conditions over the three days were such that it was difficult for anyone to really shine.
This made it a tough task for the 9 judges to determine the placings, but once again Dale took the honours (9 in a row), followed closely by Neil Piebenga (2nd) and Pete Hesselgrave (3rd). Because of the conditions, and in fairness to their reputations, our two world-class overseas entrants (Roberto Hoffman of ltaly and Jason Prior of USA) were not judged.
Gary Craig from Northland demonstrated just how lucky some people can be by taking away the Sirocco waveboard to go with the 3 wet-suits he's scored from previous Siroccos.
Warm sunny weather and a good gathering of keen windsurfers from near and far made this an enjoyable event.
Most of you will be aware that the East End Surf Lifesaving Club have reviewed the use of their facilities, and our arrangement to use the separate room upstairs has been terminated. This has created a dilemma for our club - do we need club-rooms? If so, what are our options?
It seems that there is a general feeling among our members that having clubrooms provides a focal point for the club, and without them we may struggle to keep things "alive".' The committee have recognised that clubrooms can meet the following needs:
. a focal point for the club
. a place to store our assets. These are the barbecue, racing buoys, flags and anchors, the tent, balls, signs, loud-speakers etc
. a place to hold committee meetings, and the AGM
. the past arrangement has allowed members to "take a break" for drinks, lunch etc when sailing at Strandon
. a phone at the beach
. showers and changing facilities
. some social events have been held in the clubrooms in the past, such as Tequila evenings, watching test matches, sail tuning clinics etc
Meeting these needs of course comes at a cost. In the past, this has been a substantial portion of our subs (approx $36 of the $45). If we decide to have clubrooms, it is apparent that in order to retain most of the benefits listed above, any clubrooms need to be close to sailing spots. The lifesavers are still keen to keep an association with our club. They have offered the following:
. a separate locked storage area for our gear.
. keyed access, not to the full complex, but to toilets, showers and a phone. Each of our members can have their own key, but these have to be purchased at $10 each.
. We would be welcome to join them for drinks etc on their deck. All alcohol would have to be purchased from their bar.
. Use of the whole complex by prior arrangement for AGM'S socials etc.
. Another benefit of being on friendly terms with the lifesavers is that they may be more receptive to putting out buoys etc for slalom racing.
. The cost of this arrangement will remain at $36 per member.
The committee ask that you give some thought on how the club should proceed, (or any alternative suggestions), as we may be canvassing club member's opinions on this matter.
Windline back up and running, (04) 388-8813 (contact WildWinds for pin number).
Harbour Blast is on! Ditch Derby delayed until January 97.
The WWA open day on Sunday Dec. 1st was well attended. With the exception of a bit too much cloud and rain and too many fun-runners, the open day had all the elements of a good day - lots of wind, lots of water and lots of sailors.
A few things have been happening behind the scenes. We're still looking for sponsors for a second Windline site and for the boat/trailer. Planning for the Ditch Derby and Harbour Blast is proceeding. But the exciting news is the possibility of an expanded parking, rigging, and launching area in Evan's Bay.
Waiwera Themal Pools - Dash For Cash
A windy previous week didnt hold up and winds for the event never got above 12 knots. Longboards and short got away to a Le Mans start and zig-zagged across the straits of Orewa, finishing at the beach at Waiwera. 1st was Shayne Bright followed by Paul Page , both on Equipes with 8.5s, Arthur Gatland third. Denise Grey was first woman. Thanks to Gavin Attwood of Waiwera for organising what is to be an annual event!
Waiwera Thermal Pools - Learn to Windsurf Day: About 60 turned out to the successful event supported by Pt.Chev., Mad Loop and Windscene, with rescues by the Orewa Surf Club.
The New Zealand Water Safety Council today released the November drowning statistics.
Four people drowned in November, compared to 19 for the same period in 1995 and an average of 16 for the month since 1980. Two people drowned while participating in recreational activities, and two were non-recreational. Executive director Mr Alan Muir said "The record low of November is significant. It is only the second time since 1980 that the November drownings were less than 10." According to the Council, if the number of drownings remain low, as has been the trend for 1996, this year will be the lowest on record. The Council is predicting an annual toll of less than 120.
"If people act responsibly around the water during December, we expect to see a drowning toll which will be half that of the highest period in 1985. The reduction in drownings can be attributed to better aquatic education programmes available nationally, higher expectations of good behaviour by participants, and improved equipment." said Mr Muir.
Taken from the Queensland Newsletter' Wind Words' - Via NSW Boardsailing Assn. Newsletter
In many ways, fitness, health and windsurfing has always been connected by those who watch as well as participate in the sport.
For optimum performance the sailor's weight can be an important factor, so weve try to maintain healthy diets and keep up the activity.
Some obvious health concerns however seem to be largely overlooked - that being the risk of skin cancer and sun damage.
Sure, its been rammed down your throat since you were kids, Slip, Slop, Slap but, how many of us heed the warnings, I certainly didn't and have now at ajge 51, found a very unpleasant way to shed weight. I've had some very unpleasant surgery on my chest, (no not silicone implants), back, and mo>re recently inner ear and neck involving skin graft repairs and basically cutting and slicing away slabs of damaged skin. Whatever extreme precautions I take now are simply too late, I did most of the damage at age 30 to 40 and was not exposed to the sun in those days to the same extent as now when I sail I aim forced now to wear a full protective suit including a balaclava type hood. In the water that adds up to more weight and discomfort, its bloody hot and uncomfortable and makes me look like an escapee from a low budget Japanese Ninja film. It's that or give up the sport altogether, something I'm not ready for yet! If I had the same chance over again, I'd be spending on sunscreen and protection (no not condoms) and at the age of 51 would be buying the latest sailing gear with the money I've saved on surgery.
Heed the warning and use a good sunscreen regularly. Don't expect one application to last the full session and don't forget the ears.
Yachting New Zealand is pleased to have Barbara Kendall on board as a boardsailing coach. Barbara's enthusiasm and outstanding international performances eminently qualify herto lead the next generation of board sailors through to further international success.
"We are delighted that Barbara has joined us, and we look forward to working with her to encourage the stars of tomorrow as they seek to emulate the outstanding success of our board sailors in recent Olympic Games," said Yachting New Zealand Chief Executive, Adrienne Greenwood.
At present Barbara is formulating a programme to encourage
and facilitate coaching programmes and she will shortly be visiting Canterburys Regional Coaching Clinic.
"l'm looking forward to the challenge of assisting the development of youth boardsailing in the country and hope that we can certainly encourage more young women into the sport" commented Barbara.
In a ceremony in November, Barbara presented her 1996 silver medal winning Mistral to Mike Clarke and Dick Jones of the Wharf Yacht Club in recognition of their tremendous support to the Olympic Classes over the last two Olympic Games.
Barbara's board will be on permanent display at the Wharf Yacht Club.
In association with Barbara Kendall,
Other news
On the 16th of May this year the new Submarine Cables and Pipelines Protection Act came into force which has implications to all boaties throughout the country and is of particular relevance to clubs running yacht races in the affected areas. The consequences of violating this act are now very severe.
The penalty for anchoring in a protected area can be a fine of up to 520,000. A fine of up to 5250,000 can be imposed for damaging a cable.
The key areas that are protected under the law include, the Cook Strait protected area, and areas in the following locations:
Great Barrier Island, Hauraki Gulf Kawau lsland, Whangaparoa Peninsula.
Yachting New Zealand intends making representations to the appropriate authorities to safeguard the interests of yacht clubs running races in the above listed areas, but advises clubs operating in protected areas to note the pro- j visions and act accordingly.
CEOs Report. The Chief executive drew the councils attention to the availability of Hillary Commission funding on a regional level.
Marketing: An agreement is about to be signed between Line 7 and YNZ for a range of logod apparel for both retail and club markets.
Excerpt from Adrienne Greenwoods report.
Windsurfing committe
I joined this meeting half way through discussions and my notes are therefore somewhat brief. Two issues were discussed during my time at the meeting.
General discussion was had on the increase in cooperation between the various manufacturers, class associations and national authorities and that for this cooperation to continue it was important that ISAF needed to have a staff member aboard with the knowledge and capabilities of dealing with windsurfing issues.
Wide spread discussion was had on equipment to be used for the Sydney 200o Olympics. In general the views expressed were that IMCO would be prepared to manufacture to a "Gold standard" and that any such board so tagged would be built to the highest standards and be appropriate for international competition. Accordingly it was the view of the committee that competitors bring their own equipment to the next Olympics.
Those of you who read the paper occasionally might be aware that theres another (wrong way) around the world yacht race currently on and at present the fleet is out in the southern Pacific Ocean heading for Wellington. If you had your glasses on you might also have read that theres a virtual race on too, anyone with access to the world wide web can enter their own yacht and sail it. All pretty low key, I missed the first leg because I was too busy to get involved, so I finally caught up with the fleet at Rio getting ready to depart. To start you have to pick a crew and assign them watch duties, theres quite a list to pick from with a mixture of qualities - working on the basis that teamwork and intelligence were more important than muscle I ended up with a woman skipper and about 50/50 male/female crew. You also get to provision the yacht, although Im not sure what effect that has (apart from keeping the booze locked up!)
OK, the race started (I missed that) so when I next looked I was sailing straight out into the Atlantic, so I instructed the helm to head due south. A few hours later I got a message saying Id run aground and was out of the race, obviously I hadnt cleared harbour yet - so that was that, I went off to sulk. About three days later I got another message to say my crew were going to mutiny if I didnt contact them (I thought theyd all gone home) so I looked in again and found my yacht (It Could Be Worse) was just rounding the Horn and I was coming second of the NZ entries - just shows what picking a good crew means! So I resumed control and have managed to steadily undo all the good work the crew had done (Im currently back about 8th). The main controls are the helm and the sails (you can set the % of sail you have up), problem is the information is updated once every 8 hours so it takes a long time to see what effect a course change or a reef in the sail has. My latest mistake (losing about 4 places) was to head for the way point (pretend buoy) which the real fleet was making for, only to find that the virtual fleet dont have to round this mark, so much for the virtual REALITY bit!
The NZ entries in this race have their own class as well, winner of the first leg was Robin Hinde, a local windsurfer from Eastbourne who made the news with his virtual yacht The Zoz, named after his dog. Winner of the second stage also named her yacht after her dog, my yacht is named after a mutant frog type thing which Ive had for nearly 30 years, so I dont fancy my chances much. Other local windsurfers involved include Colin Iles also from Eastbourne, so itll be interesting to see if we score any more wins. If youre interested in having a look, check out the BT Challenge web site at http://www.btchallenge.com, where you can follow the progress of the real fleet, check out the weather maps, photos and reports etc.
Bruce (Bruce@winzurf.co.nz)
(note at the time of "going to press" Robin had regained the lead of the kiwi contingent closely pressed by yours truly)
PWA Rumour Mill
edited from the original created by joseph@maxwell.ucd.ie
date : 25 November 1996
Top shapers are looking at new light wind wave boards that look like malibu surf boards. Leading the field is pro sailor and Fanatic shaper Sebastien Wenzel. The boards are designed for very ligt wind days and properly formed waves.
New windsurfing wave tour called the Windsurf Trilogy 1997 will take place in three places around the World in the first half of 1997, Cap Vert (February), Morocco (April-May), and Madagascar (July). The three week window at each event is to increase the possibility of waves and wind.
Simmer Cyber Race goes on sale early next year and comes with a carbon mast extension that is vey flexible and fits on top of Fiberspar masts.
Cobra have just released a 295 race that has twinzer fins, two large race fins. It goes upwind very well but how fast is it?
date : 21 October 1996
Nik Baker, after his terrible injury on the ramp in Barcelona has pulled out of the remaining World Tour events
Anders Bringdals new Cyber race sail, which has just been launched and is causing a lot of interest on the World Tour, is a revolutionary new design. The mast is very long and has a flex top, with a straight luff from the tip of the mast to the clew. The sail is easier to use and more powerfull (i.e. when the other sailors on the World tour are out on 8m sails Anders is out on a 7m). The mast in the sail is a normal mast with a golf club like shaft stuck onto the top of the mast to provide the extra length and bend.
date : 23 September 1996
The brand Tiga has now been incorporated into the Bic brand. Tiga are releasing no new shapes for 1997 and stopping the X-series boards Tiga wetsuits are now a thing of the past Hughues de Turkheim is leaving Tiga
Rumours abound as to what will be the next Olympic board - AHD are putting forward their new Race 310, that can plane in less than 8 knots. This board and four sails are proposed.
In December 1997, the biggest windsurfing event in the world will be held. It will include competitions under the following associations, IMCO (Olympic), IFCA, PWA and IBSA (Raceboard and Formula 42). The place to be for Christmas in 1997
For information on this newsletter, to submit material for publication please contact either the NZWA or
Bruce Spedding, 56 Pembroke Road, Northland, Wellington. Ph (04) 4759236, Fax (04) 4756135, email Bruce@winzurf.co.nz. Note, for clubs etc. wanting to promote events, please fax or email Bruce to make sure the information is up to date so if you want your events included, send the information now!