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December/January 1998
From the office - Wendy presents the WNZ news and view. Results and articles from the regions and overseas.
Hi and its ho ho ho, holiday time. The wind has been giving us plenty of opportunity for sailing Im sure everywhere in NZ, if not too much! Not that Ive had much time for sailing as the last two months in the office have been the most hectic I can remember: * launching our new name "Windsurfing NZ" * launching the membership drive * annual circulation of declarations and participation statistic questionnaires to windsurfing schools * updating the Instructors Manual and all other handouts with our new name and logo, and other preparations for the first Instructors Course at Pt Chevalier, on 24 - 28 November. all this as well as the normal weekly mail to reply to!
The Family Television Network came to Waiheke to film a documentary about Windsurfing NZ, the sport and my involvement (plus about being a "Kendall") to be aired on their Oceanfile series early next year, and we submitted an application to TVNZ to gain a 30sec free advertising spot as part of their Community Support programme. Unfortunately our application was turned down, but we shall try again next year.
There is also a possibility that a new TV Series on ocean sports will be made next year. Greg Townsend from Surfing NZ will be keeping us posted.
Television is definately the way to go for getting publicity, so Windsurfing NZ will be pursuing this further as opportunities arise..
Speaking of film, our CD-ROM project will be needing as much of this as possible including actual sailing, equipment, favorite locations, schools, personalities - on and off the water. We want all levels of skill - advanced, intermediate or even first-timers......inluding interviews. We want to know why people windsurf, how they started, why they keep doing it, and how they feel about the sport. So get filming and send it in to the Windsurfing NZ office.
So far, so good, with four of the main windsurfing shops joined up already - Watercooled in Dunedin, Wild Winds in Wellington, Assault in Mt Maunganui, and WildWindSurf in Auckland. We have only just invited the Manufacturers and Importers so have yet to hear back, then we will be phoning everyone again for an update and some personal contact about this scheme. We have had about three new members per week, and as more people find out about it, we are sure our membership will keep increasing - the more who join in, the more to win!
Current Windsurfing NZ Members who havent updated their membership have one more chance this issue! Forms enclosed.
A successful course run by Ben Corrigan at the Pt Chevalier Windsurfing school with plenty of students coming in over the week giving the four trainee Instructors lots of practice. Congratulations to Jeremy Howard (bound for WildWinds no doubt!), Peter Sawyer, Elena Renker, and Mike Brunt. Our updated Instructors List is also enclosed - please note that Anthony Wrigley is now included (unfortunately he was omitted from the list in the Year Book - Anthony - get your photos in to us so we can send you your badge and Certificate now!)
As usual, there are corrections. Unfortunately, the last digit of schools and club phone number were ommitted, they are in this newsletter for you to cut and paste into your Year Book for future reference.
Going very well, lots of regular and new faces every week. They are hoping for any celebrities or capable ladies to go along and inspire or help out. Phone Jamie at 815 0683.
To stimulate youth windsurfing competition a series of events has been organised for this summer. See the YNZ section later.
Yachting NZ has "granted dispensation to windsurfers from wearing buoyancy aid in events under the jurisdiction of Yachting NZ. Competitors must always wear some from of buoyancy either a wetsuit or harness. This dispensation is granted under the terms of the YNZ Safety Regualtions Part 1. That is, it may always be overridden by RRS40 or by the Notice of Race or the Sailing Instruction.
"Windsurfing NZ should note that Race Officers can not judge the ability of individual competitors and generally use Code Flag "Y" in relation to the wind and sea conditions prevailing at the time. WNZ should encourage less skilled competitors, who may tire easily, to wear buoyancy aids when appropriate."
From USWA News
Tech Time with Ken Winner
Q: What is an AVS or Flapper Board?
A: The term AVS is an acronym for Anti-Ventilation Skirt, but it has come to refer both to the skirt, or flap, and the board that the flap is on.
Q: when did you make this breakthrough?
A: The anti-ventilation skirt is an idea that came to me some years ago; I don't recall exactly when. I figured it would be a good way to prevent fin ventilation and spinout. I didn't try it when I first thought of it because designers got the ventilation problem mostly under control through other means. Then, when Eric Voigt and I started working on the short, wide boards back in the Spring of '96, and we saw that we'd have to move the fin and straps back on the board. I figured the time was right to give the idea a try. Eric built a board and put the skirt on it. I knew we had something good within 10 seconds of putting it in the water for the first time.
Q: what has been your personal experience sailing AVS boards?
A: First, they almost never spinout- at least the ones I've been riding. The fin of a board creates a zone of low pressure on its windward side. This low-pressure zone tends to suck air down from above the water's surface. Sometimes it succeeds and you get ventilation which in turn causes spinout.
The flap on an AVS board is very successful at preventing ventilation. In fact, it's so successful that Alex Aguera (second at the '97 Nationals, and board shaper for top US racer Micah Buzianis) put one on a conventional board to prevent spinout.
Second, the best of AVS boards have more range than an average board. The width gets you onto a plane quicker in the lulls, but the overall smaller size and lower wetted surface means you have better speed and control in the gusts. Rob Mulder of Robert's Sailboards built a 26inch-wide AVS recently that could plane off in about 5 knots and yet was very fast and controllable in 20 to 25 - with a 20" fin, no less. Now that's range.
...the latest AVS designs are incredibly fast and easy to sail off the wind...
Third, the latest AVS designs are incredibly fast and easy to sail off the wind. On a conventional board there's a lot of planing surface behind the sailor's back foot. This surface area tends to lift the tail and force the nose of the board down. The result is that conventional boards nose into the backs of waves and have a lot of wetted surface when they're going downwind. AVS designs, by contrast, have a ride that's much more free of the water and they have far less of a tendency to stick.
Fourth, AVS designs, particularly the light-air ones, are as quick to plane off as conventional boards, yet they have far less wetted surface. This lower wetted surface makes them significantly faster in light air.
Fifth, most of the early AVS designs, except for a couple from Eric Voigt, weren't that great to jibe. The latest boards jibe very well. Most of our testing has been done on light-air-oriented designs, so we're most sure that the AVS offers an advantage in winds under15 mph. However, Rob Mulder's pretty stoked on the small, highwind designs as well.
Q: I've noticed the AVS boards are unusually wide. Is this a separate design issue?
A: My feeling from the start was that we would get the biggest performance improvements over conventional boards and would appeal to the greatest number of windsurfers if we were to focus
onboards that could perform in the 5- to 15-mph wind range. That's why most of the prototypes have been wide.
Now that we've tested quite a few boards in the 24" to 26" range, we'll be testing both wider and narrower ones. I can't wait to try a 28" or 30" By the way, we scarcely scarcely ever talk about the length of these boards because their width is their distinguishing characteristic. They range in length from 8'6" to 9'0", but that mainly affects aesthetics, not performance.
Q: Do you think AVS will find its way to a production board?
A: Roberto Ricci (RRD) has put an AVS into production. Unfortunately, he hasn't done much work with the AVS concept, and hasn't made the progress that Rob Mulder and Alex Aguera have, so the RRD version doesn't look too impressive. As for major manufacturers, they'll probably wait to see if the pros start using it and if the advantages are really great enough to justify the expense.
I should point out here that most of the hoopla over AVS stems from them taking three of the top four spots at the Nationals. That fact alone, however, isn't proof that the concept is worth putting into production on a large scale. The real test of whether these boards are worth anything will come after more casual recreational windsurfers try them and decide what they think.
Who else is on the net? Quite a few well know names, Ken Winner is often active, and Bruce Peterson of Gorge fame had this to offer ...
From: sailworx@gorge.net (Bruce Peterson)
Subject: Camberless sails: Where's the magic?
Date: Fri, 10 Oct 1997 14:21:42 GMT
Here's the magic .......
Ignoring the obvious variables like planshape, luff and boom length,number of battens, sleeve width, cambers or not, sail design boilsdown to two things: shape and tension. Or more specifically the quality and quantity of both shape and tension. Where the shape is and how much shape is there, and where the tension runs and how much tension is distributed. These two variables are very closely inter-related. Shape makes tension and tension can make shape. You cannot see the loading that occurs within a sail so it is easy to understand how this important feature could be overlooked.
Camless sails (or at least the Sailworks Retro variant I very familiar with) have several key characteristics that are very hard to achieve in cambered sails. Statically, camless sails are quite flat, as their shape is induced by wind loading. What becomes the depth of the sail is pushed forward and rolled around the mast when the sail is
luffing. The shape that does exist in the sail is the subtle, but carefully defined seam shaping. Thus, the static foil profile is very shallow and very draft back, centered low on the sail with subtle pre-twist in the head.
Our Retro sails rig with 3 - 5 cm of POSITVE outhaul tension. This gives the sails a high degree of perimeter loading, especially in the lower half of the sail. This perimeter tension, combined with the freedom of the foil to increase in depth under load gives the sail a wonderfully responsive spring. The Retro pumps like no other sail I have ever made before.
These three features, static draft back profile, high perimeter tension and springy response give exceptional low end power that is comparable or superior to any camber sail.
The "magic" doesn't end there. The idea of a camless sail that is "draft back" sounds intimidating, but it is not at all indicative of the actual performance. As the sail shape fills in under load, the draft moves FORWARD as the shape that was rolled around the mast pulls in to the leading edge. Held in place by a set good set of battens
the sail profile is very stable. The feel and responsive is exceptionally smooth and forgiving.
Need some more power? Sheet in harder! Need to ease up to get back in control? Sheet out and the power disappears! It's too easy.
So why can't you achieve all this with cambers? Cambers by their nature mechanically hold the sail shape to its maximum depth. This significantly changes the balance of tension in the sail. The springy response of the foil moving in and out is dampened away but locking in the foil shape. Great for top end stability, poor for responsiveness and handling. Cambers give you basically one depth of draft is relatively insensitive to changes in wind speed or direction. The result is locked in feel with power that is on all the time. Great for racers and those seeking top end performance, not ideal low-end power or riders with less aggressive styles.
The lightweight and simplicity of camberless sails is obvious; it's the performance that is amazing.
Bruce Peterson
Sailworks R+D
Editors note: Sometimes the articles and information posted in here may seem a little partisan or commercially biased. The right of reply is always available, just contact me through whatever means available , although as always , electronic copy is preferred. Bruce - 56 Pembroke Rd, Wellington Ph 04 4759236, Fx 04 4756135, email bruce@winzurf.co.nz
Taranaki Windsurfing
What happened at the AGM?
This year's AGM was held on Wednesday 24th September, 7.30 pm in the Players Bar The usual election of officers took place:
President Greg Dentith (Animal)
Secretary Jane Grimmer
Treasurer Debra Towler
Editor Carl Townsend
Slalom/Course Racing Organiser Neil Piebenga
Noel Moir Malcolm Towler Andrew Broadbent Peter Huitema John Ancell
Thanks to Peter Huitema for his efforts as treasurer over the last couple of years. As shown above, the "reigns" have now been taken over by Debra.
Neil Piebenga has been chosen to organise racing over the summer. This will be an excellent opportunity for us all to benefit from his racing experiences overseas. Phone him on 7582422 if you're keen to compete.
Subs are to be kept at the basement bargain price of 520. At this level we should see a growth in membership this year.
The main topic for discussion was Pete's suggestion of a 2nd wind-talker. Likely location would be Bell Block. A consensus has been reached that this is a good idea providing we have the membership numbers to support not only the installation but also on-going costs, ie phone line rental. Sirocco profits and possible sponsorship will also have a bearing on the final decision.
The bottom line is this: if you want a 2nd wind-talker, encourage as many sailors as you can to join the club - its only 20 bucks!
All matters were attended to in quick time - Zimmo's videos with awesome Jaws footage showing on the big screen saw to that!
If you Drink then Drive you're a bloody idiot...........
Another way to endanger yourself and the lives of others is to go on a Mvsterv Bus Trip that includes a session of skating at the East End Skating Rink. Well done to the all-girl organising team (they know who they are) for yet another excellent event!
Manukau Windsurfing Assn.
It gives me great pleasure to present my report for the year ending October 31 1997.
I said last year that there were some encouraging signs that the sport of windsurfing was taking off again, with a respectable number of youths and/or beginners at various Clubs and schools around Auckland. This trend, although slow, has continued, with an encouraging number of youths, in particular, sailing at various events. The recent Youth Sail at Murrays Bay attracted no less than 22 youth sailors on IMCOS, compared with around 7 last year.
Although we haven't seen a dramatic upsurge in our own membership of 52, we think it is important to be active in promoting windsurfing in general, and have continued to be leaders with the organisation of events like the City of Sails Series. Additionally, we will be running the International Teams Event in Huntly in February, which we are hoping once again will attract approx 20 of the world's best Olympic Class sailors as well as providing great racing for local sailors.
As well as our regular Club events, we hosted the 1997 Formula 42 Nationals. We are grateful to Air New Zealand for supporting this event. They provided a free ticket to the World Champs in Perth (won by Shayne Bright) as well as a discount package for other World Champs competitors - including "yours truly" who will be competing in the F42 Masters and Grand-masters classes. Attendance at the F42 Nationals was a little disappointing with only 29 competitors, albeit a world class line-up. It is interesting that in NZ the standard of our top sailors is probably as good as it has ever been, and the quality of our youth sailors is excellent - but we are still noticing a lack of numbers and enthusiasm at the intermediate levels. I am hoping that the City of Sails Series this summer will see an increase in these number - last year's average of 50 sailors per event was encouraging I hope to see more this year.
We will, of course, be continuing to run our regular Club race days and training days throughout the coming year. Last year I complained about lack of numbers at some Club events. The last 12 months showed an improvement in numbers whenever the weather and wind looked good, but still a poor turnout unless conditions were ideal. Quite often our race-day competitors consisted of many non-Club members - names like Barbara Kendall, Aaron MacIntosh, Shayne Bright, Jon-Paul Tobin, Paul Page, Grant Beck - in other countries sailors would pay big money to get the opportunity to race against sailors of this calibre!
Running race days involves a lot of effort. I am very grateful to Graeme Phillips, Len Brown, John Winn, Maggie Gatland, Doug Alderson, Kris and Terry Blewitt, and Grant Clark who all help regularly to ensure our events are successful. Your Committee of David Scollay, Hamish Reid, Ian Young Graeme Phillips and Doug Alderson have all worked behind the scenes to ensure the Club continues to prosper. I would also like to acknowledge the support of Shell Takanini and the South Auckland Caravan Centre, both who support the Club with their product at no charge.
The Club's financial position continues to be steady. Our aim is basically to break even, while meeting our commitments like paying off our rescue boat. We have intentionally kept our membership fees at a very low level, despite the fact that this has meant a bit of a struggle to balance the books. We still feel that our Club offers exceptional value for money, with the quality of our events and facilities.
I look forward to the coming season with a great deal of optimism for the sport, and confidence in the future of the Club.
Arthur Gatland President
Dennis Mowbray, the Commodore of the CYMC addressed the meeting on the importance of all water sports clubs using the facilities at Lyttelton being represented to the new developers of the projected marina and associated facilities. Dennis represents the CYMC and other yacht clubs, and is prepared to represent windsurfers and dragon-boaters. The CYMC hope to negotiate a lease for the land-based facilities affecting such users, and ultimately reach an agreement with clubs such as ours to share the facilities .
The marina is going ahead in virtually the same manner as planned by the previous developers. The developers have an agreement with right to buy in 18 months or five years. Despite time constraints imposed by the Resource Consents, every effort will be made to avoid tipping landfill at the site of the Nationals between 4-9 February 1998, especially on the new ramp which is being poured for the event, although this will probably be lost soon afterwards.
The tyres will be removed, either chipped or used amongst the 100,000 tonnes of fill to be dropped. Unfortunately, the stand of trees and existing grass area will probably be removed to allow truck access, so it is hoped that astroturfor old carpet will be laid to protect sails.
Facilities which the committee considered important for sailors were:
(i) Non-slip ramp exposed to prevailing nor'easterly, wide enough for two sailors with rigs to pass each other.
(ii) Parking
(iii) Sheltered grassy rigging area
(iv) Washdown facilities
(v) Toilets
The options relating to affiliating with the CYMC were discussed, with an agreement that a flat fee would put off sailors who did not want to use the facilities at Lyttelton. (The CYMC will eventually lose their existing clubrooms, but they will be replaced on the new site, with costs not yet known.) Options included full membership, social membership, and fees paid only by racers at the time of events. Dennis will be getting back to the Club with estimates on fees and the benefits to members. It is important for the Club to retain its identity.
Boot Sale:
This was very successful indeed, with a lot of gear changing hands.
Lake Clearwater Camp:
The largest number of sailors ever to attend spent some windy days at the Lake. The lake was cold and rain at night dampened spirits somewhat, but the sailing was great. Dave McPhee and his support group, including Roberto Hoffman who entertained with numerous forward loops etc, demoed new sails and boards.
Warren Francis from Australia ran a clinic, and Sue Bradley from Queenstown held a women's clinic. Some members rigged in the area set aside for wildfowl, so efforts will be made to discourage this next year or we will be in trouble.
Wellington Windsurfing Assn. A decision to drop the membership fee to $25 has not created the great stampede that was hoped, and it looks like the Harbour Blast will be the usual draw card that gets the big sign-on. The Harbour Blast is still looking for an organiser with Sports Impact (aka Wind Festival) out this year. The disappointing news too is that the Balena Bay Ramp is on hold and looks like it could suffer from bureaucratitus. Meanwhile the wind still blowsNew Zealand Windsurfing Association, 9 Pah Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island, PH/FAX (64)9 372 9422
1997 - The year of the Mohawk?
With the year not yet quite over its currently Scott Fentons, finishing with a florish in the laste few events as the following exerpts from various press releases show. The press releases are too long tto include, but are all available on the wiNZurf web site.
October 21, 1997
... It was only KZ-1 Scott Fenton who could out-do Bouldoires on the his first jump with and incredibly high forward loop which left Fenton only a couple of board lengths of pool left to land in! ... KZ-1 Scott Fenton, continued to dominate with a massive,
tweaked table-top. ... KZ-1 Scott Fenton came out for the second time and pulled off another huge, forward loop, which was received with huge cheers by the near capacity crowd in the FilaForum.... Fenton hit the ramp on his second jump and went into a huge, high , tweaked table top which put him at the top of the scoreboard...
1st KZ-1 Scott Fenton
2nd F-808 Erik Thieme
3rd K-66 Nik Baker
... KZ-1 Scott Fenton, the first night jump winner opened the final with a huge table top, that he was forced to crash land, just to keep himself in the pool. The standard was set!... Scott Fenton's second jump pushed the boundaries yet further, the Kiwi sailor
hit the ramp and then pulled off an awesome push loop with an almost dry landing, good enough for 11.0 points and for the crowd to go wild and leap to
their feet cheering !!... Scott Fenton had saved his forward loop until last and pulled out the highest and cleanest forward of the entire contest, laying down the
gauntlet to Naish and Bellini. It was Bellini who answered. The Spanish sailor, hit the ramp at speed flicked up into the table-top position and the rotated for a full back loop and landed !! The first time a table-top back loop had been completed indoors, a historic moment, all 5 judges immediately awarded 12.0 pts, the maximum score possible.
OVERALL RESULTS - over two nights
Jump Overall
1st KZ-1 Scott Fenton
2nd F-808 Erik Thieme
3rd US-1111 Robby Naish
1st US-1111 Robby Naish
2nd K-66 Nik Baker
3rd KZ-1 Scott Fenton
Naish was also delivering the goods and was sailing like a 'man on a mission', digging deep into his repertoire of wave tricks. It looked like he was going
to be un-stoppable on his way to the semi's. After defeating Mathias Holmberg he came up against Scott Fenton in the quarter finals. Fenton, sailing particularly well, was pulling off some incredible push loops and in a close heat the judges narrowly gave the decision to Fenton.... So despite the slow start to the week, Brazil definitely came up with the
goods and the PWA World Tour Final definitely finished the year in dramatic style. Bjorn Dunkerbeck consolidated his overall victory on the tour this year
by winning the event, whilst Scott Fenton proved himself to be the 'dark horse' amongst the fleet by finishing the event in second place overall. This in turn means that he overtook Matt Pritchard to move into third position in the PWA Overall World Ranking
pos sailor sail
1 DUNKERBECK, Bjoern E-11
Neil Pryde, F2, Red Bull, Rip Curl
2 FENTON, Scott KZ-1
Neil Pryde,ACE, DSL 55 , Dirty Dogs
3 BRINGDAL, Anders S-10
Simmer,RRD,Liberty, Tectonics,Fiberspa
Gaastra, Oxbow, Red Bull,N.ShoreFins
PWA 1997 Race Ranking
1 E-11 Bjorn Dunkerbeck Spain
2 US-34 Micah Buzianis USA
3 S-10 Anders Bringdal Sweden
4 KA-7 Phil McGain Australia
5 US-93 Matt Pritchard USA
6 S-39 Christoffer Rappe Sweden
7 US-933 Kevin Pritchard USA
8 KZ-1 Scott Fenton New Zealand
9 F-35 Robert Teriitehau France
10 KA-0 Steve Allen Australia
PWA 1997 Wave Ranking
1 KA-1111 Jason Polakow Australia
2 US-1111 Robby Naish USA
3 USA-6 Josh Stone USA
4 E-11 Bjorn Dunkerbeck Spain
5 KZ-1 Scott Fenton New Zealand
6 F-81 Patrice Belbeoc'h France
7 K-66 Nik Baker England
8 S-10 Anders Bringdal Sweden
9 G-16 Bernd Flessner Germany
10 N-44 Vidar Jensen Norway
PWA 1997 Overall World Ranking
1 E-11 Bjorn Dunkerbeck Spain
2 S-10 Anders Bringdal Sweden
3 KZ-1 Scott Fenton New Zealand
4 US-93 Matt Pritchard USA
5 US-933 Kevin Pritchard USA
6 K-66 Nik Baker England
7 G-16 Bernd Flessner Germany
8 US-34 Micah Buzianis USA
9 F-81 Patrice Belbeoc'h France
10 F-35 Robert Teriitehau France
E-11 Bjorn Dunkerbeck (1st Overall, 1st Racing, 4th Wave) "First of all I think it is very important we had a competition in South America. There is huge potential for the sport in this country. It is always
exciting winning a contest where you have never been before. The conditions were not as strong wind as we hoped for but it is still better being in first place in a light wind competition than being in second, of course.
As for winning the tenth title, it has been my goal all year long. It is something I never even imagined five years ago would be possible for anyone to do. This year has actually gone pretty smoothly. We have had lots of good competitions, and I have been performing well and improving my windsurfing all year so I am pretty happy with that. I have already decided I am going to compete for three more years on the circuit. I think the sport is getting better, we are getting more events, more sponsors and more new people in the
sport. It is good to see and very motivating, so we see how it goes and hopefully the next three years are going to have lots of good conditions!"
S-10 Anders Bringdal (2nd Overall, 3rd Racing)
" I am very pleased, I have not been there for a few years even though popular opinion has it that I am the main man chasing Dunkerbeck. In the English magazine they said that 'the battle between Bringdal and Dunkerbeck, is no more!'. You know what, they are wrong!"
KZ-1 Scott Fenton (3rd Overall)
"I must be pretty damn good I suppose, I did not know I was that good!Seriously its unbelievable. I have devoted the last seven years to world cup and finally I have made the podium for the overall. It is a dream come true. I have worked really hard and it has paid off".
KA-1111 Jason Polakow (1st Wave)
"I am pretty ****in happy! What can you say? Seven years of working hard for it has paid off. I might go and buy a new set of golf clubs when I get home!"
US-1111 Robby Naish (2nd Wave)
" Today was kind of an anti climax. We were expecting light winds but not this light. It was really tough out there. If you ask me today if I am doing the
tour next year I would say absolutely not but who knows, I will probably change my mind. I hope so!"
USA-6 Josh Stone (3rd Wave)
"That poser Polakow is up there in first and nobody can be stoked about that... I am joking. I am pretty stoked. It is my best result yet and every year is getting better. I have fought for it and hopefully next year I will get up into first place".
F-12 Nathalie LeLievre (1st Overall, 1st Racing, 1st Wave)
"I am super happy. Yesterday I could have lost everything, now I won everything so it was great to win. It all came down to the last day of the tour".
G-680 Jutta Mueller (2nd Overall, 2nd Wave)
" I don't know, it has been kind of up and down this year. I am quite glad for being second behind Nathalie; she really deserves the title, she is the best
sailor overall in really light winds. In strong winds and in wave sailing, she deserves it. I am happy anyway".
An update on recent developments in coaching services provided and supported by the Hillary Commission.
I) Coaching New Zealand (CNZ)The Commission and CNZ have agreed to work in partnership to provide an improved integrated coaching service to sporting organisations. In order to achieve this, CNZ staff have joined with the Commission's coaching personnel to form a coaching division within the Commission. This division is managed by Waimarama Taumaunu.
CNZ will continue to exist as per its constitution and will continue to provide membership services (i.e. a magazine, library service, coaching conference). The Commission will work with CNZ to support the membership services and annually allocate resources and second staff to assist in this area.
The coach education resources deveioped in the past, and .future (by the division) will be branded to Coaching New Zealand.
Coaching is a key strategic area for the Commission, and in order to assure the Commission receives the best possible guidance and advice in the area of coaching, a Coaching Council will soon be formed. This will be made up of representatives from CNZ and Hillary Commission appointees.
This new setup is exciting for the Commission, CNZ and sport. We believe it best utilises the combined experience, expertise and resources of CNZ and the Commission. We look forward to receiving your feedback on these developments in 1998.
As a consequence of these changes, CNZ has some office space available in Sports House in Wellington. If you are interested in finding out more about this space, contact Alistair Fraser, Administration Manager at the Commission.
Coaching Council
Coaches Count Promotion
The Coaches Count Promotion has now been mnning for about 10 weeks and the results to date have been most encouraging. In particular softball, volleyball and athletics have really used the promotion to their best advantage and have made great progress in increasing the number of quality coaches within their organisations.
Planning is presently underway to get the winter phase of the Coaches Count promotion up and mnning. The Commission is hopeful that the partnerships we have established with the national governing bodies in the promotion will lead to an even greater success in 1998.
Coaching is cmcial to the success of sport in New Zealand. The Hillary Commission seeks to provide an effective and user friendly service to sport in this area. We will work to recmit more coaches and provide a career pathway which trains and rewards them. In this way we seek to provide athletes with sufficient coaches of the quality which they require.
We look forward to working with you to achieve this vision.
In keeping with its new strategic direction the New Zealand Water Safety Council has changed its name to Water Safety New Zealand.
In announcing the new name Executive Director, Alan Muir emphasised theimportance of the change. "Water Safety New Zealand's vision is to ensure
everyone in New Zealand has the water safety attitudes, skills and behaviour necessary to use and enjoy the environment safely.
To achieve this vision new initiatives, particularly standards, accreditation and quality management systems within the water safety industry will be vigorously
followed. This includes working with associate bodies to have appropriate vocational
qualifications recognised on the NZ Qualifications Authority, and initiatives to
implement an endorsemenv accreditation programme for public swimming pools
facilities by meeting specific safety standards.
Water Safety New Zealand will also continue its support of the popular Lotto
Swimsafe and Lotto Take The Plunge programmes plus Surf Life Saving's Beach Education and Coastguard's Safe Boating programmes,"
Mr Muir said "Water safety as an issue cannot be allowed to stagnate. Drowning is the third highest cause of accidental death in New Zealand. It is one of the highest rates of drowning in the developed world, despite the fact that the annual drowning toll has decreased 40% since l980. Water Safety New Zealand believes that education is the most effective and sustainable proactive approach to make our
communities safer in, on and under the water, and to ultimately reduce the drowning toll."
Water Safety New Zealand, in determining its direction through to the year 2000, has a major concern about core funding issues. A more sustainable funding approach is required which recognises realistically the true social value of the service it provides to New Zealand communities. " Without enhanced funding streams, community wide public education and awareness may not be sustainable" Mr Muir concluded.
For more information:
Water Safety New Zealand
Alan Muir, Executive Director
Telephone (04) 801l 9600 (Bus)
(04) 232 7778 (Prv) Fax (04) 80l 80l 9599
Water Safety NZ have also released a booklet to backup their warnings about summer and the water.
Its a useful reference and you would do well to get a copy for yourself or a few for your next event. Contents include common sense hints, and some that windsufers should be particularly aware of, like HYPOTHERMIA PREVENTION, more on that some other time maybe, First aid as in ABC and CPR (if you dont know what they mean you definitely need a copy and more!), heart conditions and epilesy ( I suspect that most windsurfing fatalities derive from conditions such as these - would you know what to do?).
The author of this little piece appears to be in the vacation business, a lot of this advice would apply anywhere...
Planning a windsurfing vacation? Here are some tips to help you have the best time possible.
1. Don't go expecting to sail a 4.0 every day. Even places like the Gorge, Aruba or Margarita cannot guarantee nuclear wind every day. If you go with the attitude that you are "hoping" to get in some sailing, you will have a better time.
2. Don't be a wind snob. Many people who spend most of the year sailing on 7.0 or larger refuse to even sail if it is a 6.0 day. You can have a great day on a larger sail, and improve your skills or work on new moves. Why sit on the beach and whine? " It's better to be planing than complaining" I actually had one guy tell me he was disappointed in the wind on his vacation, it was mostly 5.0. This from a guy who lives in San Diego, where 7.5 is a good day.
3. Don't overstate your skill level to the windsurfing station employees. They will find out your skills as soon as you hit the water. (I have actually heard people say they are "Gorge sailors" and won't be needing any lessons or clinics. Then they ask ME to tell them how to get in the straps, or they complain they can't waterstart in the 25 knot wind) Take advantage of all lessons and clinics, you will have a lot more fun and you may pick up some valuable pointers that you can use at home.
4. Even if you NEVER wear gloves at home, take some FULL fingered gloves with you. Everyone in Aruba and Margarita tend to get blisters and holes in their fingertips. I think it is because of the warm salty water. Makes it very difficult to hold on to the boom the second or third day of sailing. And I don't think duct tape works that great, and it is messy. (Johnson and Johnson waterproof tape works better, so if you refuse to wear gloves, better pack a roll of this) Best way to avoid blisters is to sail for a couple hours, then if your fingers are getting red or sore, use your gloves for awhile. Gradually increase the time without the gloves until you develop callouses
5. If you are going to a foreign country, don't expect everything to be just like at home. Take the opportunity to meet the people, see how they live, try new foods, practice your Spanish. You might learn something, and you will certainly have a new appreciation for your own country.
6. Check out the other things to do in the area. Most of the islands and certainly the Gorge have a lot to offer, so if the wind is not blowing get out and have a good time doing something else. Better than sitting on the beach watching for wind. You probably do enough of that at home!
7. Use your vacaion as an opportunity to try new gear. Let the experts where you are renting make reccomendations for you. They know the conditions and can help you get dialed in to some great gear. And places like Aruba and Margarita rent better gear than most of us own. Don't even think about taking
your own gear, it is not cost effective unless you are going for a really long time. And the hassle and worry of taking your gear on an airplane does not make for a relaxing vacation. Plus, it sure is nice not to have to rig
and de-rig every day. (And many of the airlines make you sign a separation of baggage form which means they do not have to put your gear on the same plane as you are on. So your gear may arrive a few days after you do!)
8. Pack light. Most of these places are very casual - T-shirts and shorts are as dressy as it gets. Be sure to pack your essentials in carry-on luggage. These include toiletries, harness, gloves, booties, swim suit and a change of
clothes. You could get by for your whole vacation with just these items. I can't believe how many people I have run into who have lost their luggage and they did not even pack a swim suit in their carry on. When packing, just assume the airline will lose your luggage, this way you will be prepared. In reality, they don't lose luggage that often, but it sure can ruin your vacation if you have not planned for this possiblity.
Above all, relax and enjoy. YOU'RE ON VACATION!!!!
Las Brisas del Yaque Townhouses
Margarita Island
Welcome to Watercooled Sports, latest sponsor of WNZ to join others on the Internet with their own web page. This is part of the package that WNZ sponsors now get, and for those that havent experienced it, having a presence on the Internet does work, especially with overseas visitors planning trips.
The wiNZurf web site, at
http://www.winzurf.co.nz besides having the Windsurfing New Zealand web pages including copies of these newsletters, sponsors pages including New Zealand Windsurfer, and constantly updated news such as the press releases from the PWA and Aaron McIntoshs race reports, also has the REC@NZ pages which allow anyone to register their recreation related details on the database (not limited to any sport) and advertise in the REC@DS database, any activity/ equipment, all for free! (there are currently 50+ windsurfing gear ads there).Junior & Youth Windsurfers
Note from Peter Lester, National Coaching Director
"Griffins Race Series" & associated coaching clinics
To stimulate youth windsurfing competition a series of events has been organised for this summer. The series is supported by an overall sponsor, "Gdmns" and run in conjunction with the New Zealand Windsurfing Association, Yachting New Zealand and Pt Chev Sailboards
The object of the event is 'Fun". Tuming up will be rewarded with a great looking t-shirt and other prizes, plus valuable racng experience.
Coaching clinics will be held prior to each of the four scheduled races. The proposed format for these clinics will be one hour ashore on rig tuning, demonstrations and general discussion regarding race day conditions. Our intention is to employ high profile windsurfers to be there at these events.
There will be three classes:
Novice: Polyethylene Boards + 5.5m2 Rigs (max)
Intermediate: Fun Boards
Advanced: Open Mistral
The entrance fee is $10.00.
7 December Pt Chevalier
18 January Bucklands Beach
15 February Kohimarama
22 March Murrays Bay
Culminating Mistral Nationals 17-19 April Kohimarama
There will be prizes for lst, 2nd, 3rd and 4th in each class, but in the eyes of the organisers the greatest result will be tuming up and giving it a go.
Fulrmer information can be obtained from Ben Corrigan 09 8l5 8585 evenings.
After 4/5 Heats (Sunday night as I finish this off!) ...
Ive just been looking at the results so far from the web site, after receiving a confusing press release which totally contradicted the site results.
Mens Mistral: After 5 heats we have Aaron in 1st place with 7-17-7-1-9, Jon Paul in 5th with 14-6-12-16-2, Bruce in 11th with 12-14-25-11-29 and Shane on 12 with 43-60-18-9-5.
Womens Mistral: Barbara 3rd with 6-8-3-1-4 (tight!) and Julie 36th with 32-40-27-31-27
everyone appears to be holding or improving from heat three when I last checked ...
What else is on the Net?
Get a free windsurfing theme for your PC, cursors, wall paper etc. from http://www.csionline.com/~arteiii/windsurf_theme.zip .
Also being pushed as an alternative to windsurfing is Flysurfing, essentially wakeboarding/surfing behind a kite! Check it out at http://godset.dk/rolf .
Australian women now have their own windsurfing web site, available at http://www.vicnet.net.au/~wow . Not a bad idea, maybe we should try that here?
Live pictures of NZ surf beaches? Try http://www.tybalt.eco.cri.nz/camera/ .
Advertising: Our rates are as follows:
$20 1/4 A4 $35 1/2 A4 $50 3/4 A4 $60 full A4
Our newsletter "Broad Reach" is issued every two months and is circulated to over 100 individual members and 15 affiliated windsurfing clubs who display the newsletter on club notice-boards or re-produce our newsletter in their own newsletters. The total reach is approximately 1000. Our newsletter is also produced on our home page on the internet so the reach may be much higher. Some associated sports/recreation organisations within New Zealand and several International Windsurfing Associations also receive our newsletter
If you decide to advertise, your support would be much appreciated! Payment is up front with the advertisement.
9 Pah Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island
PH/Fax 09 372 9422, Email:wsurfnz@nznet.gen.nz