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April/May 1998
In this issue is information about the Annual General Meeting to be held on Saturday 13th June:
* Notice of AGM and some of the items to be on the agenda. If you have any ideas about these or have some new ideas, fax or phone them to me and I will make sure they are included. Agenda details below.
* Nomination forms for clubs to nominate new representatives and committee members,
* Application forms for the 1998 - 1999 Windsurfing Events Calendar
Again, the meeting will be at the Pt Chevalier Sailing Club, as this is such a great venue in the most economical region! (WNZ is still not rich enough to hold it anywhere else,) However, we shall subsidise travel expenses where we can for out-of-town committee members.
Windsurfing New Zealand Annual Administration Cycle
- in order to improve and monitor administration, I have created a cycle of business that should be attended to during certain times of the year. Dictated by : - Hillary Commission and Water Safety New Zealand funding cycles - Summer/Winter Racing Seasons - AGM! - End of Financial Year This should be approved by the committee and could be reviewed annually for improvements/additions. It will also tie in with our Three Year Strategic Plan. One of our main aims will be to develop electronic communication systems - email is often the most efficient and cost effective way of doing business today. We can distribute (and receive) a large quantity of information in the blink of an eye to anyone else who has email! And it will be simple - collect addresses.
Membership Scheme
- this should also be reviewed annually - membership initiatives should be a major concern every season. We need to investigate ways in which the windsurfing industry (particularly retailers) can assist us in reaching more of the windsurfing public, and ways in which we can service our members (and the windsurfing industry) better.Instruction Scheme development
- Last year we began the development of our 'Progressive' (Intermediate - Advanced) Instructors Course. The committee met to discuss the proposed course details put together by Ben Corrigan and Anthony Wrigley, but after that we all got too busy with the summer season. There has been a big demand for Intermediate-Advanced Instructors Courses, and we hope that our application to the Hillary Commission to develop this scheme will be successful to assist us in completing materail for the first course early next season. We shall certainly be working on it over the winter. We shall also be reviewing last seasons Instructors Courses, which all ran smoothly except for having to postpone the Dunedin course until next season. Other course dates shall be set at the AGM.Youth Development
- this shall also be a priority this year, partly because it is now a priority for the Hillary Commission. There are many ways in which we can develop schemes to encourage youth participation. Ben Corrigan shall be in charge of this area, but we may have to look at securing funding and assistance for such a scheme at regional level as there is lots of funding available through Lottery Youth, Local Body Funding, and Regional Sports Trusts - all who only give funding to local organisations. The scheme would be monitored and probably driven by Windsurfing NZ, but we would need local clubs to take on the financial responsibility. The scheme is still up for discussion, but it would involve setting two weekends in which Intermediate/College school kids get to try out windsurfing either for free or for a minimal charge of $5. The dates need to be approved by local windsurfing schools, then we will create posters which will get circulated to all the local schools encouraging the kids to try windsurfing over those two weekends. A standard A4 promotional page could be distributed for inclusion in school newsletters also. Other material may be produced such as a sticker to hand out to all who participate with a picture and slogan such as "Windsurfing Kiwi". This will be an opportunity for windsurfing schools who are not already in regular contact with local schools to establish an ongoing thing!Windsurfing Schools -
Database and National Standards. I have spent quite a few hours fine-tuning the database containing participation statistics for windsurfing schools. The object is to gain a national picture of numbers participating at schools over the next few years. Of course there is still a lot of finetuning to be done in how the statistics are collected - some way which will not be a burdon for the schools but which will give us a relatively accurate record. It should be linked into our Instruction Scheme - last year we decided apon the distribution of ticket books to windsurfing schools. Every person who goes through the school is issued with a ticket which they can send to WNZ to receive their Beginner Certificates which need to be produced in the near future (and Intermediate/Advanced also once the 'progessive scheme' is underway). We also need to produce some new "Certified WNZ Windsurfing School" flags - this time out of quiet and durable material (Roger!), and continue evaluation of windsurfing schools.Racing:
The racing scene seems to be taking care of itself quite well. Last years calendar ran smoothly, with some excellently organised and attended events. Of course there is always more that can be done - the main aim of WNZ to assist Race Organisors next season will be the development of our electronic media interaction device - the internet. Of course we will need assistance from Race Organisors, but if we receive Notices of Race (A4 Advertisement type info can now be created by WNZ) prior to the event and results/interesting Race Reports as soon as possible after the events, we can quickly punch this information out over the internet to all the major papers, radio and tv stations. Soon they will get so swamped with windsurfing information they will have to start printing or announcing it more.....However, we will have to cover this cost. There will be a minimal charge for booking your event onto the calendar this year.Special Projects
- We have one more year in which to complete our "Windsurf Safe" CD-ROM project. This winter we shall be compiling all the video we now have on hand, and inserting it into the story board that has been created. Bruce shall complete design work to the layout/presentation of the programme, and put it all together to create a prototype which will be ready for spring hopefully. We hope to circulate this protoype to potential sponsors who may want to have their product displayed on the CD-ROM, or those who may have material which we can add. Creating updated CD-ROMs will be of little extra cost. When everyone is happy with the first edition, we will advertise it and distribute it according to our project plan - to educational institutions, windsurfing shops, maybe even libraries.
Shall be held on the Friday before the AGM. The purpose of the meeting will be for everyone to get together for a big rave session, and to brainstorm some ways for promoting windsurfing on a national level - what Windsurfing New Zealand can do for the industry and what the industry can do in return.
One of the keys for improving any business is gaining feedback from customers. As members of Windsurfing NZ, you are our valued customers, and we want to know what your needs are and ways we can improve our service to you. So, take a moment to jot down a few notes, and fax or email them through to me - 09 372 9422 or wsurfnz@nznet.gen.nz. We appreciate your input, and will endeavour to meet your requests.
ATTENTION ALL WINDSURFING INSTRUCTORSWant a holiday in America and to earn money at the same time? Camp Walt Whitman is looking for Instructors for their summer Camp: "Camp Walt Whitman is a co-ed children's summer camp in the New Hampshire, USA. We are currently hiring windsurfing and sailing instructors for our summer '98 program. Do you have any suggestions on how to reach NZ boardsailors? We hire a significant portion of our 175 staff members from outside the US. You can find more information at our website - www.campwalt.com and any input would be greatly appreciated! Chris Roy, Camp Walt Whitman"
A Big Welcome to our latest Industry Member June Dinnis/the Seafari Windsurfing School - at 7 Mill Rd, Whitianga (on the Coromandel) - . Ph 07 866 5263.
Wendy Kendall.
Not too much news from the other areas this time. I went (like many others I guess) to Taranaki for Easter and had a great time sailing - NOT. Actually I spent a good part of my time videoing the Surfing Masters (Lost in the 60s?) event - they get 200+ there and have a great time, spot prizes include a care and a fridge full of beer - thats style! Videoing surfings a lot easier than windsurfing too! Almo tells me that the wave (non)event has been rescheduled for October. Cheers, Bruce
DISCUSSION........courtesy of Arthur Gatland
There has been some debate regarding the classes, and whether these should be amended or not. Debate revolves around the Formula 42, which some feel has been spoilt internationally by allowing 2 shortboards, although in N2 you would be silly not to have a 1longboard if you are serious about wanting to win a F42 event.
Some feel that those who own . only a shortboard should not be expected to compete with those who own only a longboard, and vice versa. Additionally one or two have expressed the comment that we should go back to the raceboard class with 7.5m sails; 8.5s are only faster over a very small wind range, are harder to pump in really light conditions, and too much of a handful in stronger winds. As well as this, you can hold on to a 7.5 in almost any conditions which makes the equipment decisions much easier.
One thought is that perheps we should scrap F42, and just have raceboard/7.5s and Formula I for the shorties. Another school of thought says that we should just stick with the International classes, whatever they decide to do. lnterestingly there are only a handful of sailors who have really embmced F42 and have a longboard/8.5 and shortboard combination. Some of them would argue for keeping F42, because they enjoy shortboard racing, but don't want to lose the longboard option because we get so many light wind days in N2.
Another discussion relates to age groups ~ if we follow international rules and lower the grand-masters'age to 45 (which we have done experimentally for City of Sails ), should we have an other age group, say "veterans" age over 55?
If you have an opinion on these issues, please write it down and send it to Arthur and he will collate any ideas for discussion with the Windsurfing NZ executive committee. Arthur Gatland, 48 Walpole Ave, Manurewa, Ph/Fx (09) 267-6575
From a small article on Hypothermia (which didnt scan well)...
Keep hydrated.
Avoid alcohol until after the sailing session.
Fuel up on carbohydrates like whole grain cereal, oatmeal, pasta before and after you sail.
Cover up with a wetsuit or drysuit and make sure it's not too tight as it willinhibit your circulation.
Cover your head with a hood or hat. 70% of your body's heat loss is through your head.
Wear gloves if possible. Your hands can quickly become 20 degrees colder than the rest of you.
Quit when you're tired. Leave that last run for another day.
I Place yourself or the victim in warm, dry clothing.
2. Find a protected area out of the wind or rain as a shelter.
3.Rehydrate with hot liquids like tea or thin soup.
4 A hot tub is very good for recovery.
5. Severe cases will require medical attention.
The 1998 Nike World Masters Games will include windsurfing! - Hood River Event site , Columbia Gorge, August 10-14. age groups 35+, 40+, 50+ and 60+ check out www.worldmasters.org or contact Wendy.
Support these industry sponsors/shops , they support WNZ:
Seafari Windsurf School, 7 Mill Rd,Whitianga
Assault Windsurf and Surf Shop
, 24 Pacific Ave, Mt MaunganuiRotorua Windsurfers
,1 2 Willow Ave, Hannah's Bay, RotoruaEastcoast Boardriding Co Ltd
, 1091 Ferry Rd, ChristchurchWild WindSurf,
63B Morrin Rd, Glenn Innes,AucklandWild Winds Sail and Surf
, Chaffers Marina, OPT,Oriental Bay,WellingtonWatercooled Sports
,9 Kitchener St,DunedinAnderson Wind-n-surfing
, 204 Spey St,InvercargillWindsurf Pauanui
,1 6 Willow Ave,RotoruaSailboarding Safaris
, 64 Edgecliffe Blvde,Collaroy Plateau, NSW 2097,AustraliaWild Wind N Surf
, P O BOX 12 614, AucklandPositioning your sport - in the new millenium
a series of seminars aimed at the training needs of national sporting bodies.plan effectively for the future
understand the wider environment
increase funding base
market well and know the media
there is no charge but places are limited to 3 per national body.
saturday 2 may - auckland, 6 may - wellington, 16 may - christchurch
contact wendy
Here's a short report on the
Southland Windsurfing Champs.
Dallas Bradley
On a dull grey day in early March a small but hardy group of Southland Sailors gathered at Awarua Bay for the Southland Champs. The asterly( rare this summer) breeze brought a chill and liquid sunshine to the Bay, but it was wind and the team were keen to get on with it.
Too keen for some - lined up for the start of the first race, Howard Anderson suddenly realised he'd forgotten his harness. Ooops, easy fixed - turn the board over, dash back to shore, robe up and return to the start line - only to have "someone" remark about his smart blue fin. Turned out it was the fin cover!! Needless to say Howard didn't win. "Someone" should have shut up - it would have been interesting to see how the "packed out, soft shelled, super twisty" fin performed. Darrin Brown thinks he should have kept it on as Howard kept running over him at the gybe mark.
After three course races and three figure of eight slaloms Dave Nelson reigned supreme with Wally Kopae and the current champ Paul Sinclair coming second and third respectively. Incidentally Dave and Wally were fifth and sixth respectively in the Otago Champs the week before.
It was interesting to note that most of the competitors were a pretty aged looking lot - something to do perhaps with the Club motto - "better to burn out than rust". There's certainly something to the saying that there's more to windsurfing than sport - it's an attitude!
Go Hard!
Dallas Bradley
Seacat Ferry
Report by Bob Zuur
Most of you who have been sailing at Plimmerton would have encountered Seacat, the new Mana fast ferry. We (especially Paul Treacy) have been working with operators to minimise conflict. Paul and Sonya have arranged for the construction of a notice board at Plimmerton.
We had a rather unpleasant relationship with the operators of the previous Mana fast ferry who only communicated with us by slanging through the newspaper and by laying complaints with the Harbour Authorities at the Wellington Regional Council. These guys are different:
Bill Doak, managing director approached us regarding constructive ways of avoiding conflict at Plimmerton - this resulted in them adding the flashing yellow light increasing their visibility.
One of their skippers is a keen windsurfer, including a long history of sailing at Plimmerton
Seacat has offered to pick up windsurfers who get into distress out the back of Plimmerton should they be in the vicinity (I remember the summer before last, someone broke some gear (I think it was a universal) out the back and Plimmerton Boating Club refused to bring him in. So we should appreciate this offer.
Seacat has agreed to contribute to the costs of a new sign at Plimmerton providing information regarding the ferry's passage. Porirua CC are covering the remaining dollars.
One irate passenger wrote a letter to the local paper blaming windsurfers for delays to the ferry's entry into Plimmerton. Bill Doak replied about normal operating procedures requiring the ferry to slow down as it crosses the bar. He also wrote very positively about us.
Although the ferry does travel slower through Plimmerton, we should not play silly buggars in front of it. Bill Doak even encourages jumping over the wake in behind the ferry. There are few occasions when our sailing is actually disrupted by the ferry. If we keep clear we can avoid injury or damaging gear. We may even be able encourage them to sponsor a wave sailing event!! The best way to encourage good behaviour is for us to discourage bad behaviour. If you see stupid behaviour out there, let the culprit know!!!
Yachting New Zealand NEWS
February / March issue is worth a read, feature page describes the Yachting New Zealand Caltex Starcard initiative (fuelcard), apparently you get 5c / litre saving on any amount of fuel - article refers to enclosed application form, there was none in my copy and I dont know if we (windsurfers) qualify, but it could be of interest?
Other points of interest:
Star class has been confirmed as eleventh class for Sydney 2000. As the total field is limited to 400 this means less in each of the classes and a tougher route to qualification/entry for all, including our boardsailors?
Race management, some comments are followed by a calendar of RaceManagement and Judges Seminar around the country in 1998.
One whole page devoted to Windsurfing New Zealand (well done Wendy)
CDROM on Racing Rules for sailors, includes video and animation, a snip at $111.35.
Contact Wendy for more info about any of these
9 Pah Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island
PH/Fax 09 372 9422, Email:wsurfnz@nznet.gen.nz
1998 Ditch DerbyReport by Bob Zuur
Quite a lot of planning goes into each race. Most of the elements which make for a successful event can be planned for. The natural elements are impossible to organise. As so it was with the weather and (unusual for Wellington) water quality.
We were greeted to a spectacular scene when we arrived on Saturday morning. A rolling northerly swell with spray whipped up by a 30 - 40 knot northerly. Beacon Hill (the radio station which monitors shipping traffic) recorded 48 knots. And then a huge pod of around fifty dolphins swam past adding to the spray and the atmosphere as they rhythmically came up to the surface to breathe. There could only be one decision: postponement!
True to Wellington, Sunday dawned with a light southerly. But would it be too light? The weather forecast was not very optimistic. It certainly discouraged the Aucklanders who returned north with a spot of wave sailing on the way. Dean took off with his new NP Z-1 7.8 on a beam reach to determine where the buoys should be placed. A couple of quick pumps to get on the plane ... BANG!! His mast broke just above the join, tearing the luff pocket in the new sail. A replacement mast top meant that Dean could continue, even with a new water draining valve in his mast pocket!
The wind gradually increased until it was ideal for sailing in the Ditch - a solid 15 - 20 knots. Hamish Bailey, the national slalom champion (from Christchurch) convincingly won the first race, but damaged his board on shore and was unable to continue sailing. Dave McGuinness revelled in the fresh conditions won the next two races, with son and father Dougan following for second and third.
After lunch, the wind dropped a little for the fourth race and further for the fifth, favouring those with larger boards and bigger sails. Dean won both with Clayton and Dave Holt taking a second each, and Gerald and Dave McPhee taking a third each. So Dean just managed to pip Clayton for first overall. Three Daves (Holt, McGuinness and McPhee) were next.
Other titles:
First woman: Sonya Treacy;
First junior: Tony Rule.
Bad luck prize: Of course Dean for snapping his mast and tearing his new sail!!!
Sailor Race: 1 2 3 4 5 Total Place
Dean Dougan (3) 3 3 0.75 0.75 7.5 1
Clayton Dougan 4 2 2 2 (5) 10 2
Dave Holt 2 4 4 (5) 2 12 3
Dave McGuinness 5 0.75 0.75 6 (10) 12.5 4
Dave McPhee 6 (12) 7 3 4 20 5
Paul Treacy (10) 6 5 4 6 21 6
Tony Rule 5 (8) 8 8 7 28 7
Gerald Dickinson 8 9 9 (DNS) 3 29 8
Nick Hunn 9 7 (12) 10 8 34 9
Ken Gillies 12 11 10 (DNS) DNS 43 10
Dave Steele DNS 13 (DNS) 7 DNS 45 11
Sonya Treacy 11 (14) 14 11 9 45 11
Jonathon Paape 15 (17) DNS 13 DNS 54 14
Ruth Wallis 14 (DNS) DNS 15 DNS 55 13
Total 15 18 16 16 10
Note: only those who sailed at least two races are included.
Thanks to all those who helped with organising and helping, especially Dean, Dave McPhee, John Pettigrew, Veronica, John Cooper's mate with the start boat, Kapiti Boating Club which lent us two buoys. And special thanks to Sonya and Paul for making the beautiful trophies: sections of a fin on varnished wood with engraved names. Dean's bad luck prize was a section of snapped mast on varnished wood - very appropriate.
Wellington Harbour Algal bloom
Report by Bob Zuur
Any one who has sailed in Evan's Bay must be aware of the recent algal bloom - khaki green water, dead and dying fish along the shore, and a variety of respiratory related illnesses. We were aware of these facts when we decided to proceed with the Ditch Derby. Dr Stephen Palmer, the Medical Officer of Health, had repeatedly stated in the media the nature of likely symptoms, but stressing that the symptoms were unlikely to be severe. The symptoms were sore throat, sore eyes, running nose and head aches.
A number of participants reported these symptoms. I experienced these symptoms as well and I spent the day in the start boat and didn't even get wet! In response to my describing these symptoms as minor during an interview on Morning Report, I received an email from one WWA member who reported more severe symptoms. These symptoms included difficulty in breathing and eyes sticking shut. (This case was reported to Dr Palmer).
Scientists from Victoria University's marine lab at Island Bay found that virtually all the marine life in parts of Evan's Bay had died. This included reasonably hardy species such as paua.
What caused this? A species of dinoflagellate (not a masochistic T. rex!) Gymnodinium, which is a minute algal plankton species. This has previously been associated with the closure of some South Island shell fish farms. Its toxins don't need to be swallowed - simple inhalation is enough (which is why I got crook). These dinoflagellates have very specific environmental conditions during which they can thrive. This may have been associated with the warmer conditions we have been experiencing recently. It is apparently not directly related to human nutrient inputs into the harbour according to the scientists, as most of the nutrients entering the harbour come in through the tidal circulation from Cook Strait.
The stronger winds and cooler temperatures during and following the Ditch Derby have apparently dispersed or killed the algae. I saw schools of kahawai in Oriental Bay on two occasions last week.
As most of you will be aware, Windline has died. After operating for a month or so (thanks to Wildwinds, the Judder Bar, Mortgage Choice and the WWA), Windline died due to some serious hardware problems. We are looking at alternative, cheaper, but less sophisticated options. This could be something like the Hang-gliders have up Paekakariki Hill. We will keep you posted.