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*Coromandel Peninsula 
The Coromandel Peninsula has many different types of beaches
offering a range of sailing conditions. It is mostly unpopulated
with gravel roads winding through some some spectacular scenery -
plenty of places to explore - Just make sure your vehicle and
gear are trustworthy. Check out Hot Water Beach, or some of the
bush walks and waterfalls.
Dial-a-forecast: 0900 999 56 / 0900
499 03
Info Centre: Albert St, Whitianga.
Ph 07 866 5555
Hireage and Accommodation at: The Seafari Motel. 7
Mill Rd, Whitianga. Ph 07 866 5263
Access: There are many access areas to the
Coromandel harbour, one is just out from the sugarloaf at Te
Kouma, where there's a small rigging area and a ramp. 20 mins
north of Coromandel town is Papaaroha where there is a
campground and other facilities.
Suits: Slalom, longboard. Beginners......
Wind: W,SW. NW,SW for Papaaroha.
Water: Flat.
Watch: For the markers/oyster farms at
several places in the harbour
Access: Follow the signs and gravel road from the
Coromandel Township. There are camp grounds, sand beaches,
parking and rigging etc.
Suits: Wavesailing. Beginners.......
Wind: NE = cross onshore. E = side shore
seabreeze. SE = sideshore at Whangapoua.
Water: A huge swell builds in an easterly
Watch: Mean side-shorerip after a few days
of NE weather.
Access: A thriving holiday town for city-slickers,
there is good accommodation and other facilities. Sailing can
be done either in the harbour or at the ocean beach.
Suits: All types and skills depending on
when and what you sail in.
Wind: Easterly directions are onshore at the
ocean beach.
Water: Flat in the harbour, and huge on the
ocean beach in a cyclone.
Watch: The mean beach break when it gets
...more information
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