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Taranaki is renowned for wavesailing conditions comparable to
Hawaii (if a little colder). Close by is Mt Taranaki (Egmont)
which can be skiied on in winter or climbed in summer to escape
the heat. There are also walks along the mountain river or
gardens to visit on windless days - or mountain biking
expeditions to wherever.Best thing to do is contact the local
Sirocco windsurfing manufacturers/shop for best place to go on
the day. Excellent wave-sailing location located on the West
Coast of the North Island. The three main locations are: Weld Rd,
Pungarehu, and Kina Rd. Weld Rd works best in a SW and waves are
usually not too big. Pungarehu (Northerly or Southerly)has
supposedly the best waves, but is rocky. I haven't sailed there
so can't comment. Kina Rd works in a NW or SE. Sou-Easteries are
funnelled by Mt Taranaki and are usually very strong. It is
Taranaki's BIG surf location and it scares the shit out of me and
I have yet to see it on a big day.
Dial-a-forecast: 0900 999 39 / 0900
99 20
Info Centre: Cnr Liardet & Leach
Sts, New Plymouth. Ph 06 758 6086
Local Shop: Sirrocco. Cnr Croyden and Main
Rds. Ph 06 752 7562
Access: Grass rigging and parking. No other
facilities. A boat ramp leads to the channel out through the
Suits: Wavesailing. Intermediate......
Wind: S, SE = sideshore. N = sideshore but
is uncommon.
Water: Wavesize smaller than other places.
- Out for the rocks.
- That you are wearing a good wetsuit - the water can
get cold.
- That your equipment is suitable for wavesailing
Access: Drive south from Bayleys Rd or turn right at
Pungarehu. Access at 3 hours either side of high tide. Grass
but no facilities.
Suits: Wavesailing. Intermediate.....
Wind: SE = sideshore. S is Ok.
Water: Waves are of good quality and get
Watch: Rocks. That your ability is matched
to conditions.
Access: 30 minutes drive from New Plymouth, turn
right at Oaonui. A stone and sand beach with toilets. A
narrow channel with rocks exposed at low tide leads out to
three distinct breaks.
Suits: Wavesailing. Intermediate.....
Wind: SE or NW is best.
Water: SW swell in a SE wind forms best
Watch: Rocks at low tide.
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