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30 minutes drive south of Wanganui and 15 minutes out of
Palmerston North is Tangimoana - a small town with a dairy, a
camp ground and a service station. Situated at the end of the
Rangitikei river, it is one of the best speed courses in New
Zealand. Popular for white-baiting also.Speed sailing site. This
is a river mouth/estuary, at high tide the lagoon is fun, as the
tide drops its possible to sail with 1m of the bank of the
channel. Some sort of wave sailing possible on the coast. Room to
camp. Turn off the main highway going north from Wellington to Wanganui at Bulls (yes,
thats the name of the town).
Dial-a-forecast: 0900 999 10 / 0900
499 20
Info Centre: Civic Centre,The
Square, Palmerston North. Ph 06 358 5003
Closest Shop: The Wind Shed. 62
Taupo Quay, Wanganui. Ph 06 347 1460
Access: There are three access points to the river;
- Turn right (left if heading north) at Bulls and drive
down Parewanui Rd on the north side of the river, or
- drive down Tangimoana Rd, turn right and drive over
the paddock (no good if it has been raining heaps as
the river floods the paddock) or
- drive to the end of Tangimoana Rd to the ocean beach.
There is a car park - carry your gear 100m across to
the river.
Suits: Slalom, Speed. Beginners....
Wind: Anything from the West is good - NW
accelerates over the hot sand dunes.
Water: Flat.
Watch: -
Access: From the car park at the end of Tangimoana
Rd (same as above.) Rig on the sand/tarseal. BBQ area.
Suits: Slalom, wavesailing.
Wind: Westerlies = onshore.
Water: Short chop at river mouth and bigger
out the back.
Watch: Rip carrying out and down the coast
from the river.
Foxton Estuary
Good all round location in stronger winds, flat areas for
gybing and river chop hopping.
Lake Horowhenua
Small lake, with yacht club, good rigging (grass), suit
beginners and longboards.
...more information
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