*Wellington North
Wellington is the Capital city of New Zealand and the
windiest. Home of Parliament, and gateway from the north to the
south island, there are plenty of places to sail at, big city
entertainment and several windsurfing shops.
Dial-a-forecast: 0900 999 11 / 0900
499 08
Info Centre: Civic Centre. Cnr
Wakefield & Victoria Sts. Ph 04 801 4000
Local Shops: Wild Winds at Chaffers
Hire Schools: Available at the above shop.
Access: 25 minutes drive north of the
city, turn right at Whitby. Parking, grass rigging and BBQ
areas. Toilets etc
Suits: Slalom, longboarding. Beginners....
Wind: Most directions except N which is
gusty and common in summer. Strength is slightly less here
than other places.
Water: Flat.
Watch: Rocks and shells on bottom - shoes
are essential. Some banks exposed at low tide only.
In Detail: This is a large tidal inlet,
ideal for learning in just about any conditions/ directions
as its just about touch-the- bottom all the way across and is
essentially landlocked so drifters can be rescued by car.
Launching site is half way round north side. Wear sandshoes
as there are some sharp stones near the shore. Bit shallow at
low tide in places. Good place for beginners and learning
gybes, waterstarting etc.
Access: From the Plimmerton Yacht Club.
For wavesailing, there is limited access by the railway
crossing at the main highway. From the Titahi Bay side there
is plenty of access.
Suits: Slalom, wavesailing. Intermediate...
Wind: N,NW = cross/cross onshore winds
Water: Waves are not too powerful and form
good ramps. A good place to learn to wavesail.
Watch: Other windsurfers - it's a very
popular place. Boats which are navigating in/out over the
In Detail: The other wavesailing spot near
Wellington other than Lyall Bay, Plimmerton is best in a
northwesterly. Waves form over bar about 200m out. Launching
from South Beach, just over the railway lines, further round
near the fire station or alternatively on the other side of
the bay below the radio masts (turn off at Porirua and head
for Titahi Bay). Plimmerton has variety and space for the
type of sailing you want, but can get busy on a good day.
Access: From Titahi Bay turnoff.
Suits: Slalom, longboarding. Beginners...
Wind: S.
Water: Flat and shallow.
Watch: Out for the swans.
Access: ?
Suits: Slalom, wavesailing.
Wind: N,NW = cross/cross onshore winds
Water: ?
Watch: ?
In Detail: ?
Access: Various locations along shoreline,
Waikanae river mouth and points north seem best
Suits: Slalom, wavesailing. Intermediate...
Wind: N,NW = cross/cross onshore and onshore
winds, S is cross off. Winds considerably less than further
south (Plimmerton/ Wellington)
Water: Fairly flat, moderate chop in
stronger winds, break becomes difficult to get through as
wind builds.
Watch: Power boats from boat club, also
In Detail: This stretch of the coast
features long sandy beaches and a prevailing onshore or
cross-on NW wind. Good for slalom and longboard sailing
although small surf can be a challenge to get out through.
Access all the way up the coast is easy. Not a popular area
as it tends to be less windy than further south (Plimmerton
and the harbour). Can also be sailed in southerly. Wave
sailing in stronger conditions.
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