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February/March 1998
In this issue
Wendys report on whats hot and whats knot!
Local and international news and events, especially reports from Arthur Gatland and Aaron McIntosh on the Worlds event and also the Teams event at Huntly.
The latest and most up to date calendar is also appended
to Aaron McIntosh, World Champion in the Olympic Class at the recent World Champs in Perth. Also very creditable performances by all our Kiwi contingent - Barbara Kendall was 3rd in the Olympic Class and 2nd in Formula 42, Jon-Paul Tobin 5th in Olympic Class, Bruce Kendall came out of retirement to place 12th. Shayne Bright was 4th in the Formula 42 Champs, Aaron White 17th, Arthur Gatland 18th and 2nd Grand-master.
Another year rolls on......a friend of mine here on Waiheke tells me it is the Year of the Tiger in the Chinese Calendar....which apparently means lots of change. The El Nino weather patterns may even be reflecting this, or perhaps they are causing it....??? Whether you feel affected by the cosmos or not, there certainly has been change going on within Windsurfing NZ, not that this is anything new! Over the holidays, my personal computer technician, (and partner) has totally revamped my computer with a 486 Pentium, a CD-ROM drive and Windows 95. I'm not sure of all the technical jargon, but it is certainly faster - I no longer have time for a cup of tea when opening and printing files! All of this is of no cost to Windsurfing NZ as I am contracted rather than employed by the association - a simpler and cheaper option for a relatively small organisation. We are also changing the way members affiliate to Windsurfing NZ. Now they pay their money and send their details straight to us - reducing work for clubs and ensuring we are getting accurate and up-to-date details for our files. We aim to advertise this as widely as possible and are approaching large windsurfing oriented organisations for a space in their current mail-outs.
WINDSURF SAFE CD-ROM PROJECT . I recently flew down to Wellington for a funding forum organised by Water Safety NZ (was the NZ Water Safey Council), and used the opportunity to visit Bruce Spedding and look at the progress of the Windsurfing CD-ROM. Bruce has already produced a 'story-board' which contains all the important components, providing a basis to build on. We also looked at other CD-ROMs: the San Diego Zoo, a Rafting Trainer made in NZ and a Surfing promotion made in the UK. There is certainly heaps of interesting options you can use to convey information - photos, video, and cartoon, sound, voice over, and of course the music, background and format design you could use is limited only by the designers imagination. Bruce is now going to work on producing a prototype which can be a basis for developing the first batch. When the protoype is finished, we can use this to send to those who may have material (photos and video) which can then be included. The beauty of our plan is that whenever new material comes to hand, it will be easy and cost little to update the CD-ROM in the future.
FUNDING FORUM - as mentioned above, Water Safety NZ has been researching sources of funding which may be available for water orientated organisations. Lottery Grants board, who are the main funding provider to Water Safety NZ are directing their funds to other areas such as events staged for the Year 2000 "The Millenium" . Our events organisors should be receiving information about funding available for events in that year in the near future. It was interesting seeing where all the money is, especially how much is available for community organisations including Windsurfing Clubs. I will be sending information about this type of funding to clubs apon receiving it from Water Safety. I know of only two windsurfing clubs who have made use of this money - Canterbury received more funding than Windsurfing NZ did one year! I also had a chance to network with some of the other organisations, giving me more ideas for another project Windsurfing NZ could undertake - a Learn to Windsurf programme aimed at bringing windsurfing to schools and local groups. This would probably be a project for 2000, once our CD-ROM is established - and could be used as part of the programme
MEMBERSHIP DRIVE. Welcome to our new Industry Members: Rotorua Windsurfers and Windsurf Pauanui, thanks for your support. I must emphasise that the discount available from industry members is off the recommended retail price only. I apologise that early information didn't make this clear, but we sure wouldn't want the discount to come off an already discounted price! Everyone should be supporting the industry and not trying to ruin it!
COMING UP: Windsurfing NZ Instructors Courses
Sth Island:
Eastcoast Windsurf School, Christchurch, 16 - 20 Marc
Watercooled Windsurf School, Dunedin, 23 - 27 Marc
Nth Island: Pt Chevalier Windsurf School, Auckland, 6 - 10 April
Pamphlets are available titled
Opportunities for Sport Management and Coaching Qualifications, and Masters of Business Studies in Sport management as well as postgrad studies -
contactRobin ONeill, Sports Courses Administrator,
Dept. of Management Studies, Massey University,
Private Bag 11-222, Palmerston North.
SPORTS LAW MANUAL - special offer to members.
Covers selection disputes, doping and drug testing, athletes contracts, commercial issues such as use of images without permission ....
NZ Sports Assembly, PO Box 11-266, Wellington $200
1998 Maui Race Series
May 30 - Da kine Classic
June 13 - Neil pryde Slalom
June 27 - Hoyle Scweitzer Course/Slalom
July 11 - Quicksilver Cup
July 25 - Maui Fin Co. Open
Aug 8 - Hawaii State Slalom Champs
Aug 17-23 - USA Nationals
If you, like so many others, were interested in the article on Anti Ventilation Skirts by Ken Winner from the November/December 1997 issue of US Windsurfing News, but couldnt make out the pictures, then contact Wendy soon, she has about 10 spare copies for the lucky ones who get there first. Mind you the original pictures arent much easier to understand, but theres some other good stuff there too.
January 1998 issue of the IFCA Newsletter contains extensive coverage of the ISAF World Windsurfing Championships which were combined with the Funboard racing and the Olympic One Design (won by Aaron) events. Its beyond the scope of this newsletter to publish these , which are available on the net at http://www.zagato.demon.co.uk/ifca. What was interesting was the comments about the event management which was contracted to a western Australian government tourism organisation. In essence some of the competitors ended up being overcharged for travel and accomodation when they should have been saving, and that too much time and money ($500,000)was spent on professional promotion and shore facilities and not enough on the event management such as boats, officials and other equipment. "The lesson for the IFCA is never, repeat, never accept the offer of an event, however attractive and guarranteed , from any organisation that is not an experienced race management organisation.
Windsurfing New Zealand, 9 Pah Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island, PH/FAX (64)9 372 9422
A report by Arthur Gatland.
I had decided to have a go in the World Champs 6 months ago, partly with the aim of finding out how I rated against the worlds best, but primarily just to enjoy the experience of racing against the worlds top sailors. I entered the Formula 42 Class because this was what I was used to in NZ, and felt reasonably confident I could acquit myself reasonably well, at least on the longboard part of the "2 boards" permitted. Two rule changes affected me significantly - the age limit for grandmasters was dropped from 50 to 45 years, which now included me. However I didnt decide which division to enter until after arriving in Perth. Secondly, the Formula 42 rules recently changed to allow any 2 boards with the same 4 sails, maximum of 8.5 sq metres. Many sailors turned up with two short boards, however the Kiwi contingent chose to stick to the one longboard, one shortboard combination.
The Formula 42 World Champs attracted 44 men and 13 women competitors; slightly disappointing in total numbers, but a high quality field that included several World Cup sailors. Once bonus was that we would all race together, and get an overall result as well as our individual division places.
As I said previously, many sailors chose to race with two short boards; one very light wind course-slalom board with a wide tail, including a few of the radical "flapper" boards becoming popular in the US. They have a virtually square tail with a "flap" out the back which prevents cavitation and spin-out of the fin. The half of the field who had longboards were hoping we would be raced in very light winds - unofficially the wind minimum at the start was 8 knots, although officially there were no wind limits. World Cup sailor Steve Allen (Australia) turned up with 2 shortboards, and his 4 sails consisted of three 8.3 sails, all designed for different wind strengths, and one smaller sail of 6.2 as required by the class rules. Most of us were more conservative; my high wind options were an AHD 285, and Neil Pryde VX3 7.4, 6.6 and 5.9m sails. We had been told to expect the "Fremantle Doctor" sea-breeze to produce around 25 knots of wind, and my gear was designed for this. Unfortunately this never happened!
The courses were mostly a windward/leeward course (colloquially known in NZ as the sausage), either 2 or 3 laps. The upwind beat was usually around 3 kilometres. On one day an M course was set, with 2 laps. Fremantle has little ocean swell, being fairly shallow till well off-shore. However the south-westerly sea breeze, when it gets stronger, whips up a fairly vicious chop which makes the downwind runs quite interesting.
DAY 1: We were sent to the start line in around 8 knots of wind for 2 back-to-back races, and longboards proved the correct choice. Shayne Bright picked up a 1st and 2nd, I was 7th and 10th out of 44 which was a good boost to my confidence. However, this was badly knocked in race 3 after a lunch break. The wind had picked up to shortboard conditions of 18 knots. The problem was WEED! The course was liberally spread with stringy seaweed which you couldnt avoid, and while longboards werent too badly affected, shortboard performance was killed - and the weed was getting worse. Many of the sailors came prepared with weed fins - high aspect fins raked at 45. I stopped about 15 times to remove weed, and got flicked twice after weed caused uncontrollable spin-out. 28th in this race, but I still finished 9th overall for the day. Shayne had another good race and leads the field after day 1, and Barbara Kendall leads the women.
DAY 2: Race 4 looked like being around 15 knots but dropped off just before the start, causing a scramble for longboards. A good decision as it dropped to 6 knots for the first lap of the sausage course, but picked up rapidly to about 17 knots as the "Doctor" kicked in. Shayne had another 1st, I was happy with a 7th. After the break, 2 back-to-back shortboard races. After a discussion with Shayne and Barbara, I decide it is better to plough on dragging weed unless it gets really bad - and try to keep my cool and not get annoyed and I had in race 3! The wind stayed at around 18 knots, my 7.4 and 285 board not quite matching the 8.3 and 300 boards, certainly not with weed. A 23rd and 24th for me, Shayne finishes in the top 10 to lie 3rd overall, and Barbara retains her lead in the womens division. Aaron White, who is sailing in Formula 1 (one board, 2 sails), is understandably struggling in the light, but has a couple of good results to start working his way up the field.
DAY 3: Very light winds meant no racing until 3pm. The morning was interesting. Four Danish sailors had protested race 4 on a technicality about repositioning the top mark, and the race was thrown out. Shayne and Barbara led a counter-protest and after a prolonged hearing the race was reinstated with some scoring adjustments. When we finally got out on to the water, the wind couldnt make its mind up whether to stay light or to fill in. I opted for my longboard and 8.5, but struggled when it picked up to around 18 knots. Those on shortboards did well, while I finished mid-fleet in 22nd. There was time to change to my shortboard for race 8, but once again the weed was troublesome. The previous evening I had driven to Perth to buy the only powerbox weed fin available, but it was a bit small unless we got 25 knots plus. I persevered with my 400mm course fin - the result was 6 stops to clear weed and a disappointing 26th. After day 3 I am lying 15th overall, and engaged in a close struggle with Joseph Roth (USA) for the grandmasters division.
DAY 4: Another frustrating day. The race committee set an M course, 2 laps, for the first time. There were 2 problems today - we were sent out in 10 knots of wind, and then made to wait for 30 minutes before the start, during which time the wind picked up to around 20 knots. This became a struggle for those of us with 8.5 sails. The second problem was WEED, which was now over the entire course and became a real hassle for those without weed fins. I stop at every gybe mark to clear my fin, and occasionally during reaching legs as well. Barbara and Shayne manage to borrow weed fins, but I still cant get hold of anything suitable. I finish 24th and 25th, and go into the final day in 18th overall, lying 2nd in the grandmasters by 10 points.
DAY 5: Final day. The forecast is for lighter winds, and the Kiwis are looking forward to some longboard racing. One good race will see Shayne move from 3rd to 2nd, Barbara would overtake World Cup sailor Karen Jaggi to take 1st, and I would pass Joe Roth to win the grandmasters and move to around 11th overall. We wait, meanwhile watching an impressive freestyle competition in temperatures of 39.4C! At 2pm the sea breeze starts, and it is announced that racing will start, with the Mistral Open fleet followed by Formaula 42. At 3:15pm an announcement is made "All Formula 42 racing abandoned", although racing can start up to 5pm. We cannot believe it! The wind is 6 to 8 knots and quickly rises to 12 knots over the next 2 hours. Some shortboard sailors are planing around the course. The race committee apparently decided that the wind would not come up, reportedly influenced by some shortboard sailors who didnt want to race, and cancelled racing to the utter disgust and disbelief of many F42 sailors. We didnt come all this way to go home early at the whim of some Aussie official. A good series racing finishes on a sour note.
Shayne Bright finishes in 3rd place, Barbara Kendall is 2nd woman, Aaron White is 17th, and I finish in 18th, and 2nd in the grandmasters. Day 6 was supposed to be the grand marathon finale, but 42 and 5 knots of wind caused this event to be cancelled as well.
The final frustration was to come at the prizegiving, where we discovered that a correction to the scoring had moved Shayne down to 4th - a similar thing in the Olympic Class had slid Jon-Paul Tobin from 3rd to 5th overall. However, it had been a good event for NZ, with Aaron McIntosh becoming World Champion again in the Olympic Class, and excellent results by all our represntatives. Despite several frustrations (worsened by the adrenalin of the occasion) I thoroughly enjoyed the whole atmosphere, the racing, and meeting some great fellow competitors.
Canterbury Windsurfing Assn. from the minutes, 21st January 1998.
Reports on club events since last meeting:
22nd Nov 97 South Island Cup, Canterbury Round - No wind Saturday, good wind Sunday. It was agreed more short distance races should be held for this event. Hamish Bayly won all races, followed by Roberto Hoffman, James Dinnis and Aaron White. 34 competed, successful event.
3 Dec - Successful social evening to end the year.
SouthIsland Cup - Dunedin Round: Racing held Saturday afternoon only with 6 course and 6 downwind slalom (busy!). Satrts were dodgy and and having sailors crossing paths during racing was dangerous - lessons to take to Nationals!
2nd Jan 98 - Lake Coleridge Day - 20 carloads of sailors and families had a great day 25 knot NW, voted the best day ever by some they returned the next day for more!
Planning for upcoming events, including the Nationals, hopefully reported elsewhere here....
Arthur produced a newsletter on Jan 6th which meant that tehre were a lot of events coming but none to report on, however the International Teams event and the Worlds are reported elswhere ... coming up ?
1998 Formula 42 Nationals. Our usual great line-up of NZs best course racers - and it will be our usual world-class field of sailors. However, ALL levels of sailors are welcome to all these events, and it is a great opportunity for beginners and intermediate sailors to gain valuable experience against some very good windsurfers. It often amazes me that we get around 50 competitors in a City of Sails event, but call it a "Nationals" and we only get about 30 sailors, although the top sailors are exactly the same people! Sailors overseas would pay big money to get the opportunity to sail in an event like this!
The events continue through March and April - consult our Club calendar for details.
newsletter.Quotes form Michael Jordan on ...
I can accept failure. Everyone fails at something. But I cant accept not trying.GOALS: Step by step. I cant see any other way of accomplishing anything.
FEAR: Fear is an illusion.
COMMITTMENT: There are no shortcuts.
TEAM WORK: Talent wins games, but teamworkand intelligence win championships.
FUNDAMENTALS: The minute you get away from fundamentals, the bottom can fall out.
LEADERSHIP: If you dont back it up with performance and hard work , talking doesnt mean a thing.
Extract from Travel Fitness (Johnson Tulin)
Give yourself a day or two to adjust after a long flight.
Travel rested.
Avoid alcohol and sleep aids.
Stay hydrated.
Eat sensibly.
Go easy on yourself.
Wayne died in Bali on 23 December at the age of 50 years while on holiday. He came in from surfing very tired and had a heart attack in his room. Wayne was the author of "A Guide to Surfriding in New Zealand" will which I used to try and answer queries about surfing in New Zealand from overseas internet users, they had no other place to go until relatively recently. Wayne decided to make his book available over the Internet as a result and although I dont think many were sold he was enthusiastic about the concept. Anyone who has seen this book will recognise the potential for a windsurfing guide in a similar vein, and as the WNZ guide is due for an update I was planning to talk to Wayne about a possible joint venture. Before he died he had just finished compiling a book soon to be released "Surf and Snow New Zealand Guide Book". A comprehensive guide to both surfing and snowboarding in New Zealand both extremely useful and pictorial. With Wayne's obvious knowledge of his own country through extensive travel, research and participation this book will probably be the best testimony to the man I never met but admired.
Bruce Spedding
8th March 1998
Entries accepted from 9.00 8th March at
Takapuna Boating Club, open to all sailboards and catamarans over 14, Entry $20
9.30 briefing
10.30 Round the Island Race,
prize giving to directly follow race
contact Don Wrigley
Ph/Fax (09) 443 2735
MOBILE 025 764841
Arthur Gatland
48 Walpole Avenue, Manurewa
Auckland, New Zealand
Phone/Fax 64-9-267-6575
Mobile NZ 025-734839
e-mail: gatland@pl.net
16 Feb 1998
What a fantastic event! Once again Teams Racing proved itself to be the most exciting, and appealing as a spectator sport, out of all types of windsurfing racing.
A quality field of 28 windsurfers converged on Lake Waahi near Huntly for the 3rd NZ International Teams Event. This year saw competitors from Germany, Great Britain, Australia and Tahiti, in addition to a very high class NZ contingent. The locals included World Champion Aaron McIntosh, Olympic Gold Medallists Bruce Kendall, World Champs top-5 sailors Shayne Bright and Jon-Paul Tobin, and several rising stars amongst the youth sailors competing.
Numbers were down slightly on the last event, because of the 2-years to go before the 2000 Olympics and many overseas sailors being in non-training mode; however the competition was every bit as exciting as last time, with extremely close racing in all pools. In addition to the main event using IMCO equipment, a teams competition was held for those sailors with Formula 42 equipment and the IMCO sailors who did not qualify for the 10-team IMCO teams event. As a result, everyone who entered was able to compete in a teams competition - which meant everyone went away with a smile on their faces from this incredibly enjoyable type of racing. Ian Young and Arthur Gatland won the "F" pool using Formula 42 gear; but it is fair to say the main competition was in the IMCO event, where the semi-finals and finals in particular resulted in some extremely exciting and closely fought battles.
The format consists of 2-man teams racing around a short 7-minute course, with tactics and securing right-of-way being paramount. The last sailor to finish makes his team lose, so it is up to a leading sailor to protect and help his lagging team-mate. Forcing an opponent to infringe the rules and earn a penalty turn can create a chance for your team-mate to catch up. The race is closely watched by on-water umpires, whose unenviable task is to adjudicate on the numerous infringements and protest calls. A world-class teams of umpires included Tom Schnackenberg, Russell Green, Murray Jones and Barbara Kendall (who was unable to compete because of a knee injury.)
Racing was held over two days, with an ideal 7 to 10 knot wind on Saturday, but considerably lighter winds on Sunday made for a late start and a few delays during the day. Lake Waahi is a perfect venue, with the ability to set courses close to the shore which allowed for great spectator viewing. The windsurfers were welcomed on to the Horahora Marae for the inevitable Saturday night party - they enjoyed superb hospitality as well as an enjoyable dinner and breakfast on Sunday morning. The party was a high spot of the event, with the resulting hangovers probably being the contrasting low point of the event. It was probably a good thing that light winds meant a slow start to racing on Sunday.
After the elimination pools of 5 teams, Sunday racing continued with the semi-finals and a best of 3 final. The title-holders of Bruce Kendall and Aaron McIntosh showed excellent tactics as well as board speed to win the finals by 2-0 from the German team of Lutger Gawlitta and Christian Kloster. The German team impressed many people with their enthusiasm and sheer enjoyment of the event, and Christian Kloster earned the Sport Waikato Fair Play award for his sportsmanlike conduct throughout the whole event. It was also great to watch the performance of the younger and less experienced sailors. Far from being overawed and overshadowed by the internationals, they competed extremely well and made some very good sailors work hard for their victories.
Organisers Arthur Gatland and Terry Blewett are determined that this great event will continue, and already have promises of attendance from other internationals who were unable to make this years event. With the approaching 2000 Olympics, the 1999 Teams Event promises to a great one!
1. Aaron McIntosh, Bruce Kendall (New Zealand)
2. Christian Kloster, Lutger Gawlitta (Germany)
3. Jon-Paul Tobin (NZL), Alex Baronjan (Germany)
4. Shayne Bright, Scott Radley (NZL)
5. Andrew Blewett, Bruce Trotter (NZL)
6. Stewart Tamulevicius (Australia), Matthew McCormick (NZL)
7. Julie Worth (NZL), Christine Johnstone (Great Britain)
8. Manu Rousseau, Laurent Grinaud (Tahiti)
9. Royce Clark, James Wells (NZL)
10. Robert OLoan, Vaughn Clark (NZL)
11. Sheena McKinnon, Isabel Wells (NZL)
12. Jon Blewett, Briar Macky (NZL)
This is an abridged version of Aarons account, the full article is available on his web site -Aaron McIntosh reports ...
... November 18 we all departed Perth for Noumea for the tradewind trophy , as we had not done much racing in recent times we decided that it was best that we get in a regatta to sharpen up our race skills. This even went exceptionally well the Kiwis dominated a small but classy field. I place first, Jon Paul second and Bruce third with Barbara winning the Womens event.
...10th December Day 1, this was it , we had done the work to the best we possibly could time to put our hard done training to work.
Well we waited for the wind , we were greeted with conditions that we had never seen before it just way it goes we had spent 5 weeks in Perth god lad Murphys law oh well.
After 3 general recalls we were away all the Kiwis had started poorly but managed to pull up through the fleet finishing I finished 7th Joao Rodrigous Portugal won this race.
Day 2 same again we waited for the wind it came but no grunt 8-10 knots I placed 17th not recovering well from a bad start.
Day 3 the wind a light Sea breezes stared to fill-in we had 3 races I had another 7th and then went on to win the next , the breeze was getting up to 25 knots this is what we were expecting I had a 9th. This put me in first = with the Portugal sailor. Consistent top 10 placings did this
The 13th a lay day a chance to watch the Whitbread fleet depart for Sydney what a sight a spinnaker start heading North to a mark off the shore before heading out to sea and South. This was a day the sea breeze really kicked in but no racing for us.
Day 4 Light to moderate winds from the SW 10-15 knots and lots of sea grass to slow everyone up this made things very interesting I placed 2nd and 16th.
Final Day 3 races scheduled this was it I was sitting in 2nd place 1 point off the lead and 3 points from 3rd and 4th it was going to be tight. Race 8 I finished 4th just in front of my rivals. Still tight race 9 I placed 3rd and my competition had bad races , I was sitting pretty for the last race I needed to finish in the top 10 and be close to my rivals , I placed 8th and beat them.
That was it I had done it World Champion 1997. Other Kiwi placings.
Jon Paul Tobin 5th
Bruce Kendall 10th
Shane Bright 31st
Barbara Kendall went in the final day 1st = with the Italian sailor but a late Charge from the Hong Kong Gold Medalist pushed her into 3rd.
All in all a great performance from the Kiwis top country by far, We did the hard training and the results came.
I would like to thank the following for there support. LINE 7 , Rip Curl , Windscene Windsurf , Power Bar , Oakley and the New Zealand Sports Foundation.
I would like to welcome SUBARU to my team as a new sponsor.
Advertising: Our rates are as follows:
$20 1/4 A4 $35 1/2 A4 $50 3/4 A4 $60 full A4
Our newsletter "Broad Reach" is issued every two months and is circulated to over 100 individual members and 15 affiliated windsurfing clubs who display the newsletter on club notice-boards or re-produce our newsletter in their own newsletters. The total reach is approximately 1000. Our newsletter is also produced on our home page on the internet so the reach may be much higher. Some associated sports/recreation organisations within New Zealand and several International Windsurfing Associations also receive our newsletter
If you decide to advertise, your support would be much appreciated! Payment is up front with the advertisement.
9 Pah Rd, Onetangi, Waiheke Island
PH/Fax 09 372 9422, Email:wsurfnz@nznet.gen.nz
Formerly the NZ Outdoor Recreation Assembly, this organisation has been running for at least a couple of years and aims to bring together all outdoor recreation groups. It ha s3 main areas of operation:
Advocacy: Liason, funding, development and policy.
Standards and Training: Representation on SFRITO and ITOs as well as standards bodies.
Services: Planning, financial managementnetworking, sponsorship, publicity...
More information can be obtained from Wendy K. or
Chris Knol, , Ph 04 385 7287 , fax 04 385 9680
P.O.Box 11-776, Manners Mall, Wellington.
BUCKLANDS BEACH YOUTHSAIL - has been changed from the 17018 January to the 17-19 April, 3 days after the Olympic Youthsail at the same venue and in the middle of the school holidays - this clashes with the 1998 Mistral Nationals at Kohimarama but less advanced and beginners are expected to be able to attend.
The Woollahra Sailing Club and YNZ have reached an agreement which will allow prospective NZ Olympic class sailors to use the clubs facilities in Sydney over the next 3 years, its very close to the Olympic venue.
Wellington Windsurfing Assn are planning to have their Ditch Derby soon - hopefully you wont read this, but if you are it means I havent found out when. Contact WildWinds for details
Superstar - original style with large sail, suit beginner with a suitable smaller rig. contact Bruce (Wellington) 04 4759236 email bruce@winzurf.co.nz (on behalf).
2x Olympic (IMCO) boards complete with rigs, both 1995/96 models, asking $2500, $2900 respectively. Contact Matt Wood (04) 2371 591
DITCH DERBYweekend 21/22 March, boat starts, long down wind slslom in
Evans Bay -
Contact Wild Winds for details - Ph 04 384 101
Fx 04 384 4776
Theres still time to join/rejoin Windsurfing New Zealand - get the cool card, the discounts and support the sport!